Selling My First Book via Amazon

Well, I've managed to break my previous Reddit "record" (100 YouTube subscribers in ~24 hours) by attracting ~150 subs over a 24-hour period with my video about derivatives.

The main difference between this situation and the other one is this: for my previous record, I've done very well on just ONE huge subreddit (/r/videos, with 11 million members, genuinely huge) whereas the derivatives video did well on several smaller subreddits.

It definitely adds up, especially since you can get good placement on the smaller subreddits. I end up on position #1 of page #1 on smaller subreddits relatively frequently, whereas my best performance on /r/videos has been the last position (#25) of page one. Now, of course, I could receive insane amounts of traffic by hitting position #1 of page #1 on /r/videos (easily hundreds of subs, possibly 500+) but that's easier said than done and therefore, if I were to aim for consistency, targeting smaller subreddits kind of makes more sense.

The channel now has close to 800 subs, so "the big 1k" is close.

That's it for now, will post in this thread again when I have something new/meaningful to report.

How do you submit the videos to reddit? Lots of different submissions under one account or a fresh account for each sub you are submitting to?

How do you submit the videos to reddit? Lots of different submissions under one account or a fresh account for each sub you are submitting to?

I'm not active on Reddit, so I'm not the one who does the posting. New accounts which have a self-promotion "vibe" get whacked quickly.

The channel just passed the "1,500 subs" milestone, got 500 subs in two weeks.

Well, two weeks and 2-3 days to be more precise but still, not bad at all.

I'm working really hard on the channel these days, posting two videos each and every week: one on Tuesday and one on Saturday.

Most of the subs come from Reddit and while I know a lot of YouTubers raise an eyebrow whenever someone mentions Reddit (their users have a reputation of not always being very polite... to put it mildly), Redditors have been very good to me for the most part.

Have some of the comments been about how much I suck? Yes. But most of the feedback (the overwhelming majority) has been positive and/or constructive.
So do you have a friend that is active on Reddit or do you hire Reddit people via Fiverr‎?

Fiverr :)

Time for another update!

I'm really happy that my One Minute Economics channel hit 2,000 subs!

People are viewing my videos, commenting (including some *very* interesting/relevant discussions which enhance the video, building a community has always been my #1 goal) and all in all, I'm very motivated to keep working hard.

And make no mistake, I'm working my ass off.

Videos are being published two times each week, one on Tuesday and one on Saturday.

At first, I just thought to myself "hey, all I have to do is always keep 10+ videos in my ready-to-publish folder and bam, problem solved"... easier said than done :)

Because sure, I keep working on scripts and adding videos to my "ready-to-publish" folder but I'm also taking videos out each Tuesday + Saturday. I might eventually end up with 10+ ready-to-publish videos but right now, I'm not even halfway there yet. I'm never in emergency mode though, so I always have at least a couple of videos ready but still, the fact that I don't have an adequate video cushion yet gives me a bit of anxiety.

Alright then, time to get back to work!

What tools do you use for creating and publishing the videos?

The designer uses GoAnimate if I'm not mistaken :)

Currently at 2,430-ish subs, not bad at all!

How many will actually buy the book remains to be seen. Oh and before I forget, I need your help with something guys: please PM me if you'd like a free copy of the book and can read at least 15-20 pages within a week or so.

I'd owe you one, could definitely use a little bit of help!
Currently at 2,430-ish subs, not bad at all!

Decent number of subscribers there.

I need your help with something guys: please PM me if you'd like a free copy of the book and can read at least 15-20 pages within a week or so.

I'd owe you one, could definitely use a little bit of help!

I am one of those who got your reply PM.
It may be better to just send the book as a PDF or something to those who will review it and let them review it, rather than going through the route you suggested. It may get you more reviews and feedback. Just my two cents.
Quick update: currently at 2,720 subs and I need your help with something.

I've just published a one minute video about the first Clinton-Trump debate from an economic perspective:

Would really appreciate it if you could help me spread the word via facebook, twitter, etc.

Did my best to be as objective as positive.

As an economist, I have to say I've hated the debate. They’ve spent about as much time discussing economics as they’ve spent talking about tabloid-type issues such as Obama’s birth certificate. Interest rates are at record-low levels, central banks are pumping unprecedented amounts of liquidity into the system, the global economy is dealing with unbelievably complex problems… yet politicians still prefer tabloid-ish topics. Go figure.
Alright guys, time to talk about the actual book again rather than just the YouTube channel.

Now sure, I have a platform that doesn't suck through which I can promote my book. I have, I have the channel that's currently at around 3,200 subscribers and I have several friends/contacts who will help me spread the word.

That's good and I'm grateful to have a platform.

BUT... my goal is hitting a bestseller a list and to do that, I'm aiming for at least 10,000 sales over a 1-week period. There's just no way my platform can get me anywhere near that many sales.

I will be dropping the price to just $2.99 for the Kindle version during the big week to help boost sales (the physical/paper book and the audiobook will be more expensive) but still, I doubt my platform (blog + channel + contacts) can get me more than let's say 1,500 sales.

Frankly, the number I'm working with now is 1,000 sales generated by my platform.

The remaining 9,000+ have to come from paid advertising and as such, I've been working on raising more money. Actually need your help with something, as I'm auctioning 4 domains at *no* reserve (highest bidder gets them) through Sedo auctions which will all end tomorrow:

To go to the Sedo auction, click HERE.

To go to the Sedo auction, click HERE.

To go to the Sedo auction, click HERE.

And, finally, click HERE to go to the Sedo auction.

Again: all of the auctions will end tomorrow.

Since I'm selling them at no reserve, it'll be the last chance to buy these from me. The new owner will most likely have way higher price expectations.

If you have someone in mind who you think would be interested in one of these, please let him/her know.

I mean for example is a real gem and the current high bid is $605, that's just plain ridiculous. Could sure use some help with these auctions!
Congrats on sticking it out man, I am doing kindle promotion too and I will say, it is not easy doing a grassroots campaign. You are on the right track spending time to build up a following. Mine are smaller projects, so I am able to release my first book which I released a few days ago as a marketing test.

I plan on having 3 or 4 in that subject, so if the first one isn't as successful its ok.

I do love writing though and have alot of subjects to write about, so for me this is my best option with online income for now, although I have other things going.

I don't have alot of money to invest, so I went and found as many free facebook pages and book submission services, my 59 free downloads to try and rank my book was from doing alot of legwork, which is not a bad number but not going to get anyone on amazon's top lists.

I bought a service for 97$ which seems to get 5,000 free downloads on KDP select days, I will maybe post later if it succeeds.

I think you are doing it a good way though, im sure free promos is not where you want to go with your book. It seems to be either create something really high quality like you, or have 10-20 quality books, which is kinda my plan.

Kindle doesn't seem like the place for uploading 40+ crappy books, but it seems like it takes a few to succeed if they are medium quality.

Anyways good luck, your posts have given me some great insight.
I prefer the old royalty system where you get paid per unit sold instead of the number of pages read on KDP

while its clear you're posting to raise your post count on a dead website (congrats on your advanced thinking), the "old royalty system" is still in full effect and only "old" if you're dumb enough to choose the kindle unlimited option as a publisher.
while its clear you're posting to raise your post count on a dead website (congrats on your advanced thinking), the "old royalty system" is still in full effect and only "old" if you're dumb enough to choose the kindle unlimited option as a publisher.

I think he's referring to KU 1.0.

Authors were paid for each download (approx. $2). Joe Blow earned as much from a 10-page erotica short as Brandon Sanderson earned from Way Of Kings (1,000+ pages) in KU.

A lot of folks exploited this royalty system, earning five figures per month for months on end by pumping out low-quality shorts. Amazon eventually plugged that hole by rolling out KU 2.0. With 2.0, authors are paid per page read.

Saying that one prefers KU 1.0 to KU 2.0 is a bit silly. It's like saying one prefers the days when you could press a few buttons and earn five figures per month via Adsense (circa 2003 - 2005).