Shoemoney and

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Yeah I like this thing, we've been testing it out for a little more than a month now. Good shit.
damn...that's pretty cool....figure out whats the hotspot are on your page...i wonder how it works?

I've seen a similar program but forgot where I saw it....nonetheless its a good tool...
If you don't have links in certain areas of the page, won't there not be any hotspots in that area?...Like stanley said, isn't this almost exactly the same as google anaylitics, except it tells you not only the precentage but also shows you it through the bright shiny blue spots?
yeah I demo'd this like half a year ago. one thing I found was that it will *not* track flash areas at all. other than that it's cool.
It's the same shit as clicktracks, just with a fancy "heatmap". It's nothing new, I don't know why everybody is makin' a big deal about it.
What makes Crazy Egg different


Crazy Egg is a testing solution, while ClickTracks is an analytics product. Crazy Egg can track more things on a page then ClickTracks can, including form fields, javascript on-click events, advertisements and some Flash elements. It is designed to help you test things on certain webpages of your website and get a visual representation of the data. Give it a try, we have a free plan, I think you'll see the difference. If anyone here wants a free upgrade to their free plan for Crazy Egg so they can track double the visits of the free plan and take advantage of live-report, just shoot me an email at info (at)

Hiten Shah
Crazy Egg
I just started a test after hearing about this on shoemoney. I had seen crazyegg's page before before but had misunderstood what it did.

No reason for anyone not to be using this.. whether you just build websites, do PPC arbitrage, are an affiliate, blogger, whatever. It not just important what people are doing -- its just as important how they are getting there.
I signed up with crazyegg sometime ago, when it was on digg's front page. At the time I guess it got hit hard (due to digg effect) and didn't work well at the time. So I didn't use it.

I was listening to shoe's podcast and decided to give it another shot. I've been comparing it with my logs on visits and it works good. Plus the visual heat map kicks ass to help optimize a page for better conversion.

Also like someone mentioned above, sign up and then send an email to request to double the trial number of visits from 5,000 to 10,000 at "info [at] crazyegg [dot] com" This is a good tool for testing.
I don't follow how this helps with arb. Wouldn't a channel do the same thing? People are either clicking the the ads or not how does newegg help test arb pages?
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