Shit, I think im going jail... Part 2

assault charge is like what, 3-6mo? But I doubt this will happen.... I mean if he pressed charges on me, he'd obviously have charges on him since it was a form of retaliation. If anything, it'll just be escalated to a war type situation, but I doubt him and his hoodlum friends would even attempt to do that. He didnt know of me until today. He thought who he jumped was just some kid, but was one of my close friends.

Oh, I thought you meant your family brother, but you meant your brother. I get it.

Also, did you record the jumping/fight and scream "worldstar worldstar worldstar" about 50 times?

It's definitely immature to go around picking fights past 20 (or even not doing enough to avoid them), but I don't think there's anything wrong with maintaining some combat ability (through training) since you never know what life will throw at you.

What if you're 50 when society collapses? What if you go to prison one day for an unintentional white-collar crime?

And I'm not even talking about the health benefits of being active.

Growing up and maturing does not mean neglecting physical ability - it's like insurance.

That is a completely different subject
Can't wait for part 3 of this thread to close the trilogy out. I think it's going to end on a downer.
Can one of the admins forward Dresden's IP to his local PD so he can get a few more years for all of the CP and illegal Nazi propaganda on his computer?
....think im going to jail again, hence my need to share it with my w/f brethren. Let us all pray tonight that herr Dresden covered his tracks. One of my brothers got jumped last night and came in @ 1am with blood coming from his left eye (ended up getting stiches, was jumped - wasnt from his eye ball but from inside his eye lid and a broken finger). Pisses me off how pussies cant fight one on one, so similar to that I got my comrades and fucking brutally ___________ the fuckers. It got dealt with today.

I dont mind sharing this on w/f, I doubt the po po would check here anyway, lol.

PS> I banged his girlfriend like, months ago and im considering posting her pictures on here with a boobs thread.

Dresden14, I thought you were a nazi/racist, from what I've read. Why are you having sex with a black (or other nationality) chick? Or did you have sex with your close friend's girlfriend?
You know... for a California baller/brawler/ladies man someone sure does waste a lot of time posting stupid shit. Not just stupid, but even if true... uninspiring.
.. One of my brothers got jumped last night ...

Why are youhanging with the brothers? I thought you didn't like colored people? Or was this just one of your nazi gangbanger brothers? Thanks in advance for the clarification
I've lost two fights, both of those times I was jumped by 5-7 boys. Getting jumped is pretty common here dependent on what scene your involved in. I've seen pretty much all of them in town whilst they were own and they all avoid eye contact. Bitches.

Please add me to the list of people who "respect your rep".
I stopped getting in fights when I was like 21-22, grow the fuck up man and stay away from situations where its even a possibility.

Aparently you missed the part when it clearly stated ""One of my brothers got jumped last night and came in @ 1am with blood coming from his left eye"", hence me not going out looking for fights but rather defending one of my brothers that got caught offguard. Don't be a pussy blok. Maybe I shoulda stayed @ home, or said call the cops? Either way that dudes hatin life right now.

It's definitely immature to go around picking fights past 20 (or even not doing enough to avoid them), but I don't think there's anything wrong with maintaining some combat ability (through training) since you never know what life will throw at you.

What if you're 50 when society collapses? What if you go to prison one day for an unintentional white-collar crime?

And I'm not even talking about the health benefits of being active.

Growing up and maturing does not mean neglecting physical ability - it's like insurance.


A. Hitler:
"The German people are not a warlike nation. It is a soldierly one, which means it does not want a war, but does not fear it." In short, don't be a pussy people.

Why are youhanging with the brothers? I thought you didn't like colored people? Or was this just one of your nazi gangbanger brothers? Thanks in advance for the clarification

Brothers = comrades. Gangbangin has nothing to do with what we believe in, unless you associate with piece of shit prison groups like AB, NLR, PNI, etc. Loyalty till death, nurmut!

.............Ending, I havent heard anything all day - so im pretty sure the cops wernt called. LuLz for days tho, he got it 10 fold.
Aparently you missed the part when it clearly stated ""One of my brothers got jumped last night and came in @ 1am with blood coming from his left eye"", hence me not going out looking for fights but rather defending one of my brothers that got caught offguard.

IF you have to leave the house to go find the dood, it's not defense, it's offense.
only part i read is that you're withholding boob pics from us
Aparently you missed the part when it clearly stated ""One of my brothers got jumped last night and came in @ 1am with blood coming from his left eye"", hence me not going out looking for fights but rather defending one of my brothers that got caught offguard. Don't be a pussy blok. Maybe I shoulda stayed @ home, or said call the cops? Either way that dudes hatin life right now.

Ill fuck you in your Nazi mouf