Selling my site that makes well over $1000/month

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Aside from the traffic, his site has very little content of value, and I can't see it being worth more than a couple hundred dollars. If you're banking $1,000 monthly I'm wondering the secret because I have a site in the same niche, and making pennies a day. I am working my butt off daily adding content of value and adding backlinks, hoping the traffic will improve. I can't see that the owner of the other freebie site did much work on it at all (aside from filling it up with affiliate links).

In defense of the OP, the freebie sites tend to be very plain in layout and I haven't encountered even one that was particularly stylish. Freebie sites are supposed to hold a boatload of links and little else.
I have a site with a worse alexa score and I'm making 2,000-3,000 profit a day from it.

Alexa is so far off on these lower traffic site that it's basically worthless.
It would be up to the buyer to verify the claims, and I have no opinion either way.

But... I have had a couple of website in financial niches that only had 3k - 5k organic uniques a month, low Alexa ratings, and averaged about $1 an impression (i.e. $3k - $5k).

You guys know that it depends upon traffic qualify. Some keywords are golden, and will convert at 20%, and others will convert at 1%. I just would not dismiss this claim out of hand.

Also - I think he's saying that the money is in the list he's developed over time. I know that when I've been able to build up a list that every emailing would bring in sales.

And my websites were very plain - but they did have real content (from licensed professionals) to try to establish authority with visitors. What webmasters think are nice looking websites is one thing. Delivering the information that the surfer is looking for on SEO optimized pages is another thing. Sometimes you can do well even if you are not good at everything. (Ugly Websites R US)

And I sold one of them to a large (and smart) company for a several times what this guy is asking for. I had to help that company with tons of due diligence though, so much it made me crazy - and I would advise any potential buyers to remember that before you buy.

But again, the content on my websites had value. And even though my traffic wasn't huge, I ranked on some "money" words. But I would imagine that if I had offered to sell it here you guys would look at the plain design and Alexa ranking and say things to hurt my feelings. :food-smiley-010:

I don't see anything wild abuot his claims on the basis of traffic.

I am not crazy at looking at a website that is just built upon pages of affiliate links, but who knows if surfers care or even notice?
I get a 404 error on this page,


You can either correct this or create a catch-all with Wordpress settings, or with .htaccess.

I think the OP could very well be making the amount of money claimed each month from this website. Maybe the layout is plain, but it seems like the real value is the ongoing membership club. Once he built a list of interested people, he can sell directly to a more targeted audience that he already knows about their proclivity to purchase.

Good luck with your auction. Guess I'm kind of surprised the link wasn't through the eBay Partner Network, or was it?
Why sell?

If you're making a $1,000/month then why sell it? Is this part of your business model? Curious....
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