Slick ass ad on Google - Anyone ever tried this?


WF Bronze Member
May 13, 2011
Gone Baby Gone
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Nice for PPC. But I am #3 on a tough, but well converting keyword (organic), and this totally shoves me below the fold. @#$%@

And no, I cannot get a positive ROI on the PPC. :(
I figured it would be invite only for now. I'd be curious to see what their rates are, is it priced like clicks are (ie keyword based auction), etc. Also interesting that it's not a double opt-in though so I wonder what kind of quality they're getting.

There's no additional cost for now, it's double opt in if the optin isn't using a Google account, otherwise permissions are managed via your google signin, if I had to guess I'd say it probably sucks a truckload of ass as it's just an email submit and it's hard to get a value proposition across in an ad unit, so it will attract the bored and your competition.