Sikuli is getting cooler and cooler


Senior Botter
Oct 30, 2008
San Diego,CA
Sikuli has always been one of my favorite botting tools, simply because it's easy as shit to use and is jython so you can trick it out with real code. They just released RC V1.0 that includes some sort of ocr (not sure how good it is, but seems like you could deal with captchas with it), and my favorite feature, the ability to create libraries and modules to import bots into master scripts.

Go check it out here: Sikuli X Released!
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Wow...I've never seen this before. It looks extremely cool.

I'm almost afraid to try it out, because then I run the risk of learning a little bit about it and then not actually putting it to use in the future, thus having wasted a coupe of hours. But this appears to have way more potential than what I currently use to build bots - plain old PHP and a few libs.
Wow...I've never seen this before. It looks extremely cool.

I'm almost afraid to try it out, because then I run the risk of learning a little bit about it and then not actually putting it to use in the future, thus having wasted a coupe of hours. But this appears to have way more potential than what I currently use to build bots - plain old PHP and a few libs.

I recommend learning watir if you want bots for web only. It's fucking the best. Sikuli is sick if you need to automate apps like scrapebox or something.
dchuk - Thanks for posting about Sikuli in that one Sboxx thread. I've been using it and have so far managed to automate a fair amount of my Sboxxing with it (harvesting proxies, harvesting keywords based on a few 'seed' keywords, and then scraping for blogs). Has saved good amounts of time.

Anyway, next, I'd like to automate AutoPligg 5.5 a bit. I'm wondering how you'd do something like this:

Create New Users:
1. "Grab" a username and password from some sort of list and put it into my config.
2. Register accounts. Do this 3x to increase successes.
3. (optional) Run a firefox imacros script I have that goes through a gmail catchall to validate all accounts.

Post New
1. Open some sort of list that contains my target URL and desired title (anchor) and additional keywords
2. Get the Meta Description, Meta Keywords
3. Go to Pligg Poster and "find" the user we just created, and then put in the relevant info's from #2
4. Post it up with X threads. Try twice.

Loop this entire thing

Challenge for me is to have it grab the information from the right place, and how to do so. And also, how to get Sikuli to recognize usernames in the Username to Post From list that have not yet existed.

Seems like I need a mixture of PHP or some other scripting language and sikuli. Ideas?
dchuk - Thanks for posting about Sikuli in that one Sboxx thread. I've been using it and have so far managed to automate a fair amount of my Sboxxing with it (harvesting proxies, harvesting keywords based on a few 'seed' keywords, and then scraping for blogs). Has saved good amounts of time.

Anyway, next, I'd like to automate AutoPligg 5.5 a bit. I'm wondering how you'd do something like this:

Create New Users:
1. "Grab" a username and password from some sort of list and put it into my config.
2. Register accounts. Do this 3x to increase successes.
3. (optional) Run a firefox imacros script I have that goes through a gmail catchall to validate all accounts.

Post New
1. Open some sort of list that contains my target URL and desired title (anchor) and additional keywords
2. Get the Meta Description, Meta Keywords
3. Go to Pligg Poster and "find" the user we just created, and then put in the relevant info's from #2
4. Post it up with X threads. Try twice.

Loop this entire thing

Challenge for me is to have it grab the information from the right place, and how to do so. And also, how to get Sikuli to recognize usernames in the Username to Post From list that have not yet existed.

Seems like I need a mixture of PHP or some other scripting language and sikuli. Ideas?

sikuli uses jython, which is just python ported to the Java JVM. So any of those file operations, csv stuff, all that jazz can just be done in regular old python, which should be fairly easy to find code for online for most of the basics.
sikuli uses jython, which is just python ported to the Java JVM. So any of those file operations, csv stuff, all that jazz can just be done in regular old python, which should be fairly easy to find code for online for most of the basics.

Facepalm. Thanks my man.

So far my Sikuli scripts have been flat garbage, but I totally see the power and will be digging deeper. I wish more "blackhat programs" provided APIs, but since they don't, sikuli can definitely tame them.
yeah, the newest version of sikuli has modules and library support, so you could automate scrapebox but then have it as a library you just call methods on when you need it. I haven't jumped it too much yet, but it looks really nice.
Thanks Dchuk I hadn't heard of this, looks very cool I can't wait to play with it a bit when I find some time. I would love to automate some basic sb stuff with this.
How will this automate Scrapebox in ways other than having to leave an entire virtual machine at its sole disposal? I mean, from cursory reading of its documentation, all it seems to be, which is qutie a lot but not enough if you're not a river of RAM, is a screenshot based printer and action recorder. Especially with programs like Scrapebox, which utilizes nearly the entire screen, or am I missing something here? I'm seeing stuff like 'create a region', then WaitVanish... then Click... but will it work if you just stick the SB window in a corner with just a small spot in sight so I can fool around with my other contraptions?

it takes over your entire system, so the best bet would be to automate scrapebox running on a vps and then having your script tap into a task queue server so you never touch it again
dchuk - Thanks for posting about Sikuli in that one Sboxx thread. I've been using it and have so far managed to automate a fair amount of my Sboxxing with it (harvesting proxies, harvesting keywords based on a few 'seed' keywords, and then scraping for blogs). Has saved good amounts of time.

What Scrapebox thread? I've been cyberstalking dchuk and found nothing yet...