Smart Phones + Mobile Advertising = Winning ($$$)

Jun 11, 2008
Most Popular Phones today is safe to say these

Each Of these phones have there specific type like HTC, BB 8900 series/bold/torch , Iphone 3gs/4 .. all these phones are smart phones meaning there going to take over the world pretty much and make a lot of other things obsolete. Meaning Many people visit applications on there phone and websites with advertising. You would be surprised i didn't think there was a lot of money in mobile advertising but there is. There is over 80 million smart phone users in the united states. People are on there phone more than on a laptop and computer. People socialize( , Buy and sell ( and even play games like angry birds and others


Basically Now with advertising Platforms such as You can Buy Traffic and set up Campaigns Just Like you do in Adwords.Facbook ads and P.O.F and other sources you use
Top Offers That convert well for me include
Try and ask your affiliate managers at your networks about top converting offers I know Marty And Kiersten over at have helped me alot. Marty is like the mobile advertising king over there and handles alot of the mobile offers and i do recommend you sign up for neverblueads and talk to him about mobile advertising if you wanna bank !!!!

If you have a neverblue account you can obviously check out the mobile optimized campaigns and see which ones has the highest network epc

I feel as if this will be inevitable and any one can profit from this with the right campaigns and make $xx,xxx - $xxx,xxx /Month with mobile affiliate networks and advertising. so this was my little review and shout out to the whole neverblue network and department thanks for making me spoiled rich

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a PM

i get the sense you havent actually tried running on any of these platforms from this dumbass post. gl bro if you think mobile is easy lol
lol @ mobile being easy.. this is comical.. dating converted at like 1:500 insurance 0:800 etc.. but don't take my word for it.. go ahead and give it a test for yourself like i did :)..
haha sorry .. though ill give some noobs a chance :) anyways .. itll be a nice coaching job for me to start the summer :)

I know right! That's always what I do when I find something that makes me spoiled rich, I get a nice coaching job for the summer to teach my breakthrough profit system. As g5lifestyle said, I too get the sense you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and dropping the coaching nugget afterwards makes it pretty clear what your intentions were of creating this thread.
Mobile Sucks if you don't know how to market it!!! obviously i made this thread to help others get into a great niche !!! some of you may take it and grow from it and others will not apply and sit hear and make ($0) wile reading other threads on how to make money.. all i know is that i'm making money and i figured i'd be nice and share how !!! i doubt half of you don't have any profitable campaigns and you belong to a forum called DigitalPoint where the rest of the marketing faggits belong that don't know how to affiliate market!!!
The other route is offering mass SMS texting services like Trumpia. If you guys are looking to provide SMS services to clients, you should look into the Trumpia White Label Reseller program.
I've been working with Admob for a little while and it's alright. The issue I have is literally 99% of the traffic clicks the ad and then closes the browser before it even loads, so you can send 10k clicks and get like 50 actually end up on the lander. But of the ones who do end up there, conversion rates are much higher than web. Been trying to figure out how to stop people from dropping off but haven't figured that out yet, you got any tips?
I've been working with Admob for a little while and it's alright. The issue I have is literally 99% of the traffic clicks the ad and then closes the browser before it even loads, so you can send 10k clicks and get like 50 actually end up on the lander. But of the ones who do end up there, conversion rates are much higher than web. Been trying to figure out how to stop people from dropping off but haven't figured that out yet, you got any tips?

Are you running through tracking software like 202? Maybe the extra step is taking too long and the person closes the browser before the page loads.
i was just joking in my last post but mobile blows. Wasted around $500 and got back only about $30. Look at the ratio. Keeping it at bay for a while + if anyone noticed, there is a huge discrepancy between clicks on network and clicks reported by ad networks. over 50% on one campaign.
I find with mobile traffic there is too much click discrepancy and overall leaking because of the inferior tracking and targeting which mobile currently has. Some ad networks are better than others, such as Jumptap, Admob, and there are some complete garbage ones who sent me obvious fraud clicks.

With a particularly bad ad network for example sometimes I would target Canadian iPhone users on a particular carrier and suddenly I would have 203 clicks to a 5 different Australian offers from many different handsets, 125 to America (all different offers) etc. etc.

I still find the best way to market mobile offers is through good old fashioned desktop computers. I found through my testing that a lot of people aren't willing to fill out a 2 page CPA offer on their iPhone, and that the 1 page submits weren't worth anybody's time.

But some people are finding success with it obviously. It was profitable for me, but it took a shit load of testing and many headaches to do so, then the campaign would quickly go stale and you'd have to rinse and repeat. The margins for me were too small for such effort.

I do think there is a future in it though, once the tracking, ad networks etc. improve and more and more people hop on the smart phone wagon.
Are you running through tracking software like 202? Maybe the extra step is taking too long and the person closes the browser before the page loads.

I set up a couple of test campaigns that were just direct linked to see the exact difference between ad clicks and clicks who actually end up on the page, and it was HUGE. You never had this issue? I think it might just be that people expect something to happen within the app, so when the browser randomly launches they just close it.
child on the parents phone is classic. am sure atleasy 30-50% clicks daily are actually their child clicking. My son has atleast clicked on 50 odd ads :p