So about these freelancers...

No red flags went up when they stated they needed to do PSD mockups first? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you just wanted a theme change, had the theme picked out, then for some reason agreed to allow them to do PSD mockups for a new site for you? WTF?

Hate to say it, but I was going to post pretty much the same thing. Why PSD mockups?! That doesn't make any fucking sense for what you're asking to have done.

I don't understand why people don't grill their potential hires.

I've literally seen conversations with employers and potential contractors go down like this:

Employer: Can you do X?
Contractor: Yes.
Employer: How much do you charge?
Contractor: I charge X per hour.
Employer: Ok you have the job!

How anyone can expect the hire to be good at their job when they have done nothing to vet the person they're hiring is beyond me.

Make them prove it (and I don't mean with a portfolio). Make them sit down and build something or show you examples of their work (github).

We're talking WordPress so have them build a plugin that changes the font, should take less than 5 minutes, and then review the code.

The mere suggestion of writing a plugin will scare off 90% of people who have no idea what the fuck they are doing and you'll be left with, at least, people who are willing to prove themselves to you.

Personally, and this is just me, but stay they fuck away from $2 hires. The money you will save on the hourly rate you will lose in wasted time and frustration when they inevitably fuck it up, shrug and say "Well what do you expect for $2 hour".

Hire people who are good at their job, pay them well and you'll have no problems.
No red flags went up when they stated they needed to do PSD mockups first? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you just wanted a theme change, had the theme picked out, then for some reason agreed to allow them to do PSD mockups for a new site for you? WTF?

No offence, but sounds like your own fault for not knowing what the hell you're doing.

Of course they're going to try and sell you on a full design package. That's their job. To milk you for as much as they can.

Tons of red flags went up. That's why I started a thread in Wickedfire. I mean I was sitting at my desk looking at the response thinking "this smells like over-inflated shit" and then looking at the designers reviews with her scoring 4.5 out of 5 and thinking "what is wrong with this picture."

Anyhow, that freelancer is dropped. Back to beating the bushes.
why would you even look at designers when youre trying to port a bunch of pages from one theme to the other.

if you hire a designer you shouldnt get mad when they think you have a design problem.