PM me if you are interested in teaming up on something. Sikuli is the shit!
I'm getting there... still fixing up my setup.
I think the harder part is to get together on what we want ScrapeBox to do. A set of scrapebox approaches.
My goals for sikuli are
targeted blog commenting.
0. Load prepared poster project up
1. Scrape for Public Google Proxies (I have this mostly automated)
2. Enter "seed" keywords into keyword scraper... scrape, remove duplicates, and put back into main keyword list
3. Harvest all 3 blog types, 2 rounds through
4. Remove duplicates
5. Check URL Pagerank, Sort by PR
6. Remove Duplicate Domains
7. Get my good proxies out
This can VASTLY be improved (and modularized), but if I can get this going, then I can literally turn this into a 10 minute process each day for different things.
I actually have much of this done, but it's in shitbag code and I haven't tried since moving to a solid platform where SB doesn't crash like crazy. I'm back in love with SB baby!
What do you guys want it to do?