Searching the WEB


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
I was rummaging around the office at work and found a list someone had put together long ago. I got a huge chuckle out of this. Notice the jotted down notes on the side, telling which search engines are good for graphics or research. Notice who is NOT on there as well. Pretty fun stuff. I used quite a few of these back in the day. I just went to them all and surprisingly they are all still up and running.


pulled this from my site: Searching the WEB | Trickle Cheddar

used to love me some dogpile used to be the best all around search engine untill they fucked up and basically got copied and left in the dirt. Tried using it a while back and its pretty gay now a days but the have a couple hidden gems left
Northern Light was my choice until they closed their public search engine. I believe they changed the address from to