Sell Me a Post on Your Best Blog (PR + SEOmoz PA/DA)


Gigantic Websites Dot Com
Jul 6, 2007
Since eliquid and ly2 started threads through which they requested SEO-related stuff, I thought I'd try this approach as well.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who wants something like this, so feel free to post in this thread if you want providers to contact you as well.

I'm interested in a post on your best blog.

No, I don't want spun content on hundreds of blogs. Just one post on your best blog (PR4 or higher + high SEOmoz PA/DA).

PM me the following info:

1) the PR and the SEOmoz PA/DA of the blog you have in mind
2) how much you'd charge for a post
3) the number of outbound links (the lower the better)

plzkthxbye ;)

Awesome idea Charly.simm !

I'm on board! Need same...

I'm interested in a post on best blogs only.

No, I don't want spun content on hundreds of blogs. Just one post on your best blog (PR4 or higher + high SEOmoz PA/DA).

PM me the following info:

1) the PR and the SEOmoz PA/DA of the blog you have in mind
2) how much you'd charge for a post
3) the number of outbound links (the lower the better)
I have a copyright on this thread style. I am going to fucking sue you if you don't remove this post. You have 24 hours

Everyone knows there's no such thing as copyright ownership without Grindstone's approval. After sending him 51 PMs, he agreed to grant me exclusive rights to your WF threads.

If you do not remove all of your treads within 5 seconds, I will be taking legal action. First and final warning!
Awesome idea Charly.simm !

I'm on board! Need same...

I'm interested in a post on best blogs only.

No, I don't want spun content on hundreds of blogs. Just one post on your best blog (PR4 or higher + high SEOmoz PA/DA).

PM me the following info:

1) the PR and the SEOmoz PA/DA of the blog you have in mind
2) how much you'd charge for a post
3) the number of outbound links (the lower the better)

I believe the Tom Cooper above to be Baron Thomas Cooper of Culross, County Caithness. He was Lord Justice in the only war crimes trial to be brought against a Nazi in Scotland and died in 1955. He enjoys long walks on the beach, working out, dancing at clubs and having a good time, and can't stand fake people and guys who wear eyeliner.
We have to PM Grindstone and get his permission before posting these kind of threads. Right?
We have to PM Grindstone and get his permission before posting these kind of threads. Right?

Sending him a PM won't be enough.

A lot of people think that all they need to do is send Grindstone a short message and bam... problem solved! It's a common misconception, all WF premium members know that Grindstone hates short messages. If your message doesn't have at least 10 long paragraphs, you shouldn't expect a reply. Even more so, Grindstone likes it when people send each paragraph as a separate PM.

If you want to become a premium WF member or if you have another problem, I'd recommend the following approach:

Send Grindstone a PM with the subject "My Request - Paragraph 1" which contains the first paragraph of your message, then a PM with the subject "My Request - Paragraph 2" which contains the second paragraph of your message and so on.

Yeah, it's not easy but that's how Grindstone rolls. If you want to become a premium WF member, you have to prove that you fucking deserve it!
When I was trying to get my premium status I had to send over 250 PM's to grindstone before I was able to get it.

Persistence is really the only way to get through to grindstone.
I have a PR 9 blog that you may be interested in posting on.

The Facebook Blog | Facebook

You might have already heard of it.

I'm 100% sure the chick in the bottom right corner of the first image has pointy elbows, NOT INTERESTED!!!!!!1!!!one!!1

You want to sell me posts on a blog that features images of chicks with pointy elbows, wtf if wrong with you?!?
I'm 100% sure the chick in the bottom right corner of the first image has pointy elbows, NOT INTERESTED!!!!!!1!!!one!!1

You want to sell me posts on a blog that features images of chicks with pointy elbows, wtf if wrong with you?!?

U aware?
I have a copyright on this thread style. I am going to fucking sue you if you don't remove this post. You have 24 hours.

EDIT: What are your niches? Didn't I give you some free posts before so I could get some fresh content on my splogs?

You good sir are wrong, I filed before you under current US law as I have prior use of the thread style on this forum when you copied me. I am going to ass fuck you once you ass fuck him. Get lubed son.

Everyone knows there's no such thing as copyright ownership without Grindstone's approval. After sending him 51 PMs, he agreed to grant me exclusive rights to your WF threads.

If you do not remove all of your treads within 5 seconds, I will be taking legal action. First and final warning!

I already went through this approval with Grind myself.

So you didn't take advantage of my generous offer?


You messing with the wrong nigga. Im coming after you too.

^^ exactly, who da fuck is dis nigga?