See if you qualify for the packages that keep most of my clients on page 1

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Feb 7, 2009
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There are a lot of pump and dump packages on WickedFire, however this is not one of them. Most of my clients are interested in long term results, and you can see that my clients hold their rank for years, unaffected by algorithms that change over the years.

Like this WickedFire member who ordered a Mininet and PR blog package back in late 2012 and has been on page 1 since with no additional SEO work:


In early 2013 WickedFire member burntpickle became my client. After a Mininet and PR blogs, his unbranded target keywords have moved up quite a bit, and were not hit by any 2013 or 2014 algorithm updates.





Even this one, which only got one link, moved up quite a bit (please note that that doesn't mean one link will move your keyword up tons of positions; it means that within the context of the massive authority and linkjuice I was sending him, one link for this keyword generated this much change):


This keyword has held its position on page 1 through algorithm updates:




Here are some more recent projects for local keywords:

(chart dates are day/month/yr)



Here is another local keyword:


WickedFire member TaraNYC has been on page one for over a year, with no additional SEO work:


And the most recent month:


Of course, not everyone goes immediately to page 1. Here are some keywords from two projects I started in January that are currently on page 2:



So how do we do it?

With Mininets and PR blogs, both of which only use handwritten posts.

The PR blogs are divided into two groups: public and private.

Public PR Blogs: This is my own group of sites. These are not guest posts and they are not part of a "network." I own every site. I own every hosting package. No one else has access to these sites and it is extremely unlikely that anyone else is on these IPs. This is pure uniqueness that you will not find anywhere else. Each site is hosted on a completely different IP, unique at the first octet. This is not "SEO hosting" where the first two octets are the same, which is not only obvious to Google, but most of those IPs are spammed out, anyway (because who do you think uses "SEO hosting?").

These are real blogs with thousands of visitors monthly. They are blogs. They are not article sites. If you want articles posted about your niche please go elsewhere.

I have many sites. Here is a list of the ones that are currently available:


You may not see samples. Every client is protected by a signed confidentiality agreement. If I start showing samples to people then that confidentiality is gone. I have given every piece of information you could possibly want about the sites, but if there is something else you want to know feel free to ask and I will tell you as long as it's not the URL. After you sign the NDA you get a list of the blogs.

Here are some (blurred for privacy) screenshots of some of the blogs in the package:


These are low outbound link (OBL) blogs. I do not run spamfarms. Each site is under 30 OBLs and typically under 20. That is for the entire site. When a blog gets full it is removed from rotation until the links expire. I do not oversell. Your link will be on a post that is stickied on the homepage where the PR is for one year. I don't try to trick people into buying "PR4 links" and then give you a link on a page with no PR.

I have never had a blog get deindexed.

Every post is handwritten and is 400+ words. Your link is contextual.

Click here for more info
Click here to order the public PR blog package

*No adult
*No gambling
*No pharma
*No sites with spun content
*No SEO company sites
*No sites with fewer than 10 pages
*No make money online stuff (investing and trading sites are ok, but if you are telling people how to make money by selling stuff, that's not allowed)

*Foreign language keywords are ok 99% of the time.

Keyword restrictions:
*If any (non-branded) keywords are used in more than 15% of your backlinks, you may not use those keywords on any of my sites.

Private PR Blogs: Basically the same as above except you don't get a report and it's monthly instead of yearly. It's a different group of sites with similar stats. Average PR is 3+. If you need a report order the PR blogs. If you want more privacy then consider this package instead.

There are two groups of private blogs:

If your site is less than 6 months old OR has fewer than 50 unique IPs linking to it, you must start with group 1. And I mean real IPs, not "C-Class" garbage that is obviously all coming from the same host.

If your site is over 6 months old AND has more than 50 unique IPs linking to it then you may use either group 1 or group 2. You can also use group 2 if you are already using group 1.

Click here to order the private PR blog package

Same as for the public PR blogs.

Keyword restrictions:
Same as for the public PR blogs.

Mininets: A series of web2.0 blogs and article sites created in a natural way with your choice of 1-5 posts, each 400+ words, per blog site. I have been creating Mininets for WickedFire members since 2009. Links are contextual. All posts are handwritten. One post per blog is usually sufficient but if you are worried about things looking natural I offer up to 4 additional posts per blog. The sites in the Mininet are yours. You get all the URLs, email addresses, usernames, passwords, etc. You may change them if you want.

There are 7 different Mininet sizes available, ranging from 14 sites to 200 sites, and with 1 to 5 posts per blog. Usually you should start smaller and expand over time rather than starting with a bigger one. View the link below to get more information about the different kinds.

Click here to learn more about Mininets
Click here to order a Mininet


Do you guarantee movement?

Of course not. I have no idea what else you are doing or have done to your site. Generally, when a client does not get positive movement it is because of one of two main reasons:

1) the SEO work done was not sufficient for the competitiveness of the keywords (eg. someone with a brand new site targeting the keyword "forex" and ordering a small Mininet). I usually turn away clients in this situation because I know they won't be happy with the results. btw, if you are actually trying to rank for "forex," I don't think I have the resources to help you.

2) there is some kind of penalty applied to your site. Recovering from a penalty requires more than just building more high quality links. Plan to spend 2-6 months full time to recover from a penalty. If it happens faster, awesome, but that's not always the case.

Can I choose which PR sites you use?

Yes, just tell me the site IDs you want to use when ordering. Lots of people do this because they want sites in a certain country.

Can I change the URLs in the PR blog packages?

As long as the keywords are the same, you can change the URLs for free once per year. The keywords cannot be changed without having to rewrite the content in order to keep everything natural so make sure you choose keywords you will be happy with for the duration of the package.

Can I use the same PR blog for multiple target sites?

Yes, as long as they are not on the same IP and do not have the same Google Analytics account.

My site was hit by a penalty. Can you help me recover?

As mentioned above, there is more to recovering from a penalty than just building high quality links. The first step is figuring out why you got penalized and going from there. I have tools that can help with that, too. So the answer is maybe. It depends on the penalty and what is going on. For example if you have a hyphenated EMD and an overoptimization penalty from 10,000 spammy links that all use the same anchortext, it's probably best if you start over with a new domain.

Any other questions? PM me!

Here's a website that was hit with an over-optimization penalty and an EMD penalty a while back. It takes time to recover from something like that but this site is well on its way to page one:


When I made this thread I posted this SERP chart from a client who had gone from position 109 to 9:

If you go to SERP Volatility you can see that Google has really been making a lot of changes and sites have been moving a lot lately. I am happy to announce that the WickedFire client's site above has moved up to position 6 without any additional SEO work:

I haven't posted here in a while and thought I'd chime in.

I've been working with Steve for like 3 years now. I've had a ton of Mininets and more recently I've been using the PR blogs to boost a few of my sites. The highest quality work I've seen. I actually just ordered some more blogs for two more of my sites.

It's funny cuz I seem to get a lot of PM's from other people trying to compare what they do to Steve. The PM's will say stuff like "hey, I noticed you bought metalhead's package, but did you know *my* package blah blah bullshit spam." And I'll check out the thread and it's always some crap and within a month or two I'll see their name in the scammers thread.

When you've been in the internet marketing game for a while you get a feel for the stuff that sucks and that's what I see from those other guys. I can't think of anyone I trust to do high quality, worry-free work more than Steve. Nearly every site he has worked on for me has been on page 1 for years.

Ok, just wanted to share in this thread and share my experiences.
Hey man it looks like a great package, but I'm just wondering, why no sites on making money? What if you have a combination of both investing, trading and making money? I see that as being part of the financial niche, a huge part actually, which is why I'm curious about that.
Hey man it looks like a great package, but I'm just wondering, why no sites on making money? What if you have a combination of both investing, trading and making money? I see that as being part of the financial niche, a huge part actually, which is why I'm curious about that.

I mean no "how to make money online" type of stuff, like target sites that are long landing pages trying to sell an e-book about how to make money online and how you can make $5,000 per day in only 5 minutes of work and you bang supermodels and have five Ferraris but you better order fast because there's a special deal that only lasts for the next 10 minutes!

If you take a look at what I wrote, it says:

*No make money online stuff (investing and trading sites are ok, but if you are telling people how to make money by selling stuff, that's not allowed)

Making money is fine, trading and investing are fine.
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