Setting Goals for 2015

I actually gave up all goal setting, writing down things I want to achieve, watching motivational videos etc. I gave all that shit up about a year ago, because I finally realized that none of that shit matters.

All of this time spent tracking, keeping lists of goals, etc. is all wasted time that could be spent working. If that works for you then great, but I finally realized that if you need all of those things just to achieve goals in life then something is wrong.

I don't watch or read any motivational materials, I don't keep lists, I don't even really set goals or keep track of achievements.

I just wake up every day and get to work. That's all we're really talking about here right? Making money and losing weight? Get to fucking work.

Is tracking and writing things down making your biceps bigger, or depositing more money into your bank account? Then why are you spending time doing that? Just get to work.

"But I need to track my progress" - Sure you do! Losing weight? Look in the mirror once a week. Making more money? Check your bank account.

"But what do I do after that?" - Get back to work.

I just laid out the only truth for you guys. Anything else is procrastination and wasted time. I realize I'm going to catch shit for this post but it's ok because... get back to work.

+rep for similar epiphany, however I make good use of lists. Between Workflowy and pen & paper, I break down all of my projects into tasks and take on a few tasks daily - plus my email inbox works like a todo list for me. I don't use lists to track progress (my lists go in the trash when done with), but it keeps me focused, and prevents me from forgetting any small detail.

All that plus lists are just plain therapeutic for me. Everyone is different, though, and maybe I just had mild ADD. Hey, did you guys see those see those Kim Kardashian pics?

I'd like to set some goals, but I'm disillusioned with the whole self improvement pop psychology. Maybe I'm just getting older. I am beginning to think that true growth at some point is recognizing and embracing your personality quirks and faults, not trying to change into a more universally 'effective' type.

For example, I know that I am lazy and don't like routine work. I will probably never like that grind. On the other hand, I can go to task doing a creative solution and not notice 5 hours going by. Meaning, change business model from one that requires a lot of management and routine work to stay ahead to one that requires a unique product to stay ahead. And then outsource, outsource, outsource all the rest.

Another example, I am never going to be a very extrovert, networking person by default. I can't change that, so I have to set up a lifestyle that gets me around other people without feeling like a chore. Solution, go to work at co-working space, go to conferences a lot more, accept social media despite not really liking it, because it allows to keep in touch more.

However, if any of you made any real significant growth/change after your mid/late twenties, then I'd really like to hear some success stories.
I just laid out the only truth for you guys. Anything else is procrastination and wasted time. I realize I'm going to catch shit for this post but it's ok because... get back to work.

not from me.
back in the day, i used to game the offshore wagering industry for a living... arbitraging sports lines, bonus whoring the casinos. it was a nice living, half mil plus per year... not jon money, but it required absolute commitment.

as mpbiz said, it just got beyond "goals" and it was just what i did... i'd wake up, make coffee, and as soon as that cup was ready i was in the seat and engaged for the next 18 hours, and really i didn't even consider it work... it was just 'making money', which i fucking loved, and every other potential activity was measured against how much i'd lose that day if i did it.

i didn't need to set goals in that situation, i was in the zone. it's since been deemed illegal, so i bagged it. progress in the IM space has been slower, and my motivation hasn't been as strong. i can only conclude that developmental motivation is lesser than continuation momentum, and that's just a function of belief. working on that myself.
Another example, I am never going to be a very extrovert, networking person by default. I can't change that, so I have to set up a lifestyle that gets me around other people without feeling like a chore. Solution, go to work at co-working space, go to conferences a lot more, accept social media despite not really liking it, because it allows to keep in touch more.

I can relate to this.

I'm not extroverted either. Sure, I like to socialize, but it's hard to do that when all I aspire to be (business wise) is an online entrepreneur. It's like when I'm working now, people still call me at home asking me to come out n shit, just because they assume, because I'm at home, that I'm doing fucking nothing and jobless bum etc lol.

Co working spaces are something I'm thinking about too. Good way to network and meet like minded people. Also then, at least you can turn off your phone and work in peace.
I actually gave up all goal setting, writing down things I want to achieve, watching motivational videos etc. I gave all that shit up about a year ago, because I finally realized that none of that shit matters.

All of this time spent tracking, keeping lists of goals, etc. is all wasted time that could be spent working. If that works for you then great, but I finally realized that if you need all of those things just to achieve goals in life then something is wrong.

I don't watch or read any motivational materials, I don't keep lists, I don't even really set goals or keep track of achievements.

I just wake up every day and get to work. That's all we're really talking about here right? Making money and losing weight? Get to fucking work.

Is tracking and writing things down making your biceps bigger, or depositing more money into your bank account? Then why are you spending time doing that? Just get to work.

"But I need to track my progress" - Sure you do! Losing weight? Look in the mirror once a week. Making more money? Check your bank account.

"But what do I do after that?" - Get back to work.

I just laid out the only truth for you guys. Anything else is procrastination and wasted time. I realize I'm going to catch shit for this post but it's ok because... get back to work.

Shit just got real... listen to this man. Keep things simple = win
Nada... just stay the course -- the path is looking beautiful!

I would like more lucidity in my dreams though, and should research that. I mean, they're pretty damn lucid as is, but I don't have any god-like powers in them, and never have control over the dream itself. I always "wake up" in my dream in a certain environment / scenario, but never have control over what it is. I have full control over my actions while in the dream, but can only ever do what I'm capable of doing while awake. I can't fly, cause earthquakes, make people internally combust, or any of that shit. Would be nice to explore though. :)

Business wise, I don't have to worry about anything. As stupid as it sounds, all I have to do is stick with my fish + veggie stir fry diet, and keep banging away. Year or two from now, I'll be laughing. :)
Life is hard, then you die…if your goals aren’t oriented towards making you happy (not the same as whether theyre giving you pleasure) while you’re working on them and they’re rooted in the premise that you will be happy once you reach your destination (have 4% body fat, own a yacht etc. etc.) than they’re probably not the right goals.

I don’t set goals because I think my life will magically become better when I achieve them, but the act of working towards them helps fill that existential crisis we all have on some level. The more I work on improving the different areas of my life (health, work, wisdom, relationships, experiences), the happier I get, even when I don’t hit end up hitting my goals.

You can also try filling the existential crisis with booze, coke, ladyboys etc., but that just ends in a big crash where you hit rock bottom and have to re-evaluate your life goals anyways (so I’m told).
I would like more lucidity in my dreams though

wiredniko has came a long way

Thanks. It means a lot coming from you.

It's interesting what happens to oneself when you actually start pushing yourself to achieve more.

You can't grow if you are not experiencing pressure. I became so good at having order in my life I stopped growing.

Pressure does not mean stress, more like keeping yourself accountable for your actions.
Thanks. It means a lot coming from you.

It's interesting what happens to oneself when you actually start pushing yourself to achieve more.

You can't grow if you are not experiencing pressure. I became so good at having order in my life I stopped growing.

Pressure does not mean stress, more like keeping yourself accountable for your actions.

You have to mess shit up in order for it to become tidy.

It's true.

The moment I stopped trying to be organized and just said "fuck it, let's go" - I started making progress.

Weird how the world works, it's fucking crazy man