Secret Hurricane


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Live, Without A DJ
lol wtf


I can tell how little fucks you're giving because I had to scroll horizontally double my screen size (1920x1080) just to see something I saw on Reddit 10 minutes ago.

And now I'm doing it to someone else, damn these fucks are hard to give.
Hey, it happens to the best of us. We're thinking about rain, and then BAM, hurricane kills everyone on our block.
I have heard a similar philosophy before at a Steve Vai guitar clinic, in that thoughts are actual things. That's a retarded application of it though. For example this keyboard I'm typing on didn't spontaneously materialise out of nothing, it started out as a thought in some bloke's head. That thought became this keyboard.
I have heard a similar philosophy before at a Steve Vai guitar clinic, in that thoughts are actual things. That's a retarded application of it though. For example this keyboard I'm typing on didn't spontaneously materialise out of nothing, it started out as a thought in some bloke's head. That thought became this keyboard.

'Intention Manifestation' - It's plausible but only in an abstract sense...
Thought Police. This is something you might hear in North Korea, dont think anything that is not sanctioned about Dear Leader.