Selling my site that makes well over $1000/month

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A professionally designed website with original script, logo and banners (Total cost for this was around US$1500) Click Here to see the site!
Since when did Wordpress count as an original script?
that logo must have cost at least a $1.

BTW, when you say 'no costs', you seem to be forgetting the huge google adwords campaign you have to run to make it work.

Because your organic rankings are for shit.
As a heads up to wickedfire members thinking about buying this - that site is not in a good place to rank organically. It's a fucking competitive market to begin with, but it's only got 24 pages indexed and doesn't rank for the term "free samples heaven" which is worrying considering it's domain name is Not a lot of work has been done to improve it either, it's wordpress so there's no excuse to have urls like "" as wp can automatically change that to It only appears to have 6 backlinks.
I should've known this, obviously not the best place to post my site :) All of the usual Wickedfire attacks and sarcastic humour... there is no way of getting through it :) It seems I wasted my time posting this here... if anyone's interested in asking any real questions and not just find ways to put the site down, just PM me and I'll be happy to answer any doubts or queries... thanks everyone... ;)

Ah by the way, Dirdoo. I sent you a PM in regards to your question. Thanks!
Since when did Wordpress count as an original script?

Gibran hired me to customize WordPress to run this type of site. That meant developing a custom theme and writing various plugins and modifications to the script. There's also functionality there to associate an image with each post, but it's not in use at the moment.

I've worked with Gibran multiple times in the past and he's always been extremely honest.
Thanks, HBZ... :) for sticking out for me hehe ... this was nice... any other questions, just PM ME...
I think what you're claiming is entirely possible.

But why don't you answer some of the questions here instead of PM?
Hi ChrisS,

Thanks for your message. I didn't answer them openly because after seeing the first few replies and seeing how most people were simply being childish and were just smashing the post for the sake of it and/or because they wanted to be smart asses. After all that, I just didn't see any point in answering anything openly or pursuing this much further on wickedfire (except with people that were sincerely interested and had real questions to ask via PM).

Now to the questions. Let's see:

First question was already answered by HBZSoftware's post.

Second question, is completely inane. However, I will answer it. I got a logo and banner package that was worth around $200.

Third question, as I explain in my listing. I don't receive much or any real search engine organic traffic. However, nearly half of my traffic (if not more now) no longer costs anything as it comes from my mailing list members who visit the site regularly.

I provide all income proof (screen shots) and explain how the site makes money in detail in my eBay listing.

I think that answers all the questions that have been posed so far.

I'll offer you 3 sheep, 14 goats, and a 1982 Olds Delta 88 Diesel for your site. If you want, I'll even throw in a cow!
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