SEO Tactic

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John Reese Traffic Secret 2, StomperNet, personal friends etc ie. Everyone who knows what they're talking about.

Thanks for being a jackass.

Everyone knows what they're talking about? Sure.

This thread isn't about LSI or the importance of H1 tags, it's about whether a certain tactic I want to employ is allowed by Google.
Ask Matt Cutts :)

I don't think I would worry about the second word - if your inbound links are for 'car' it won't matter if rentals is in the h tags. What you want to do shouldn't hurt though..... worse case scenario your manual reviewer will just think your a bad coder.
I like turtles.
Who cares what google thinks? Besides I highly doubt anything that trivial will get you banned the scraped content you're putting in the body is way more likely.
Why are you trying to rank for cars? That's such a broad, over saturated term that would be impossible to rank for. I think you need to re evaluate your SEO plan before trying to take on such a project.

Lord love a duck. Just answer the man's question.


Or to be more technically correct, it is not Google "illegal". It may not count for much, but there's nothing about it that would incur a 'penalty'.

Give it a shot, let us know how it goes.
It wont make a difference, as long as the title, and/or <h1> have car in them your ok, that will get you the onsite for ranking for car. but good luck on that keyword, you will need it. and onsite and offsite are equal weight when it comes to seo.
It wont make a difference, as long as the title, and/or <h1> have car in them your ok, that will get you the onsite for ranking for car. but good luck on that keyword, you will need it. and onsite and offsite are equal weight when it comes to seo.

In my opinion, it does make a difference. The car example is a bad one.

You could you have two h1 tags:

(a) Barack Obama

(b) Barack Obama Flys To London For The G8 Summit

Because tag A is less diluted there will be more weight per keyword in the tag. For someone searching for the generic term 'Barack Obama' page A is more likely to be relevant as they will be looking for information on Barack as opposed to information about his trip to London.

Same goes for title tags.
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