SERP Sherpa Articles: The Best Spun LSI Content on the Internet

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New member
Mar 10, 2012
Rating - 100%
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Hi Wickedfire,

Let me quickly apologize for the lack of formatting. Wickedfire won't let me add html yet!

There are a lot of content providers on here, both high quality and low, but no one is offering high quality spun content. Because it's an important part of a solid content and backlinking strategy, I'd like to offer my unique service here on Wickedfire.

I'm not talking about that garbage where you just add synonyms. It's not going to fool Google into thinking your stuff is original. You need real, original LSI content spun at the sentence, phrase, and word level. This is especially true after the Google Slap that took down BMR.

I am offering you the real deal, extremely high quality spins that read totally naturally sans errors.

I have a page set up with an order form explaining the rest of the service but because I am new here, Wicked Fire will, understandably, not let me link out (or use html to format this message).

This is not some fly-by-night service. I'm in it for the long haul. I want to produce the BEST spun content on the internet. Period.

Please respond below, PM, or email me at for more details.

I offer 3 quality settings:

Best suited for backlinking and submissions

Perfect for niche-site content, submissions to more stringent directories, and blog networks. Also good for the sub-ultimate later of a link pyramid.

Best suited for content on multiple sites. Post one generated article and use the the same spintax to build links to it!
I got the idea for this high-end product when a lawyer asked me to spin legal documents. This is great for technical fields, or "niche+state" sites, ie. tort law Illinois, tort law Florida, tort law Kansas, etc. Generate 50 unique articles and then add pertinent information to each.

There are 3 spin settings, none of which include simply adding synonyms:

-PHRASE LEVEL (Includes Sentence)
-WORD LEVEL (Includes Sentence and Phrase)

I will be giving away 3 REVIEW COPIES at the article level to established members so claim yours now.

Pricing is based on article quality, spin level, and word count.

*The number of words refers to the length of the outputted article, not the length of the spintax.*

Backlink Quality
Spun to the Sentence Level $2.5/100 words
Spun to the Phrase Level $3.5/100 words
Superspun $4.5/100 words

Article Quality
Spun to the Sentence Level $5.50/100 words
Spun to the Phrase Level $7.70./100 words
Superspun $9.90/100 words

Money Site Quality
Spun to the Sentence Level $10/100 words
Spun to the Phrase Level $14/100 words
Superspun $18/100 words

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I apparently cannot PM yet so please e-mail me at skype me at serpsherpa. :eek:
Thanks for claiming your reviews.
One is still up for grabs!

Here is what I need from the reviewers:
Whether you would like to insert links directly into the article.
If so whether you would like that link to appear every time or just some of the time.

Just contact me in some way and I'll send you to the rest of the information.

I just tried uploading a file with the info but apparently I cannot do that either :-D.

I've added pricing to the original document.
I have ordered from SerpSherpa in the past (I know him outside of WF) and have always gotten excellent quality articles, and more importantly, spins that are well formatted and error-free. The price he has put on this service is extremely reasonable for the quality he delivers.
Now this is EXACTLY what i've been looking for.

I contacted Sherpa regarding this on skype, and he knows exactly what his doing and this most certainly isn't your standard TBS copy and paste !

Currently my subscriptions to WordAI and TBS, are pretty much pointless. Although they do a job, Content is king and Googles getting MUCH better at distinguishing crappy spun content, from the good stuff.

Enter Sherpa. The article he provided for me was spun flawlessly and completed within 24 hours.

He completed everything i asked (despite how picky i was) and provided a quality article, In which i would have absolutely no qualms about placing ANY of the variants on my money site.

I can't recommend him enough.

Thanks for the kind words Telboy!

I still have 2 FREE REVIEW COPIES up for grabs. Just get in touch: serpsherpa on Skype or mike [at] serpsherpa [dot]com
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Thanks for your order. Unfortunately I cannot reply to your PM because I have insufficient privileges. Please e-mail or skype me.

Other than that, there is still 1 review copy available!

Hi Joe,
It's hard to say for how many posts it will stay unique. If you open up The Best Spinner, go to the publish tab, and click generate and compare, you can generate many copies. I know in a 500 word article, Sentence Level Spinning is about 70% unique although it ranges from 50-80 in a random sample. Phrase is about 80% and ranges from 60-90, and word is about 90% and ranges from 65-97.

For services like UAW or AMR that can spew out a ton of variations, you get the most bang for your buck SERP Sherpa, for sure.

Contact me for a review copy, Joe.

Joe, the answer is yes. I can do your review copy.

WF has not turned on my PM privileges yet so I need you to contact me on skype or via email. I cannot reply to your PM.

Can someone relay Joe the message? LOL

Same with MSTeacher. Someone message the guy and tell him to e-mail me.

The best type of "review" you can give is pick a random topic, write an article on it, spin it, then post it here in spintax format so everyone can see the quality of the spin.
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