Scripts and Ebooks by ~OS~

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18 Web SEO Collection

Script List:
  • Advanced PageRank
  • CGI Sitemap Generator
  • Check BackLinks in Google, MSN, Yahoo
  • Check Google PageRank
  • Check PR, BL, Alexa Rank #1
  • Check PR, BL, Alexa Rank #2
  • Check PR, BL, Alexa Rank, MSN Results, Yahoo Results
  • Hub Finder
  • Keyword Generator
  • Keyword Research Tool
  • Link Checking
  • Link Harvester
  • Link Popularity
  • Link Submit
  • Link Suggest
  • Sitemap Generator
  • The Google Suggest Scrape
  • XML Sitemap Generator
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Hot Scripts Clone
This scripts is clone. Collect all scripts information in one site

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Aj Auction Gold 2007

AJ Auction Software is the most advanced, reliable, highly secured auction script. With the Concept and layout is like Ebay. The Script has advanced feature like Turbo bulk loader, IP ban, Customised Listing page, Adaptive payment method, Secure data structure, Automatic Expiry, Advanced Data Management Logic, Easily customisable, Start running the Auction Script in 15 mins. Featured auction, Hot listing, Banner Ad Management system, Affiliate system, Multi level affiliate system, Support payment gateway like Paypal, 2checkout,, Advanced shipping module, Inventory & accounting, Auto Repost, Back-Up database, reset database, Subscription type and Transaction type auction, Dutch auction, Feature listing & Hot listing ad revenue generation, Gallery listing, Easy to use admin interface, Step by Step installation, Easily customisable templates, Enhanced Security & reliablilty, Auto Hacker and integrity checker, Supports SSL, Free Support. ADVANCED & EASY TO USE AUCTION SCRIPT.

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Affiliate Pro v3.0

Adding affiliate tracking software to your site is one of the most effective ways to achieve more sales and more traffic! Our affiliate software installs in just minutes and integrates easily into your existing website. Affiliate Pro could be easily integrated with any billing system. It has paypal payment gateway support embedded. Our product has web based installation wizzard which will guide you through the process of installation.

  • Pay-per-Sale (%% from sales).
  • Pay-per-Sale (flat rate).
  • Pay-per-Click (For unique visitors).
  • Payout percentages adjustable per affiliate.
  • Adjustable recurring duration (per individual sale).
  • Ability to group products and adjust setting per group.
  • Banner and text linking codes system.
  • Manage unlimited affiliates.
  • Adjustable payout amount per affiliate (%).
  • Integrated mailing system
  • 1st and 2nd tier affiliate commissions
  • Built-in PayPal module for paying commissions.
  • Ability to create printable version of reports.
  • MySQL database driven.
  • All pages written in PHP.
  • Can be installed on virtual hosting account.
  • Template driven design, you can change design for your own.
  • Automated and easy installation wizzard.
  • Manage affiliate accounts.
  • Upload banners and create text ads to be used by your affiliates
  • Manage and view statistic of all sales
  • Manage payouts for affiliates
  • Adjust color settings for affiliates control area.
  • Ability to create several admin accounts
  • Allow to create News block
  • Support of multiple currencies
  • Support of conertation between different currencies
  • Administrator can add new language from admin interface
  • WISIWIG editor for Terms And Conditions page and for News
  • Adjustable N-tier for affiliate commission.
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vBulletin v3.4.6 Bridge For Joomla 1.0.12
vBulletiin Forum bridge for Joomla will connect your Joomla CMS with your vBulletin.

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Google Hacking For Penetration Testers

Google, the most popular search engine worldwide, provides web surfers with an easy-to-use guide to the Internet, with web and image searches, language translation, and a range of features that make web navigation simple enough for even the novice user. What many users dont realize is that the deceptively simple components that make Google so easy to use are the same features that generously unlock security flaws for the malicious hacker. Vulnerabilities in website security can be discovered through Google hacking, techniques applied to the search engine by computer criminals, identity thieves, and even terrorists to uncover secure information. This book beats Google hackers to the punch, equipping web administrators with penetration testing applications to ensure their site is invulnerable to a hackers search.

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How to Do Everything with HTML & XHTML
This easy-to-follow guide will teach you how to build your Web site using HTML and XHTML basics, then takes you through adding images, using tables for data and layout, creating framesets, enhancing visuals with style sheets, embedding objects, and more.

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Wiley 250 HTML and Web Design Secrets
  • This value-priced guide by one of the Top 25 Most Influential Women on the Web delivers 250 solutions, workarounds, tips, and annoyance-busters that Web designers won't find anywhere else
  • Offers 500 pages of insider techniques to improve workflow and efficiency,
  • Covers topics such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, graphics and multimedia, cell phone and PDA accessibility, content development, tools, usability, information architecture, globalization, and site redesign
  • Molly Holzschlag is a steering committee member of the Web Standards Project (WaSP) and spokesperson for the World Organization of Webmasters, as well as a frequent lecturer at industry conferences and the author of twenty-five previous books
download page:
Accessible XHTML & CSS Web Sites Problem Design Solution
  • Shows Web developers how to make the transition from HTML to XHTML, an XML-based reformulation of HTML that offers greater design flexibility
  • Demonstrates how to work with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)-now supported by ninety percent of browsers and integral to new site-building tools from Macromedia and others-and implement a consistent style throughout and entire site
  • Explains how to make a site accessible to people with impaired vision, limited hand use, dyslexia, and other issues-now a legal requirement for many sites in the U.S. and the U.K.
download page:
501 Website Secrets Unleash

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Good stuff there..btw many of us who need nulled scripts and warez do know where to find them :D ;)

thanks though didn't see one of the scripts you listed here anywhere else.
PHPMySpace Gold Edition v8.1

If you have a realible web hosting account and a domain name then setup this php script and make money.. Put some adsense, kontera, etc. Guys, remember one of my old post 'my personal earnings' .. This is just one of my crazy experiments that makes me earned $6,000+ on adsense alone. What I do is [SIZE=-1]beautyfies my webpages. I use joomla as my CMS. But thinking of moving to drupal. As the latter has more features that i need for my armies of websites.[/SIZE]

I have 14,000+ members so far. Not bad after all.

PHPMySpace Gold Edition is the most advanced social networking software that you can use. It has more features and options that any other software of its kind. PHPMySpace Gold Edition even has more features and options for users and the admin, then sites like, friendster. There is literally no other software or site that can offer or compare to the features coded into it. PHPMySpace Gold Edition is also the ONLY social networking site of its kind that actually allow for users to create and edit html pages in the other users profiles. 99% of the code generators that work on sites like will also work in PHPMySpace Gold Edition.

Your users will enjoy features like:
  • Personal/private chat
  • Personal/private Blog
  • Personal/private events calendar
  • Upload, share, download, music videos, photos, pics using the multi-media features built in.
  • Share,add, edit classifieds,downloads
  • Personal/public Games channel online with favorites and high score
  • Add, remove friends list
  • Personal/private Messages
  • Personal/public Forums
  • Free Live Daily Astrology readings
  • ToolBox (multiple features)
Plus much, much more!

The admin can control literally every aspect of the site including:
  • User/IP Banning
  • mass email users, moderators, admins
  • Individual user permissions
  • Individual group permissions
  • Multipl groups,users,permissions
  • Multiple Admins, multiple moderators
  • Custom Blocks, for basic html,php
  • Custom Modules, plugins
  • Features a theme directory - to install more themes
  • Module directory - to install more features
Most every spect of the site can be customized from within the web based admin panel.

There are only 5 settings that must be set for the site to work out of the box. (most of which are database settings) and all in ONE file!

Heres the Link:

iTechBids v3.0 (Gold Edition)

Auction Listing Features
  • Seller can easily select the right category for their item.
  • Sellers can enter their selection for any custom fields.
  • Sellers can use HTML or plain text in their item description or enjoy the benefit of our new WYSIWYG editor.
  • Sellers can choose to list right away or choose a custom start time for their item.
  • Create HTML listings directly through ITechBids with our built in WYSIWYG editor.
  • Sellers can upload pictures of their items to be displayed next to their listing. The admin user can edit the amount of allowed pictures. Users can also choose to use remotely hosted images with their auction.
  • Sellers can sell Auction format / Dutch auction / fixed price auction / Classifieds Ad which is ideal when listing several of the same items.
  • Buyer can get the item immediately (without bid) if he likes the item.
  • Shipping details will clearly be given for the seller to choose the specific area or worldwide
  • Site fees will be displayed ( setup by the admin) dynamically during the selling process
  • List a similar item to your other auctions easily via the members area
  • Sellers can select which payment methods they accept. The corresponding methods are then Displayed on the item details page.
User Panel Details
  • Will display the list of items which the user has bided for buying.
  • Entire details about the selling items. They are in 4 types “live item , sold item, unsold item and suspended item
  • User’s watched items will be stored in a particular area for his future reference.
  • User can either sell the item in the same category or relist his item in another category
  • Feedbacks are formatted in a positive / negative / neutral. User has to select any one of the option and post his feedback
  • User can create a new store to display all his items in the particular foliate
  • Users can update their details and preferences.
  • A site map can be valuable aide that may help the visitors to find their way around to the site.
  • List of winners will be sent in the email to all users
Admin Control Panel Features
  • The login is the Site username and the password is case sensitive. Once the admin use logged into the Site Administrator, the admin user can change his password.
  • All registered user will be having their own IP logged for security
  • Admin user can update site settings
  • Admin user can update site statistics
  • Admin user can view the unverified users and make the registration process
  • Admin user can set a trust or untrust user.
  • Admin user can extend the auction duration when the auction is about to close
  • Admin user can view all the live auction list
  • Admin user can view all the expired auction list
  • Admin user can view all the suspended auction list
  • Admin user can add or delete the registered use. He has the full control over the registered members.
  • Control each and every users feedback ratings.
  • Admin users can view and act upon suggested categories
  • Admin user can edit or add categories according to the needs.
  • Admin user can control the auction duration of an item
  • Admin user can add a new admin user or delete existing user
  • Admin user can manage all the feedbacks. He can either add or delete the feedback sent by the user.
  • Admin user can view all the active auction and he can even stop the live auction.
  • User can either edit the auctions thro’ admin area
  • Admin user can Add / Edit / Delete news page.
  • Admin can add banner
  • Admin user can edit the following pages About us Contact us Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
  • Admin user can edit the Header and Footer of the site.
  • Content of the emails sent to users could be editable by the admin user
  • Admin user can either hide or show the payment gateway thro which he wants to get the payment from the user
  • Fee amount will be set by the admin user for the following: Basic user Superior user Trusted user Gallery fee Bold fee Highlighted fee Home page feature fee End auction early fee
download page:

ClickAdsPro is a revenue generator promising bigger checks through ClickBank than using adsense or other contextual click-through schemes. If you are creating any type of website that draws traffic consider ClickAdsPro.
It will work for you 24/7 and the install is simple even for newbies pluse Anand is there to help you if needed. Put these effective ClickBank Ads on all your pages for 60 days and compare the commissions earned thru ClickBank versus adsense.Your CTR or Click-through rates might be exactly the same, but with specifically targeted Ads using ClickAds Pro... the actual conversion to more dollars can go way. way up. Same traffic, same clicks, but bigger dollars with ClickAds Pro.It's that simple

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DataLife Engine v.6.5

DataLife Engine These are multi-user news cursor is intended for organizing its own MEDIA in the Internet. Because of the powerful system of publication, tuning and editing of news, the cursor to the step forward anticipates its nearest competitors. But because of the precise and thought-out nuclear structure, which reduces to the minimum of requirement for the resources of server, cursor is capable with the ease to work with the high(ly)ed-attend projects, without creating in this case any special loads on server. Flexibility, ease in tuning and integration of its own design will allow you to unroll its own OF THE MEDIA within the shortest periods, without any additional material expenditures. The use of the moved technology AJAX will reduce both the traffic of your server and traffic of your visitors, well and about convenience in work 4 no longer I speak. Because of the increased attention to the safety of script, to convenience in the work with it, and also the dynamic development, in favor of use DataLife Engine already expressed themselves more than 800 portals, its successfully using in the work. Cursor is optimized under the search systems, which will bring to your site of additional clients.
Overall possibilities:
  • He uses for storing given mySQL
  • The support of expansion MySQLi
  • Powerful the safety system
  • Minimum load on the base of data (from 0 to 5 demands)
  • The use of the moved technology AJAX, which makes it possible to substantially reduce load on server and traffic of users.
  • The moved system for control of banners (or any advertising information)
  • The possibility of designing not only of dynamic kontenta, but also static
  • The automatic and manual generation of metategov
  • The simplified system for control of the templates
  • The system of the post templates, on basis of which is accomplished the generation and the sending of communications from the site
  • The possibility of the temporary blocking of access to the site
  • The conclusion of the news of news and articles, yes even generally in all anything
  • Tupport CHPU (man- intelligible URL) makes it possible to use the theme of article or any other text in URL of brouzera, therefore the indexing of site in the search systems will be more qualitative (it is necessary modrewrite)
  • Possibility is turning off CHPU
  • The general statistics of the site
  • The support of additional pour on (possibility to use not only brief and complete news on the site, but also there is possibility for creating any quantity of additional pour on different it is specific for information input)
  • The possibility of writing the articles, which contain several pages
  • The possibility of using the inserted categories
  • Flood is the control
  • The automatic filter of words in the commentaries
  • The support of categories, and also podkategoriy.
  • The automatic cutting of long words in kommetariyakh
  • The rating of the news
  • The calendar
  • Search according to the articles including the additional fields (illumination of the obtained text)
  • The survey of unread news from the moment of the last visit of the site
  • The possibility of the survey how often was read the news
  • The possibility of adding the articles to the division "chosen"
  • The dispatch of the letters to the users through the form on the site
  • The output of page using compression gzip and also without it
  • The support of personal communications between the users
  • The support of several languages
  • The conclusion of popular articles in the separate block
  • The creation of voting on the site
  • Possibility of designing statistical of pages directly through adminpanel'
  • The possibility of the selection between the simplified registration and of extended, with the selection extended registration user will be registered only after the activation of akkaunta. Activation sends on the mail.
  • The support of the unlimited quantity of groups of the users
  • The possibility of limiting the access to different divisions for the specific groups of users.
  • The possibility of load and fastening it is file to the news
  • The built-in means of protection from the unsanctioned running off it is file (antileech)
  • RSS the import of the news
  • RSS Ekport of the news
Possibilities for the visitors of the site:
  • Registration on the site
  • The addition of the commentaries
  • Change and removal by the users of its own comments
  • The possibility of adding the news from the side of the visitors
  • Statistics on the concrete user (including rating and profile)
  • The conclusion of different information for the registered visitors no
  • The possibility of the load of photograph in the profile of the user
  • The possibility of restoring the forgotten password
  • The possibility of the editing of news directly on the site
Possibilities of admintsentra:
  • Addition, editing and the removal of the news
  • For creating the news is possible use WYSIWYG of an editor or BBCODES
  • The editing of the users
  • Is a possibility to use smayly and HTML the code
  • The creation of the unlimited groups of users with the possibility of the designation by it of different rights of the access
  • The possibility of the nomination of bana for the visitors
  • Means for creation and editing of templates directly in admintsentre
  • The possibility of the correction of the time
  • The possibility of izmeniya of the date of the publication
  • The automatic publication of article with the offensive of the specified time
  • The possibility of turning off of calendar and archives (for the savings of resources)
  • The possibility of the fixation of the news (they will be always above, independent of date)
  • Turning off of the registration of the visitors
  • The automatic temporary stopping of registration with reaching of a maximum quantity of the registered users
  • Automatic urezaniye of the loaded pictures with the retention of proportions to the sizes indicated
  • The automatic removal of users which did not attend site the preset time
  • The imposition of watermarks on the pictures
  • The possibility of the load of pictures for each concrete news (with the removal of news, picture they will be also moved away)
  • The convenient manager of the loaded pictures
  • Optimization, repair, the creation of reserve copy and restoration of the data base can be accomplished directly from the script
  • The search for users on IP to the addresses
  • Convenient control of the advertising materials
  • Rapid search and replacement in the data base
The more detailed description of all possibilities of script, and also management on its operation and tuning, you can find in the documentation of that going together with distributivom of script.

download page:

Premium Scripts
AD Peeps v6.6 (Ad management like Google Adsense Yahoo ads)
Ad Peeps is a banner rotator and text ad rotator - all in one that allows you to track a variety of GIF, JPG, PNG, FLASH and text ads on your website. This powerful php banner rotator is faster than phpadsnew, provides highly detailed statistics to you and your advertisers and capable of delivering 500,000+ impressions per day on a typical shared web server Affiliate Network Pro 7.4.0
AlstraSoft Affiliate Network Pro is the next generation affiliate network software solution that allows you to start your own successful affiliate network just like LinkShare and Commission Junction. If you are looking to run your own network of merchants and affiliates or simply start an affiliate program for your company, then Affiliate Network Pro is the right solution for you!

All scripts [RETAIL]

200k Keywords $99.99
All 3 AdSense Ebooks $9.99
Adsense Empire - AdSense Profits - AdSense Revenue Exposed API $9.99
AdBie Keywords Catalog 2 $59.99
General Template no.1 BLUE $19.98
General Template no.1 GREEN $19.98
General Template no.1 RED $19.98
General Template no.2 $19.98
Real Estate Template no.1 $29.98
Travel Template no.1 $29.98
NewsWeb Creator Multicolor $79.98
AdBie Search Engine Website (LiTE + PRO) $59.98

Diesel Job Site
One of the most popular services on the web is resume posting and job search websites. This is your chance to provide these services to the vast audience of job seekers. This script allows job seekers to post their resumes and search job postings for free and employers pay a fee to post jobs and search the resumes online. You could be the next HotJobs!

Domain Trader v2.1
Domain Trader is a domain parking script which is integrated with a powerful domain auction module to allow users to make offers on domains marked for sale. Domain Trader was designed to provide domain professionals with the opportunity to offer a complete domain portfolio management service to customers worldwide.
Unlike it's competition, this popular software comes complete with it's own state of the art domain parking module, which gives users the ability to park their domains and keep track of their PPC revenue profits. The domain parking module keeps full statistics for each parked domain, including views, clicks, CTR (click-thru rate), RPC (revenue per click) and total revenue earnt. Domains can be optimized by entering a specific keyword related to that particular domain, so that targeted adverts can be displayed on the parking page.

Domain Trader has a built in auction system, which allows potential buyers to make offers on domains that are for sale. Users are able to categorize their domains for sale and also supply "Minimum offer" and "Asking price" values for each domain. It also has a Page Rank and Link Popularity checker.

Easy Banner Pro 2.8
Easy Banner Pro is an advanced and very easy to use PHP script for running your own banner exchange system. Members of the banner exchange show banners on their sites and in return their own banners are displayed across the banner exchange. You, as the owner of the banner exchange take part of the banner impressions (you can choose the part, usually 30-50%) for promotion your own site or for sale. The script supports unlimited number of banner sizes and each user can have an unlimited number of banners (however administrator can limit this number). Easy Banner Pro supports these formats: gif, jpg, png and swf (Flash), plain HTML ads. It has a lot of advanced features, for example templates (all pages are editable in any HTML editor), real time graphical statistic, free and paid accounts and many more.

Extreme Executive Limited Edition. v7.0
Most of this script will not work, but since it was requested so often, you may want to have it. You can use it's inbuilt directory system, and perhaps dmoz, along with ppc, and amazon. MSN will not work properly.
The Executive Engine can search Audios, Encyclopedias, Images, News, amazon shopping, meta search and more! It has Quick View, Search Engine Friendly URLS, thumbnail photos, cached pages, spider, and easy to use templates. It can get results from Msn, Dmoz, Revenue Pilot, ePilot, Ah-Ha, Look Quick, SearchFeed and so many more. It has security features like ip firewall, regional, host blocking. There is a built in newsletter system and easy to use admin. Get payments from a wide number of online credit card vendors. Includes free installation on the same day you purchase. This engine will blow away your competition. Get it working for you today.

continue below... TextAds 1.0
This is a CPM (not CPC/CPA) advertising system.
Text Ads allows you to sell text advertisement spots on your website automatically and hands free.
Advertisments are text based and look similar to Google Adwords, tho they are fully customizable.
Now visitors to your website can create their own Adwords-like ad box for display on your website. Their ad is activated automatically after they complete a Paypal purchase. You can create any number of impression-based advertisement plans then all you have to do is place the ad box somewhere on your website and Text Ads will take care of the rest from providing your advertiser with the offer to advertise on your website, to advertisement campaign creation, to activation, billing and finally deactivation of an ad campaign when its impressions run out.

Unlike Adwords however TextAds offers impression based advertisement packages, clients can pay for and activate their ads instantly with Paypal.
Each client receives their own control panel in which they can create, edit and activate multiple campaigns. The client control panel includes easy registration and password recovery features
You can define the number of ads to display at one time, Text Ads will cycle through the list of active ads and select at random which to display you have more active ads then ad spots.

Administrators can edit, activate, de-activae and reset client campaigns, view and email and delete clients. Administrators can also place their own ads from within administration.

Text Ads lets you pre-create the ad packages to offer your clients, you define the number of impressions and the price for that package. Million Pixel Script 3.0
With this fully automatic script from texmedia you can create as many different pixel grids as you want and conveniently and easily manage them online. There are a great number of features in the program that allows you a wide latitude in managing the grids and in the design and layout to match existing website pages. By having your own Million Dollar Homepage like Alex Tew, you can create and manage a marketing website, photo gallery, charity site, a graphical link exchange and other similar webiste add-ons.

Once installed and activated, the Million Pixel Script will be working for you. The program is intuitive and easyh the user to manage without any knowledge of programming, nor does it require any coding. After the installation, your own new pixel grid website is ready for visitors and can be customized to match your existing website through online administration via a browser. Advanced users can also use this script to fully integrate it into website projects, creating unique and function pixel grid webpages.

Photokorn Media Gallery 1.52
A highly configurable PHP Media/Image gallery script, with very easy integration into your existing website. Main features: autom. thumbnail and medium sized image creation. User rating system, E-cards, Streaming for Movies, Hotlist, Bulk upload and directory scan functions, integrated Zip libraries, Admin log and stats, English, German, Italian, Dutch and Danish language, unlimited categories and subcategories. Easy colour and style settings. Works with GD1, GD2 or ImageMagick.

Php Link Directory 3.0
phpLD is now the most widely used directory script on the internet. Our customers having tested the script on over 10,000 websites has allowed us to bring you a script that works in virtually all PHP hosting environments. Put simply, it just works.
Another great advantage of phpLD is the number of templates and mods available. There are complete sites devoted to mods and templates, so in addtion to this site, you will find lots of helpful information elsewhere too. There is no shortage of people available to help you find success with your directory.

PHP Pro Bid 5.24
PHP Pro Bid is the most powerful auction software package on the market. It's features alone surpass any other Auction software. Ideally suited to mall-Medium Businesses PHP Pro Bid enables you to start up your very own eBay style web auction service. Installation is simple and takes a matter of minutes! You can control every aspect of the web-site via the PHP Pro Bid Admin control panel.

RevSense 2.0
Requires safe mode off, and register globals on.
Very nice script, but a bit unsecure, due to the fact that register globals must be on...
RevSense makes the process of selling, managing and rotating text, rich media and plain old banners on your websites easy. It tracks impressions, clickthroughs and orders.

Advertisers can visit your site, upload banners or construct text ads, and pay for them with a credit card -- all without any intervention from you.
You can download RevSense here, and install it on your Linux, UNIX, Windows or OS X webserver, and be open for business, all in the same afternoon.

Text Exchange Pro 3.0
Text Exchange Pro is an unique PHP script for running your own text link exchange system. Your users display links/ads of other users on their pages and in return their own links are displayed across the exchange network. You, as the owner of the exchange system take part of the impressions (you can choose the part, usually 30-50%) for promotion your own site or for sale. The script supports unlimited number of ad sizes and each user can have an unlimited number of ads (however administrator can limit this number).

It has a lot of advanced features, for example templates (all pages are editable in any HTML editor), real time graphical statistic, free and paid accounts and many more.

Vivvo CMS v3.4.0
Vivvo CMS is a news, article and media publishing software that helps you create a full website easily. It gives you the power to create different layouts and different styles for each section of the site, different groups of people to help you manage your content with the built-in privilege system, and above all ultimate Search Engine ranking capability.

Yabsoft Mega File Hosting Script v1.0
Mega File Hosting Script is an advance file hosting service that allows your customers to upload large files to your server and email the file download link to their recipients.
With MFH script,you can build a popular file hosting site in minutes.By providing quality services to your customers,you can also earn profits through avdertisement show on download pages.

The MFH script provide a number of unique features including support multiple server feature, advanced download manager, PayPal integration, faq & newsletters. All of this goes orientation to revenue generating. It not only have a friendly front-end,it also build a great backend to admin site.And it is very easy to integrate into your website!AdBie Money Maker Scripts

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Hot Scripts Clone
This scripts is clone. Collect all scripts information in one site

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This file has been deleted I guess some pansy was conplaining about it..can someone put it back up again?
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