Shark "Finning"

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You should watch that Shark document that came out few years ago. Can't remember the name though. SomethingSharkSomething :)

But yeah, finning is really brutal and when it comes to hurting animals, that's where I draw the line. I hope that one day when I'm hugely wealthy, I have actually money and power to do something about these things and not just complain in the forums.
Here's the messed up part off of Wiki:


According to wildlife conservationists, much of the trade in sharks' fins is derived from fins cut from living sharks; this process is called finning.Because shark meat is worth much less, the finless and often still-living sharks are thrown back into the sea to make room on board the ship for more of the valuable fins. When returned to the ocean, the finless sharks, unable to move, either die from suffocation or are consumed by other sharks or animals.
Whale Sharks - Meat Trade:

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Spin Sharks - Animal Rights:

Whale Sharks - Meat Trade:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Spin Sharks - Animal Rights:

Bravo. That was creative. :food-smiley-010:
[ame=""]YouTube - Meet your Meat[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube - Force-Fed to Death[/ame]

same fucking shit...may be chicken is not that cute (and taste better)? or it is not as hip to protect farm animal..oh i get it, just fuck that Chinese guy and all you problem go away
If it was done sustainably and the whole animal was used (as with some whaling) then it would be fine.

Hunting for food is certainly better than intensive farming - the death might be less humane, but they have a much better life. As for hunting just for sport.. fuck off! As cruel as this shit is, it's better to use part of the animal than kill something just to stick it's fucking head on ya wall.
YouTube - Meet your Meat
YouTube - Force-Fed to Death

same fucking shit...may be chicken is not that cute (and taste better)? or it is not as hip to protect farm animal..oh i get it, just fuck that Chinese guy and all you problem go away

What the fuck are you talking about you fool? You just showed us videos which are against mistreatment of chickens, just like the person who started this thread has seen a similar video about sharks. Just because he made a thread about sharks doesn't mean he doesn't care about chickens. I could make a thread about murder being, but that doesn't mean I don't care about rape - think before you type.
YouTube - Meet your Meat
YouTube - Force-Fed to Death

same fucking shit...may be chicken is not that cute (and taste better)? or it is not as hip to protect farm animal..oh i get it, just fuck that Chinese guy and all you problem go away

I agree that farming practices could be improved but there's a huge between sustainable farming of domesticated animals that are raised for food and the wholesale raping of the oceans and forest taking as many endangered and threatened animals as possible.
The reason why these populations are exploited, is because no one owns them.

If they were owned by a group or company, they would be valuable as a scarce resource. Killing them off, wouldn't be in the best interest of the owner, any more than going out to your driveway and putting a sledgehammer through the hood of your Maserati would be.
Thanks for posting about Whale Wars. I watched a bunch of the episodes on demand last night and thought it was pretty cool. It makes me want to join up and go sailing to stop some japanese whalers.
YouTube - Meet your Meat
YouTube - Force-Fed to Death

same fucking shit...may be chicken is not that cute (and taste better)? or it is not as hip to protect farm animal..oh i get it, just fuck that Chinese guy and all you problem go away
Or maybe the chicken is not as intelligent.
Or maybe they're easier to breed in captivity
Or maybe we just happen to have a fucking lot of them.
This is really the same shit as goes on in the caviar industry.

Sharks might be more intelligent than sturgeon and sometimes the methods might be more humane but decimating a population of any species, hacking them up to just take the valuable delicacy is fucking wrong.

Rich wankers here tuck into Buluga, rich wankers in China choose shark fin soup - neither give two shits about where it comes from.
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