Snacking while working

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New member
May 23, 2008
So as you can see I`m new to WF, and as I`ve been reading through the forums I noticed a post about losing weight. I was inspired to post something health related and was hoping to get a bit of a thread going about how a lot of people in this industry eat. Most people regardless of their job eat whatever whenever these days until it becomes an issue. So without making this long winded what kind of foods, snacks or meals have you found the MOST complimentary to a busy day in front of your computer?

Even better have you found anything that makes you more productive


So as you can see I`m new to WF, and as I`ve been reading through the forums I noticed a post about losing weight. I was inspired to post something health related and was hoping to get a bit of a thread going about how a lot of people in this industry eat. Most people regardless of their job eat whatever whenever these days until it becomes an issue. So without making this long winded what kind of foods, snacks or meals have you found the MOST complimentary to a busy day in front of your computer?

Even better have you found anything that makes you more productive

Sesame sticks. And goldfish. Seperate, never mixed. Not health food, but better than my other vice (pizza)
oddly enough, I always seem to end up eating stuff that I have to wipe my hands first to use my keyboard, which is a pain. so i always keep spoons nearby and i am no longer afraid to open a can of honey roasted peanuts, which I am currently indulging in.and juice, lots of juice. seems to make me feel better about eating nothing but junk most days. and gallo pinto, pinto.
jars and jars of peanut butter ... no jelly, chocolate or any other sidekick to ruin the taste.

A recipe from college for my WF friends
Equal parts of peanut butter and marshmallow cream and a liberal amount syrup to suit your taste. Whip it up until it forms a mouse texture then chomp on it with (cinnamon) graham crackers or eat it straight from the spoon. I call it "Peanut Butter Crap" for lack of a better name.

My daughter swears by this stuff now ... it's amazing how stoned creations can linger around to haunt you the rest of your life.
I'm not a big snacker - but I always seem to have a 2 liter of dr. pepper next to me at the desk. I suppose there is enough sugar and crap in that to qualify as a snack though.
Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, oatmeal cream pie cookies, and pizza.

For productivity, I pop 3 or 4 NoDoz caffeine pills daily and drink a couple of Monsters and Rockstars throughout the day.
Fuck... no wonder our countries have obesity issues LOL

I've found that Black♦Black gum makes me a LOT more productive. It's basically half a cigarette worth of nicotine and two cups of coffee worth of caffeine in a stick of gum.

If I'm hungry, I'll usually make myself a stick of celery loaded with super crunchy peanut butter, or if I can be arsed I'll make a corn and leek soup. It's fills the stomach nicely, and is pretty low in actual kilojoules, but tastes damn nice.

Erect: I'm so making that for the next time I get out some blunts.
Nickycakes: I've got to make some of that (although have to use Masterfoods mustard)...
Gatorade, water, sunflower seeds. Occasionally I'm on the other side, chips and soda.
Woah nice work on the snacks I feel UBER healthy haha...honestly if anyone ever needs any advice on how to trim up and still work in a world where your required to sit all day let me know..I'm gonna post some simple nutrition tips that can really help you feel good all day.
Most people regardless of their job eat whatever whenever these days until it becomes an issue.

I don't know about all that.

Now a days people are working out more than ever imo, have you been to a gym lately? they are literally on every street corner since people are going there.

Asking computer nerds about health and getting fit you're going to get different answers but, saying "most people..." is definitely not accurate.
I guess I shouldn't have generalized about 'most people'. I just know a lot of busy people don't always know they have more options than grabbing whatever they see the moment they are hungry. Wasn't attempting to sum up the eating habits of an entire industry :)

I agree with you about more people going to the gym, I am a personal trainer and nutritional consultant and I am always interested in what people are doing to potentially make themselves more healthy and productive, computer nerds included! :)
I like a good quality submarine sandwich from the grocery store. Its quick, I can take it back home, my hands dont get dirty. And the big bonus is you dont have to eat it hot like a burger or something. So if you get busy it is still good in 30 minutes.
Chipotle. Some of you guys might have them in your states (although it's not quite nationwide yet). To those that don't, it's a fast food burrito/taco place that is absolutely

It's right next to my house. I eat there like 4 or 5 times per week even though I know I shouldn't. ;)
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