SERP rankin' and TRAFFIC leakin' YOUTUBE videos - 99¢ each

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Jun 3, 2007
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For time immemorial, we gay webmasters have lived in fear of two things...

Flooded Basements


Black and White Animals

Huddled in our trailers and basements (hi mom!), we've toiled in futility, tending our adsense farms and spamming our microniche sites...


All the while knowing that a two toned quadraped with a raging erection would eventually show up


and destroy it all.


For far too long we've sat back, powerless, and watched as our hard work was ground into dust...

Our sites penalized.


Our traffic choked out.


Escaping from the cycle of destruction seemed impossible.


Gay wbmasters tried and failed to overcome the odds over and over...


and each time, the naysayers cried out:

"Updates are a fact of life!"

"Plan For Destruction!"


"It's The Nature Of The Beast!"


What if it didn't have to be that way?

What if you could harness the awesome power of nature for good?


What if you could sleep soundly in your mom's basement knowing you'd developed a traffic source that didn't rely on organic search rankings?


What if you could control the weather like Richard Pryor did in Superman III?


Well, with YouTube Tornado, you can.


What Is YouTube Tornado?

YouTube Tornado is an automated YouTube marketing system that allows for 100% handsfree creation, production, publication and promotion of keyword targeted slideshow videos on YouTube Tornado users are able to create and publish hundreds of KW targeted videos in minutes.

Why Do I Need Video Content?

Because it's not 2002 anymore, and YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world. If you do not have documents (videos) that can be found via YouTube internal search, you are missing out on traffic and sales. It's that simple.

What Do These Videos Look Like?

We aren't gunning for an oscar here (hi Leo!), we're talking about animated slideshow videos like these:

[ame=""]Demo - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Demo 2 - YouTube[/ame]

How Can I Use YTT?

As A Traffic Source: By creating hundreds of longtail targeted videos, YTT can enable you to generate significant amounts of traffic over time, as videos will rank in YouTube's internal search engine AND Google/Bing/Yahoo...

As An Authority Builder: It's hard to beat getting literally hundreds of links from the #3 website in the world...

As Lead Generation For Pay-Per-Call Offers And Local Businesses: Many local service keywords can be absolutely DOMINATED with a shotgun approach that utilizes YTT videos.

As A Way To Box out Your Competitors: Bury your competition with an unending barrage of KW targeted videos. They'll have no way to compete, and no hope of keeping up...

As A Pumper Network: Everybody knows that YT videos can handle incredible amounts of "abuse". Each video can serve as it's own "pumper site", absorbing thousands of automated links, and funneling that juice back to the profile page, and ultimately back to your money site. Automated Links>Video Pages>Profile Page>Money site

As Support For Niche Networks: Looking for a way to legitimize your private network? YouTube videos send strong social signals and authority love without looking "spammy".

As A Way To Drive Traffic Direct To CPA Offers: Quick and Dirty direct linking to offers with YT videos can bring conversions for pennies on the dollar.

As A SERP Takeover Technique For ORM: Are you planning a "zerg rush" ORM campaign? Fill out the assault with video content, and make the job 10x easier.

As A Way To Drive Internal Link Juice To A Single, Short Tail Video: Targeting a hardcore shortail? Let hundreds of videos funnel juice to your promo video, and rank it inside and outside of YouTube.

As A Way To Build A Niche Mailing List: Use videos to worm your way into every SERP in your niche, and collect email submissions.

Will These Videos Rank?

There are 2 schools of thought to ranking ... YouTube internal and Google external. These videos WILL traffic leak youtube surfers to your videos (and your lander), your call to action (video title) means a lot here. Google external rankings ... sure, fire some links at your videos and watch them rise.

Will My Videos Be Private?

The base YTT package utilizes shared accounts, so your videos will be mixed in with others. However, if you'd like a channel with JUST your videos on it, you can choose the "private YT channel" option from our conceirge options and isolate yourself like a true one-percenter.

What if I Don't Want To Fill Out Your Long-Ass Order Form?

No problem, clearly you're too busy popping bottles and banging models to worry about video titles, image uploads, or headline text, so just give us your URL, select all three conceierge options on the YTT order form, and we'll handle the rest so you can get back to the party as soon as possible.

How Much Does It Cost?

Video content has been notoriously time consuming and expensive to create...which is why we developed YTT in the first place! Videos start at $2 each, and go as low as 99 cents, depending on the size of your order.

What is the TAT?

YTT boasts a very fast TAT, with smaller orders typically delivered in 72 hours or less, and oftentimes on the same day. Larger orders may take up to 10 business days for 100% completion.

Is this the same service I2E ran?

No and Yes. The idea I2E had going was good, but the process needed to be fixed, so that's what I've done. We're running a mostly automated system now, and the long TAT/fufillment issues are a thing of the past. You'll also notice that prices dropped dramatically, yet another benefit of some sexy ass automation.

Are there reviews available?

YES. We're offering five reviews to members with 10 itrader and 200 posts. Each review will consist of a base package of 25 videos.

How can I order?

Ordering YTT is the easiest thing you'll do today. Just click the button below, watch the video, (or don't if you're going with full concierge), fill in your details, and go to sleep tonight knowing that you're not like everybody else who's waiting in line to get destroyed by an algo update.

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Rock and Roll ... You 5 are in but pepe is at the top of the queue.

We're going to do full concierge minus the private youtube channel for you guys ... so really all we need to get the ball rolling is the url of your offer and we'll fill in the blanks from there.

PM them over when you're ready. If I don't have it within 24 hours, I'll need to open the review copy up to someone else.

If you guys want to set this all up yourself, just take a look at the information necessary on the order form (video titles, pictures, video headlines, etc) and find a way to get them to me (zipped up plx).
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Thought I'd pop in here and mention that although I haven't used this very service, I've used similar stuff by the same people and shit was legit.

At any rate, Erect is now a bona fide legend... We should all be sending him money just because.

I seriously doubt anyone here will be sorry for trying this out, assuming longtail traffic is good for your business.
Still waiting on urls from 2 of the above reviewers ... everything else is in progress.

I really appreciate all the interest this thread has gotten so far, over the weekend nonetheless. I'm positive you'll all be happy with the TAT for such a complicated task & also finished product (and direct traffic) you'll receive.

We should all be sending him money just because.

I'm a big fan of this idea. I'll be adding a link in the OP just for that purpose ... might even be a rebill ;]
^^ Replied with a CC

For those with review copy questions (LegitAM & other PMs), all the reviews were fully claimed. Most are processed and delivered .. dgenius & flaw3d's setups are still are pending some of the finer details before they can be produced, should all be in progress within the next few hours.

Reviews Incoming Soon!!!!
Speed: 5/5
Ordered @ 03-02-2014 12:32 AM
Report @ 03-03-2014 11:10 AM

Communication: 5/5
There wasn't much communication needed or even time for it but what there was, was efficient and friendly.

Price: 5/5
Considering the time it would take to do this yourself and what it would take to automate it, I can't see how this isn't anything but 5/5.

Quality: 4/5 or 5/5 Depends on how you ask the question.
For the money. These are at least 5/5.

Not considering the money. You might notice some issues with low-res images, long tail KWs that don't quite make sense as video titles, vid desc is obviously spun (but not terrible and only in the "show more" section). I am sure 99.9% of you don't give a crap about this at all but I am super picky.

Overall Review: 5/5
I am very pleased with this service. The concierge options are nice so you can use this service and do the minimum. I only provided the domain and no guidance what-so-ever and I got just what I was hoping for. Of course if you want it just the way you want it, you will need to take the time to provide your own titles, KWs, images etc.

Read the sales copy, wysiwyg -> recommended.
Here's my review of this valuable service.

Speed 5/5
I ordered 25 videos plus concierge service. The first video was live in less than 8 hours and the others followed fast. All reports were delivered within 24 hours.

Quality 5/5
For the price you cant beat the quality. These are videos made with images and text that are put into an automatic video maker. They all had music. Most importantly my link was in the description of every video.

Price 5/5
You can't beat the cost on these videos. Links from youtube are great to have in your portfolio, and the possibilities are endless if you know how to use these links properly.

Overall 5/5
I would recommend this service to anyone. It has become one of my regular linkbuilding services for all of my sites.

A+ Great job!
Hello business citations. For you kids doing local, grab up some of these for you business with the NAP in the description - still very under utilized. That is all.
Speed 5/5
Blazing fast. I provider the URL and erect came up with the rest. I'm pretty happy with the results. Communication was A+.

Quality 5/5
Link in every video description, my brand in every video, music in every video. It's perfect for some quick links. You can abuse the hell out of youtube links as well. I'm really curious to see what happens after I throw some links at these. I can definitely see them ranking for their terms as the majority of the titles are long tail.

Price 5/5
Insanely cheap. I was lucky enough to get a review copy but for the price having these in your link profile is smart. Do as you can afford or go all out. Can't see you regretting getting this at all.

Overall 5/5
Adding these into the mix of my link building is going to make life alot easier and bring in all those long tails that really make the money. Just buy it. The ad copy alone should make you buy it.
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