SEO/LSI Seasoned Premium Content & Copywriter

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How do you collect LSI keywords?
Can you send me a sample article?


most of the time clients send me their KW requirements, but the way I usually do it is by being given a theme/focal KW and finding related words around that to tie in neatly with the main KW.

As for samples, I don't keep any. I know I really should, but I never have time to produce samples, as I'm too busy producing works for clients! And obviously, I can't use theirs as samples :D

I know my prices are higher than most. Hell, I think im the most expensive kid on the block around here, that I'm aware of.
Still, I do it 'cos it represents where I'm at in terms of quality. If you want some crappy, barely understandable content, that would embarrass you to put it up on your site, then by all means click on the link below mine titled something along the lines of:

"3 dollars for 500 words! Cheap as chips and ready for work!"

If however, you're not willing to take chances on your online presence, and you actually want something written well, something to be proud of when it goes up on your blog/site/whatever, then throw me a PM and let's get the ball rolling.

I've just finished a ton of orders, so I've got plenty of time for new clients. If you're someone whose tired of trying to find a half-decent writer every two weeks, then keep in mind I AM looking for some long-term work/clients. Keep it in mind.

Anyhow, you can see I'm not a clueless tosspot by the reviews, and you're looking for great quality content. You have more to lose by choosing those same typical non-native barely understandable writers, than by paying a little extra for top quality work.

Get it sorted.
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