Silicon Valley Season 1

Decent first episode - good casting, great satire. Peter Gregory is like a morph of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
The first episode was really good...but I'm setting my sights on AMC's new show "Halt and Catch Fire."

[ame=]Trailer: Break Some Rules: Halt and Catch Fire: Series Premiere - YouTube[/ame]

Halt and Catch Fire – AMC

I Know H.T.M.L.
If they can keep it up, can be the next type of 'Big Bang Theory type show'.
Manage our expectations responsibly, Gertex - you don't want to say anything that you can't take back.


Like anywhere else, most shops in my neighborhood close their doors weekdays between 3:00-3:30pm when Big Bang Theory runs on TNT.

Some shops don't even bother locking the door because when you think about it, how much foot traffic is there going to be while that haughty Sheldon is waxing poetic anyway? Zero, that's how much.

I remember a couple of years ago a local club spread the rumor that the Jewish kid from Big Bang Theory was slated to spin on a Saturday night which coincided with the spring equinox and a lunar eclipse - TOTAL. FUCKING. MAYHEM.

The block was totally overrun and, of course, some urban youths beefed and shots were fired. Unfortunately my girlfriend took a bullet from the gun of an angry Negro in her shoulder; she did survive the shooting but caught hep C from a dirty transfusion in the hospital.


While that was without question the worst night of my life (I waited 90 minutes and didn't even get in the club) the upside was that the show heard about the incident and Hernán Delgado (writer seasons 2 & 3 - he was heavy on ironic themes and those frustrating romantic plots GRRRGH!!! - Hernán on Big Bang Theory: "I craft each episode to be as smooth and hairless as my chihuahua Higuerra when I give his underside a deep tissue massage with copious amounts of hypo-allergenic Jergens. The cast does a decent job, but I have to say that it's my fans who make it all worthwhile. So to that fink at the Los Angeles Times who called me a "nerd" - I ask him this - would a nerd substitute cocaine for baby powder? You wouldn't believe how good my balls feel right now - like two velvet eggs singing barnyard lullabies to my taint. I'm ready to die .... NOW!") even came and visited her in the hospital and brought an initialled glossy of Johnny Galecki. Genuine.


Big Bang Theory saved her life. And mine.
Silicon Valley - saw first episode. It's pretty funny, good job of casting. The guy did Office Space, et al. Tough to see how this show can miss.
For me it was total and utter shit, with recycled humor.

Did we watch the same thing??
Watched it last night. 10000x better than "Big Bang Theory" where they say the stupidest tech buzzword shit to try and sound 'nerdy'.

...the fuck were you watching?

"Dude this COMPRESSION SOFTWARE is crazy!"

"You guys, let's make something big here."

Token brown guy.

Mark Zuckerberg as main character. Yeah they definitely don't try to be 'nerdy', casting a dude with a big crooked nose as the main character.

All dressed like Big Bang Theory hipsters.

There were a couple funny sidejokes but the plotline itself is fucking awful and you're just as trendy as the fools that love BBT if you enjoyed that.
I fucking hate this bullshit "awkward" vibe they have going on. Why is it that every fucking tech guy has to be a socially inept fucking twat. It pisses me right the fuck off.

I'm a big fan of silicon valley's startup scene so I'll probably continue watching the show while slowly cutting my thighs with a serrated hunters knife.