Schiff makes a personal gold standard possible, not available in US

Peter acts like someone who hasn't yet conceived the notion that the USA has killed anyone yet for adopting a gold standard...

Does he live in a fucking fallout shelter or something???

Peter acts like someone who hasn't yet conceived the notion that the USA has killed anyone yet for adopting a gold standard...

Does he live in a fucking fallout shelter or something???

Yeah, I was gonna mention Gaddafi. Who was it before him who was offed?
Although the price of gold could drop, I don't really think its over valued.

You have to understand that our dollar is worth virtually nothing compared to what it used to be. The dollar is based on treasury notes which are printed just like the dollar is.

You can take a look at this graph and see its decline and rise Historical Value of U.S. Dollar (Estimated)

+rep that graph is bad ass. depressing too.

interesting that the highest dollar value was during a gold rush.

also interesting that the dollar began it's decline right around, ohhh... I don't know, 1913 or something like that.
Interesting list. I knew about Lincoln but what's the story with JFK?
Google "jfk gold standard" and you'll see tons of conspiracy theories on how JFK was sick of the decline in the USD and was planning to put us back on the full gold standard (And perhaps a dual silver standard too!) within months of his assassination.

Sadaam and Gaddafi both have more publicized plans of doing something similar in their countries.

Lincoln, of course, was already on the gold standard but to fund the war the powers that be created the "Greenback" (Which we used for 100 years afterwards) that was issued as debt, not as gold-backed, and lincoln didn't like that at all.


So they killed him, very cut and dry... We've been their puppets ever since.
^I dunno... That particular theory seems unnecessary to me; The banks are all fully capable of the scheming and even doing the dirty deeds all by themselves.

I may pay lip service to a conspiracy theory or two, but I only do so when the unproven parts are minimized... (Ocham's Razor)

Throwing the queen into the mix is just as bad as throwing in Aliens or Elvis...
Interesting to me is that history I read about Lincoln talked in detail about how events unfolded as the war was financed but didn't make any connection between his initiatives on money and his assassination. But it is all laid out to see that he was becoming a very big threat to the financial overlords so he would naturally need to be eliminated.

I'll have to read up on JFK. What about his brother? Was Bobby K also a threat so had to be offed before he got close to being in power?

BTW, Garfield is another president who was outspoken about the evils of the financial overlords and he was also assassinated.
& I totally forgot about McKinley, too. He successfully got re-elected in 1900 on the platform of "Saving our Gold-Backed Dollar." -Killed by an "Anarchist" less than 1 year later.
I get your point but there's very likely an organizational structure to all of this....
Why isn't the Rothschild-derived Banking Cartel now in control of the entire planet's money good enough for you? Why does the queen have to be in on it?

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild

I bet he regrets saying that shit... No wonder so many believe in various Rothschild conspiracies.

Something tells me that peer-to-peer currency and now Schiff's personal gold standard are ideas that are too big to stop... So one day, not soon mind you, but one day indeed these ideas will mature into a world that is less controlled than this one is by the current powers that be...

Of course a whole new set of powers can spring up like someone who controls the gold supply somehow, or even something like the mexican cartels controlling all the goods that the newly-freed money could buy!
There are also people against the financial overlords who don't get killed but are neutralized by other means. Strauss-Kahn for example. Sex scandals are a favorite technique to tie someone up in legal battles and get them out of the way.
I'll have to read up on JFK. What about his brother? Was Bobby K also a threat so had to be offed before he got close to being in power?

Bobby wanted to end the Vietnam War. Also, if people in the CIA or whatever were involved with killing JFK, then they are not going to want his brother to become their boss.

The guy convicted of killing Bobby claims he was jumped by thugs and then after that his next memory is of being under arrest. The investigation files were sealed for 20 years. The details in them supposedly point towards a coverup.
I'm in favor of gold standard, but just know that gold prices are in a bubble right now, 1999-2001 prices are probably right. I wouldn't mind getting into gold at these rates. But getting in at current inflated prices are only going to lead to one thing, the value of your savings/currency are going to diminish greatly any time soon.

Gold is nowhere near a bubble.

First thing to look at is compare your chart to inflation over that time period, you will find it looks a lot less like a bubble.

Second look at what has been happening to the dollar, it really is not so much that gold is going up is that the dollar is becoming worthless. Do you really seen anybody in DC that is going to change the path the dollar is on? Take a look at the dollar compared to just about every other currency (except the euro) or commodity over the last few years. It is losing ground everywhere.

Thirdly look at the gold that is being traded vs the actual good that is available for delivery. There is way more "paper" gold than actual gold, this actually keeps the price much lower than it would be otherwise. Wait until all those people start to try and get their hands on the gold they think they own and find out it was a mirage. Then you will see a serious spike in prices as everyone realizes the supply is way smaller than they thought and all that money is chasing about 15% of the gold that is is now chasing.

And then there is Asia, China alone purchased over 20% of all the gold that was sold last year and that percentage is probably going to be higher this year. India is not all that far behind China. All that does is suck even more Gold out of the market.

Unless there is a fundamental change in the way the US and the EU operates there is really no reason at all for the price of gold to go down any large amount for any length of time. Gold is just a barometer of how seriously bad our currency is being handled, nothing more, nothing less and unless something radically changes it will keep going up.
Google "jfk gold standard" and you'll see tons of conspiracy theories on how JFK was sick of the decline in the USD and was planning to put us back on the full gold standard (And perhaps a dual silver standard too!) within months of his assassination.

Sadaam and Gaddafi both have more publicized plans of doing something similar in their countries.

Lincoln, of course, was already on the gold standard but to fund the war the powers that be created the "Greenback" (Which we used for 100 years afterwards) that was issued as debt, not as gold-backed, and lincoln didn't like that at all.


So they killed him, very cut and dry... We've been their puppets ever since.

The US dollar was on a silver standard up until 1968.
Gold is nowhere near a bubble.

First thing to look at is compare your chart to inflation over that time period...

Second look at what has been happening to the dollar....

Thirdly look at the gold that is being traded vs the actual good that is available for delivery...

And then there is Asia, China alone purchased over 20% of all the gold that was sold last year...

Gold is just a barometer of how seriously bad our currency is being handled, nothing more, nothing less and unless something radically changes it will keep going up.
Listen to the man; he speaks the truth.


The US dollar was on a silver standard up until 1968.

And from when? The invention of the greenback?
The US had two types of notes for a long time, Federal Reserve and Treasury notes. One was gold backed the other wasn't.
Listen to the man; he speaks the truth.



And from when? The invention of the greenback?

Since the US made currency with silver ;)

Up until 1969 you could convert your dollars at any bank into silver coins easily. Or you could visit a assay office and have it converted to government stamped bars (till 1968).

On a interesting note, canada did a trial run on backing their dollars with silver in April of this year, went over quite well and they sold all of their silver backed $20 currency within a hour or two.