Shit I almost became a vegetarian... (thats's ALMOST)

What's a humane, yet cost effective, way to slaughter massive amounts of animals?
A bolt gun to the head, just like it's done now (when done properly).

If that's true then I would have no problem with backing agendas to legislate this kind of stuff. Peta fails because they are going after the impossible. Not only do they fail at their own goal they set themselves up for a backlash of people that end up screaming about people taking their meat. The majority of people are going to eat meat, it's just a fact but I bet almost no one would have a problem with implementing cost effective procedures that would insure that all animals are treated humanely in life and death. Even cows.
peta particularly pisses me off when they talk about cows. It's like they've never seen one before. When are they going to realize that cows, other than their meat and milk, are entirely worthless and helpless animals. They eat for like 16 hrs/day and do nothing but stand there. If peta got their way and all the cows were set free they'd be extinct within a week. They have zero survival abilities or have any predatory defenses or have anywhere to live nor can they fend for themselves foodwise in the wild. Like chickens without captivity and being bred for food they couldn't survive. The fantasy world they live in is just completely fuckin ridiculous. They're almost as bad as tree huggers.
loooooooool couldn't have said it better myself +rep. God damn peta
fuck PETA. They sugar coat their facts and demonize omnivores. No matter how evolved we consider ourselves to be if you are on top of the food chain you fucking eat whatever is below you. Trust me, if Lions were on top of the food chain they wouldn't hesistate to take a bite out of your baby.

BUT I do agree that if you are killing animals at least do it with the least pain possible. Douchebags who torture them for no good reason before slaughtering them are stupid.



BTW soy milk is not good for you, vegetarian noobs.
OT: strange as it may sound, working in the abs was one of the most enjoyable jobs I had, back in the day. Worked as a slicer/boner for FJ's @ Byron Bay. Finish the overs by 11am and walk across the road to go surfing for rest of the day. Gold when you were a young fella in the 70's :)

Yeah I enjoyed it for 8 years then got the FUCK sick of it, Soooo glad I'll never have to do that shit again.

Watch out for the Granny Smith's


Well shit, get me an apple like that and I'll never eat meat again.

A bolt gun to the head, just like it's done now (when done properly).


If that's true then I would have no problem with backing agendas to legislate this kind of stuff. Peta fails because they are going after the impossible. Not only do they fail at their own goal they set themselves up for a backlash of people that end up screaming about people taking their meat. The majority of people are going to eat meat, it's just a fact but I bet almost no one would have a problem with implementing cost effective procedures that would insure that all animals are treated humanely in life and death. Even cows.

Exactly my point, as I said I love my meat and I have no problem with animals being killed for it, as long as it's quick and without pain & the animals are in humane conditions throughout, it's not hard at fucking all, the abattoirs I worked at all operated under proper conditions.
If any of you have not seen it yet I highly recommend you go see Food Inc or watch it when it hits the net. It was a good movie and was very well done.

[ame=""]YouTube - Food, Inc[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - The Truth About Food, Inc.[/ame]
vegetarian here... not due to animal cruelty.. just don't like the taste of meat
If that's true then I would have no problem with backing agendas to legislate this kind of stuff.
but I bet almost no one would have a problem with implementing cost effective procedures that would insure that all animals are treated humanely in life and death. Even cows.
"Cost effective regulation" is an oxymoron.

Who wants to pay more so they can feel good that the cow in their cheeseburger died with a smile on its face?

The people higher food costs hit hardest, are the poor. Wealthy people like you and I can afford to pay more for food, an extra 5 or 10% premium, hell even a 25% premium on meat to feel good about ourselves and our bleeding hearts.

But for poor people, who already can't afford proper nutrition, ideas like this kick them in the gonads.

It's the same thing with all of the latte liberals who are for carbon taxes. They can afford them. Poor people and developing countries cannot.

I love animals, and I am slowly becoming a vegetarian, but it's time to stop pretending that animals have equal dignity and rights to humans. They don't.

Also, nothing to stop people from buying "dignified meat" just like people buy "organic meat". There is a market. Now someone, go out and make millions off granola crunchers.
BTW soy milk is not good for you, vegetarian noobs.

Fuck you. Im not vegetarian but I prefer to drink soy milk. Cow milk is shit, unhealthy to say the least.
Ive been drinking cow milk my entire life, half a year ago ive got familiar with the facts and im drinking soy since then. Soy is three times more expensive, but its well worth the monies.

Soy milk + cookies is the real deal.
BTW soy milk is not good for you, vegetarian noobs.

On that note, goat's milk is actually better than standard cow's milk for kids (easier to digest even). Even a dietician will tell you that unless there's some special underlying condition, soy, or 100% formula all the time is not good for a growing kid. I remember in the news once a parent killed their baby on a strict vegetarian diet (but they seemed fucked up to begin with, basically they didn't provide the fat and proteins a growing baby needs).
Fuck you. Im not vegetarian but I prefer to drink soy milk. Cow milk is shit, unhealthy to say the least.
Ive been drinking cow milk my entire life, half a year ago ive got familiar with the facts and im drinking soy since then. Soy is three times more expensive, but its well worth the monies.

Soy milk + cookies is the real deal.

Soy beans and it's byproducts used to be damn inexpensive... least til someone started pushing them to health nuts and then wham the price shot up. I like boca burgers and their sausages they make... but its like 6$ for 3 patties of the shit. Also its perfectly possible to use the entire food groups available to us while being humane, but some people seem to thing that the best solution is a blanket ban (probably cuz they're too lazy to come up with a working solution).
"Cost effective regulation" is an oxymoron.

Who wants to pay more so they can feel good that the cow in their cheeseburger died with a smile on its face?

Plenty of people already pay more for hormone free products (or products that claim their herd is not genetically enhanced, even though they never found a definite link to say the byproduct was any different or unsafe). But I think the marketing pitch behind that is that its better for humans more so than it being better for the animals.

There is a theory that an animal knowing its about to get killed or in danger spoils the meat with it sending out the adrenaline and other chemicals to the meat in it's final moment. That reminds me of how they killed the turkeys in a 'humane' way using a nature video and a buzz saw in a south park episode.
crop dusting with pcp?

Peta's best effort yet...


:p I wana know what studies they got that from and if it there was any indication that the canivores (my bad... omnivores... cuz thats what humans are, we wouldn't have canines, incisors, molars AND forward facing eyes otherwise) they asked simply refused to talk to them.

PS: There was once a woman killed masturbating with a carrot.