Silicon Valley Season 1

I fucking hate this bullshit "awkward" vibe they have going on. Why is it that every fucking tech guy has to be a socially inept fucking twat. It pisses me right the fuck off.

I'm a big fan of silicon valley's startup scene so I'll probably continue watching the show while slowly cutting my thighs with a serrated hunters knife.

Aren't most genius level coders/scientists/savants socially inept?


Think you left out the "e"

I fucking hate this bullshit "awkward" vibe they have going on. Why is it that every fucking tech guy has to be a socially inept fucking twat. It pisses me right the fuck off.

I'm a big fan of silicon valley's startup scene so I'll probably continue watching the show while slowly cutting my thighs with a serrated hunters knife.

It's called reality. 'Half of Silicon Valley's got mild autism'

The Tech Industry's Asperger Problem: Affliction Or Insult?

Temple Grandin: 'Half of Silicon Valley's got mild autism' - San Jose Mercury News
The characters just seem like they are going to be hard to develop. Stainer from Shes out of my league is great so far. Mike Judge I feel like is trying to create it as an entourage with out the flashiness of Hollywood life. Am a watcher so far and will post my review after season 1
The characters just seem like they are going to be hard to develop. Stainer from Shes out of my league is great so far. Mike Judge I feel like is trying to create it as an entourage with out the flashiness of Hollywood life. Am a watcher so far and will post my review after season 1
I think you'll be sold on the whole season if you give episode 2 a second watch (the test of a decent comedy). That scene where he tries collecting the check without the business plan is brilliant. Agree they're using "Stainer" (had to google that show/character) to great effect. Don't really agree about the character development - main guy will grow with ups and downs (find love, etc) and the wisecrackers will wisecrack. Works for me. Then again, so does Vikings.