Should I delete all my WPRobot content?


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Scottsdale, AZ
I created a money site about 2 months ago and it has about 12 Main pages I push products on. I created a Blog using WP Robot and set it pretty aggressive on posting. After 2 months it has posted about 130 pages of videos, pictures, yah00 answers and articles. I went through all the pages last night and removing excess content and outbound links. I checked some of the pages through copy$cape and they have like 55 Duplicate pages! G

So my question is am I better off just deleting all of that crap and buy some good articles that pass copy$cape. Or let the robot run?

The reason why I used it was to create a bunch of internal links for my main money pages for some extra keyword love.

Let me know your thoughts on this because that damn robot is running on 4 of my sites right now :)

I checked some of the pages through copy$cape and they have like 55 Duplicate pages!
It scrapes article directories and feeds. Of course you're going to find dupes.
So my question is am I better off just deleting all of that crap and buy some good articles that pass copy$cape. Or let the robot run?

The reason why I used it was to create a bunch of internal links for my main money pages for some extra keyword love.

Let me know your thoughts on this because that damn robot is running on 4 of my sites right now :)
I keep my autoblogs on separate domains for the first tier of a network or simply by themselves as independents which are used for the odd link here and there to other sites.

Each of these pay for themselves and a few of them earn. For me, though, I keep "money sites" clean without scraped content or any of that. You're going to have to test what works best in your situation.
if you are using wordpress+wp robot, you can use wordpress plugin delete duplicate post.
I created a money site about 2 months ago and it has about 12 Main pages I push products on. I created a Blog using WP Robot and set it pretty aggressive on posting. After 2 months it has posted about 130 pages of videos, pictures, yah00 answers and articles. I went through all the pages last night and removing excess content and outbound links. I checked some of the pages through copy$cape and they have like 55 Duplicate pages! G

So my question is am I better off just deleting all of that crap and buy some good articles that pass copy$cape. Or let the robot run?

The reason why I used it was to create a bunch of internal links for my main money pages for some extra keyword love.

Let me know your thoughts on this because that damn robot is running on 4 of my sites right now :)

Believe it or not, I deleted more than half duplicate articles on 1 of my autoblog and end up getting DEINDEXED !

Haven't seen any complication with duplicate articles. They don't rank that well without backlinks though.

The rest of my autoblogs left intact are still getting new posts indexed daily. :evil_laughter:
Believe it or not, I deleted more than half duplicate articles on 1 of my autoblog and end up getting DEINDEXED !

Haven't seen any complication with duplicate articles. They don't rank that well without backlinks though.

The rest of my autoblogs left intact are still getting new posts indexed daily. :evil_laughter:
70 of my amazon store that use wp robot get deindex by google...
before penguin update = first page for long tail keywords
after penguin = completely deindex
Ah - snap - just saw your above post.
I learned that lesson the hard way as well. -50 slap for removing links.
Do not delete content en mass. Removal of links can trigger an artificial link penalty.

Bingoooo...Just what I experienced and mentioned above...What a terrible mistake...lose your content, rankings and get deindexed... :angryfire: