Shit I almost became a vegetarian... (thats's ALMOST)

That free vegetarian starter kit doesn't come with vegetation food samples. I'm not converting.

What's the marketing lesson here? Fear + playing on emotions :O
Peta can take shit a lil far to push their agenda. They were crying when Obama pwned that fly - screaming about the fly's rights. Most of the peta folks are nutjobs, not all, but most.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Kills Fly: Ninja REMIX![/ame]
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Why I posted the vid has nothing to do with peta, but ya gotta admit it's pretty fucked how they treat the animals.
I need at least 25 better reasons then that .. I'm kinda hungry now.

also the treatment of the animals was a collection of the worst videos they can find, so blah
Why I posted the vid has nothing to do with peta, but ya gotta admit it's pretty fucked how they treat the animals.

Yea.. I agree. In high school (we had a farm), I took care of a pig all semester and at the end I saw it get slaughtered. Put a little rolly cage around it, and held it while the guy put a gun-looking thing to its head. It was horrible because you could pick up on its emotions and body language. The pig knew it was coming and was scared.

Yea... then they hung it upside down and chain sawed it in half... guts spazzing out.
I am a vegetarian, for about a year and a half now. I'd seen the stuff before, but it wasn't pushed over the edge until I watched this documentary: [ame=]Earthlings[/ame]

To see what really goes on behind the gates of industrial factory farms was pretty eye-opening for me. I couldn't say to myself anymore that maybe the animals weren't treated too badly (after all, it was in the owner's interest to keep the animals healthy... right?); couldn't pretend that their deaths were always painless and mistakes didn't happen. The reality is in stark contrast to that fantasy. The way animals are treated in large industrial factory farming operations is abhorrent. Many of these animals suffer basically their entire lives. It's sick and wrong, and I can't in good conscience support such an industry.

Now, that's not to say that I am strictly against the consumption of meat (or other animal products), or even the killing of animals. For me, it's a personal choice I've made not to eat meat; I don't need to eat meat to get what nutrients I need to survive, and there are plenty of other enjoyable foods out there. I don't see the need in killing an animal just because I feel like eating its body. But I don't consider that necessarily a wrong thing for others to do. I also think it's acceptable to take an animal's life for human interests, if it's done as humanely as is reasonable.

What I do object to is the objectification and commodification of living, breathing, aware creatures, and the patent disregard for their suffering. The way humans treat animals today really is a lot like slaves have been treated in the past (and still today). In many cases though, animals are treated much worse. Somehow there's this notion that because they aren't capable of intellectualization on the level of people that they don't deserve to be respected and that whatever suffering they endure is not worthy of consideration. I think how we treat animals says a lot about humanity and our so-called "morality."
Yea.. I agree. In high school (we had a farm), I took care of a pig all semester and at the end I saw it get slaughtered. Put a little rolly cage around it, and held it while the guy put a gun-looking thing to its head. It was horrible because you could pick up on its emotions and body language. The pig knew it was coming and was scared.

Yea... then they hung it upside down and chain sawed it in half... guts spazzing out.

I'm an ex butcher/boner and I used to work in the abattoirs, I've seen it all, I'm talking about the way they are treated in the video.

When it's done properly (like in the abattoirs I've worked at anyway) the animals know what's coming and are definitely scared, but they get killed QUICKLY, not like the shit you see in this vid.
"meat will make you fat"
"chicken meat contains shit, you guys eat shit"
"he who eats meat has a limp dick"
"every meat eater is a small person" (I turned off at this point)
I understand when someone doesn't want to eat meat because he feels sorry for the animals or when someone wants animal abuse to stop but LOL, fuck you peta and your bullshit childish arguments.

How is peta organization funded anyway? Who the hell would give even a penny to someone that abuses human intelligence like this?
I'm an ex butcher/boner and I used to work in the abattoirs......

OT: strange as it may sound, working in the abs was one of the most enjoyable jobs I had, back in the day. Worked as a slicer/boner for FJ's @ Byron Bay. Finish the overs by 11am and walk across the road to go surfing for rest of the day. Gold when you were a young fella in the 70's :)
I won't watch PeTa propaganda. Hypocrites and liars, the lot of them. Zealots of any variety piss me off.

That being said, 3 out of the 4 guys I know who worked in slaughterhouses/meat packers as teenagers are now vegetarians.
peta particularly pisses me off when they talk about cows. It's like they've never seen one before. When are they going to realize that cows, other than their meat and milk, are entirely worthless and helpless animals. They eat for like 16 hrs/day and do nothing but stand there. If peta got their way and all the cows were set free they'd be extinct within a week. They have zero survival abilities or have any predatory defenses or have anywhere to live nor can they fend for themselves foodwise in the wild. Like chickens without captivity and being bred for food they couldn't survive. The fantasy world they live in is just completely fuckin ridiculous. They're almost as bad as tree huggers.
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Hmmm *drooool* steak... delicious!

If you take a few min of the most horrible footage (some of it seemed fairly old) you can make a video like that about anything. You could make the same horror video about Peta themself, cows or even the grass the fucking cows eat...

Watch out for the Granny Smith's
