Shorten or Keep? Tell us

Shorten or Keep the section descriptions on the new WF layout redesign?

  • Shorten them

    Votes: 48 48.5%
  • Keep them

    Votes: 51 51.5%

  • Total voters
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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
We're redesigning the WickedFire layout, and from what some of the drafts look like, the definitions of each section here come out kinda weird because they are so much longer than any other forum's.

So I'd like to get your opinion on what you think we should do?

Should we shorten them down to simple, one liners?


Should we keep it and find a way to work around it?

Let us know.

By the way, we're going to keep the colors the same. Maybe keep the non-working icons on top just for the hell of it to keep people bitching about it.

I voted shorten but is there any reason you can't do both?

So when viewing forums have just...

Shooting The Shit

This is where the action is for all webmasters alike. Anything goes, seriously.

then when you go to that forum the full description is there above the ad.
The way it is now, at first glance (at least to me) it almost looks like the last few topics are listed below the forum title. Know what I mean?

Well, it's JMO. I hate clutter ;)
Is today "we don't know how to vote Friday"?

No, today is 'be patient because I voted after I posted and must have violated some unwritten law' day. You were quick on the reply haha, because I voted like 1 second after posting.
Maybe keep the non-working icons on top just for the hell of it to keep people bitching about it.

haha at least they are not all broken its a slow process but your getting those done, by the way if you want some free help and some ideas about getting all of the above links working, toss me a PM and we can get a few more of them active.

Also I voted keep them long, then no one can mistakenly place there thread in the wrong section and if they do well then they can't read worth a shit.
I voted keep, just because they don't really bother me. Either way works though.

My only problem is knowing the difference between "shooting the shit" and "now for something completely diff."
the only thing i dont like is having to log in to read the forums.. this gets annoying
sometimes i just want to browse and am too lazy to enter my info
the only thing i dont like is having to log in to read the forums.. this gets annoying
sometimes i just want to browse and am too lazy to enter my info

It can also be frustrating that you get logged out so quick.
I say shorten them to one digit @ 1px so they are hard as hell to click on with a random dickroll here and there.

...I've forgotten about the icons on top. Now if those disappeared that would really fuck me up so keep them.
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