Shark Tank E5


Former Lurker
Sep 4, 2007
Who wants a nice, relaxing productivity-free hour on a Saturday?

This show always sends my motiviation levels through the roof I gotta say.

Plus Kevin O'Leary is a god.

[ame=]Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 5 HD - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Dragons' Den Canada - Season 7 Episode 4 HD - YouTube[/ame]

I like the one starting at 25:00. What on earth made her think bringing a paper mache bidet on national TV was a good idea? lol
What on earth made her think bringing a paper mache bidet on national TV was a good idea? lol

Oh man, I was putting off watching DD Canada until I got a few hours work done. But Mr. Wonderful critiquing a papier mache bidet seems just too good to resist...
I loved the argument between Cuban and O'Leary.

It's funny how they all always gang up on O'Leary (same on Dragon's Den) but he always comes out on top. That guy is a machine. I would NEVER do a deal with him though.
I loved the argument between Cuban and O'Leary.

It's funny how they all always gang up on O'Leary (same on Dragon's Den) but he always comes out on top. That guy is a machine. I would NEVER do a deal with him though.

Fuck that. I love Mr. Wonderful, but he's a asshat. He wouldn't be anywhere if he didn't have the government around making it illegal for others to compete with him (patents, copyright, etc).

Cuban, for all my disinterest in him as a person, has the right of it; "Get your ass out there, hustle, and be the best".
Guys you gotta watch this deal...

[ame=]Shark Tank Season 3 Episode 1 part 3 - YouTube[/ame]

funny how they all acted like they were "above" the nightlife scene but they ended up all jumping in...
Thank Jeebus for youtube... Without that you fuckers would have gotten me to buy a damn idiot box again just for this show... I'm addicted now. Grumble grumble...
Is Kevin O'Leary a producer of the show? I ask because he's involved in both Shark Tank and Dragon's Den. Of course, it could be that it's just a good publicity move and another way to spot investment ideas as the owner of an investment company.

I'm too lazy to look it up but just wondering if anyone knew already?
Is Kevin O'Leary a producer of the show? I ask because he's involved in both Shark Tank and Dragon's Den. Of course, it could be that it's just a good publicity move and another way to spot investment ideas as the owner of an investment company.

I'm too lazy to look it up but just wondering if anyone knew already?

He did say in a interview that it was great for marketing is company and getting his name and face out there. I believe that one of the executives does get a percentage of each company that is featured on the show (shark tank).
I've done follow-up on a few companies that were featured, but no deals were done with.

Their sales after the show are INSANE. So much so, that as long as the company has a viable website (Even if it's crappy) they end up doing well.

One company that made pet birthday cakes did more in 24hrs after the first show they were on than they did the entire time their company had existed ($25k-$50k in sales). After that, they got a ton of repeat customers. Then the episode went into syndication, and each time it was shown, they were getting another $10k-$20k in sales.
Quick Recap

#1 baby clothes - A great idea. Damon > Lori when it comes to this. Notice Lori kept ignoring when Damond asked about what brands she's built and how much clothes she sold...instead Lori goes with the whole "I'm a girl, we should stick together" angle. Damon = Mr Fubu. This clothes belong in department stores, not on QVC. Lori was getting desperate with the threat of taking the deal at the end.

LOL @ O'Leary's deal, wtf would he know about selling baby clothes.

Also everyone was right about her focus. She has a PROFITABLE and great idea. She should milk it and dominate the market first instead of expanding with the dance dresses.

#2 Wired Waffle.

Wow the Sharks were angry.

Interesting idea, but I don't see it taking shares away from energy shots due to convenience and people don't want the extra calories. The guy also didn't have any sales.

#3. Great idea, but no big sales potential. Looks like a free promotional item they'd give away at Sephora. I think the big problem is the girl didn't seem like she knew anything at all about business.

#4. Sprays. I like it. Big big market, lots of licensing potential. The deal's gonna do $$$ /w Lori.

Fuck Lori is hot. Can we keep her there permanently instead of Barbara?

This was definitely a better episode than last week's
^ i agree that it was def the better choice for the baby clothes woman to go with Damon... she knew what was up
Thank Jeebus for youtube... Without that you fuckers would have gotten me to buy a damn idiot box again just for this show... I'm addicted now. Grumble grumble...

It's on Hulu as well/
Love watchin this shit makes me feels like I'm doing something with my life