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New member
Feb 10, 2007
Should I register a domain like.


I am wondering if google will reconize one over the other as better. Any advice?

Well I now have read more information about - vs _ . Thanks MDSandB :bowdown: for the link that was perfect. Also gave me access to other information as well. I have registered my domain I am going to use and I am going to use -. I think it is going to be a great niche.

Give me a couple hours and I will have the site up and going and I will let you all know the site.
How is showing water saving tips going to help you sell beer brewing kits? I don't get it - you're trying to market one niche product to another completely different niche.
Maybe I'm missing something, but why would an article about dashes versus underscores help in your decision making? This issue has nothing to do with dashes versus no dashes in a domain name. Using dashes in a domain name has completely different consequences to using them in filenames on the site.
Ok how is this for a more focused effort... 2nd try - Letters From North Pole

I think you will like this one better it is pretty much finished. Do you think I need to ad anything to this one? Like a privacy policy?

The other site I am waiting for an application to be approved then I will be able to sell t-shirts and other items.

I have been looking at the site do you all think I need more content? I mean the site can only really be valuable till x-mas. so what recommendations do you all think I should do to get the best return... Should I try and put a little adsense in it? I am thinking not cause from what I can tell I want this to be a very focused site..

I think I can really only do a good PPC campaign right to get visitors befor x-mas? Could directory submissions be worth getting in this case? And a site map should I even do one for something like this?

In addition I will be putting up flyers in the 4 apartment complexs that are next to me with flyers. I know where we are at we have a lot and I mean a lot of kids running around. We have 24 building with 3 and 4 stories to them with each building having two sets of 12 apartments so you can see the numbers start adding up quickly. I know it won't be too much money to get that many copies done at kinkoes. So I will roll up the sleeves and work the streets a little too. I have some campaign experience so I can do a little marketing offline.

You know what... I think we can turn this into an experiment for WF and see how much I can make in 25 days.... this can sort a be the log for it too.. And any advice is always welcome..

(disclaimer - Yes I have had a couple Beers. So I hope I made a little sense cause i think this is a good little site..)
Jedi, I'd suggest you mask your affiliate link (or whatever the hell that ugly thing is) through a link processor on your site. Some middleman page with a built in redirect (either server-side fired (ideal) or HTML). As it stands, a lot of people do look at those links as they show up in the status bar, and might turn away.

Anyways. Good luck on your experiment. Talk about a seasonal fucking product.
Hmm.. mask the link I will have to look into that. Are you talking about creating a script to hold the link and is called by a click event on the link? I will look into cause I see what you mean about how it looks all like garabage.

I have been tweeking up the site a little.
  • Added Testemonial Page
  • Added CSS
  • Added more words/content
  • Updated the Logo
So I am hoping to see a better ROI now since I have made it look a little better. I got rid of the link lines and such. I have registered some conversions so i am excited to see how the new look and feel will do.

:xmas-smiley-022: Christmas Cards

We will see what the next 24 hours will bring....
Hmm.. mask the link I will have to look into that. Are you talking about creating a script to hold the link and is called by a click event on the link? I will look into cause I see what you mean about how it looks all like garabage.

I have been tweeking up the site a little.
  • Added Testemonial Page
  • Added CSS
  • Added more words/content
  • Updated the Logo
So I am hoping to see a better ROI now since I have made it look a little better. I got rid of the link lines and such. I have registered some conversions so i am excited to see how the new look and feel will do.

:xmas-smiley-022: Christmas Cards

We will see what the next 24 hours will bring....

Here, have some free code on me. What you're going to do is instead have links to a page called send.html or something. On that page, put this:

<frameset framespacing='0' border='false' frameborder='0' rows='0,100%'>
<frame name='top'>
<frame name='body' src='YOUR AFFILLIATE CODE'>
<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.</p>

So when they mouseover, they see send.html, but when they go there, it's framed to send them to a different site.
so baiscally I am sending them to another one of my pages that redirects them to the affiliate page?

Am I to add this code to the load event or just ahve it in the body of the send.htm

Curious if you're still around. Curious if you're going to finish the project I paid you for or if you've decided to take my $1,000 and never be heard from again. I do plan on pursuing this as I dont like to be taken advantage of.

Oh and in answer to your question...What I've heard from the "experts" is anything over two -'s in a url is considered spamish by Google.

Curious if you're still around. Curious if you're going to finish the project I paid you for or if you've decided to take my $1,000 and never be heard from again. I do plan on pursuing this as I dont like to be taken advantage of.

everyone jump on the dramacopter and lets go for a ride
No drama...Just frustrating when someone takes your money without providing the service agreed to and then not having much recourse. Just want everyone to know so they dont fall into trap as I did.
No drama...Just frustrating when someone takes your money without providing the service agreed to and then not having much recourse. Just want everyone to know so they dont fall into trap as I did.

oh no, the drama starts when he comes back to this thread and a battle begins - or lets hope so at least
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