Schiff makes a personal gold standard possible, not available in US


New member
Jun 3, 2007
Ignore the first hour for the purposes of this thread


I assume you buy gold at real time prices, physical metals are stored in Oz and the bank is set up in the Caribbean. Transactions are calculated on the spot to shift from currency to currency.

I can honestly say, this is the first time I've been denied an opportunity to do something I want because of where I live. The first person to find the loophole that brings it to my doorstep gets to be a middleman for all of my assets.

I called before posting, the new bank is a buyout of some other bank the guy on the phone said. Apparently this is very new, the website I posted is still has under construction page so I have no clue how to get the ball rolling

18883773722 is the # he gave me but I think it's more of a general secretary for Peter.
With the types of followers he has... i.e. libertarian entrepreneurs, I can see this making him many times the money that he's already made in his life.

Unless of course the big banks just ask mastercard to break any contract with him, which I think they can probably do.

Or the government.

Also why can't US people access it? What's the restriction?
gold prices are inflated right now due to insecurity in paper currency, limited supply and increasing demand.

I'm telling you right now. The value of gold will plummet soon.

The ones who are putting their hard earned money on gold right now are going to be in shock. They're gonna to curse at the gold merchants like they are cursing at the bankers right now.

Hmmm, something looks familair here. Prices doubling and tripling in a couple years..
I'm in favor of gold standard, but just know that gold prices are in a bubble right now, 1999-2001 prices are probably right. I wouldn't mind getting into gold at these rates. But getting in at current inflated prices are only going to lead to one thing, the value of your savings/currency are going to diminish greatly any time soon.
Ain't no way gold is gonna stay that high. You'll either have to sell right before it plummets.

Or hold for another 300 years.
gold prices are inflated right now due to insecurity in paper currency, limited supply and increasing demand.

I'm telling you right now. The value of gold will plummet soon.

I'm keeping my eyes open for that change coming from the central banks, until then I'll continue living in reality.

Regardless, this thread isn't about gold (past, present or future). If I started the thread titled "Schiff makes a personal oil standard possible, still not available in US" this concept would be just as novel. Substitute oil in that title for any other commodity, hell all of them ... just for diversity
I'm keeping my eyes open for that change coming from the central banks, until then I'll continue living in reality.

If you're interested in play-by-play, here's the Fed's page for meeting notes...

FRB: Meeting calendars, statements, and minutes (2006-2012)

Next get-together is in the beginning of November.

The minutes are no fun to read, but you may find interesting nuggets here and there. For example, from the September meeting:

In the discussion of monetary policy for the period ahead, most members agreed that the revisions to the economic outlook warranted some additional monetary policy accommodation to support a stronger recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, was at a level consistent with the Committee's dual mandate. While they recognized that monetary policy alone could not completely address the economy's ills, most members judged that additional accommodation could contribute importantly to better outcomes in terms of the Committee's dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability. Those viewing greater policy accommodation as appropriate at this meeting generally supported a maturity extension program that would combine asset purchases and sales to extend the average maturity of securities held in the SOMA without generating a substantial expansion of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet or reserve balances. Specifically, those members supported a program under which the Committee would announce its intention to purchase, by the end of June 2012, $400 billion of Treasury securities with remaining maturities of 6 years to 30 years and to sell an equal amount of Treasury securities with remaining maturities of 3 years or less.
I'm sure they're all great at parties.
goddamn that is awesome. a mastercard to spend your savings in gold. gold becomes currency. non gold-backed currency is at a disadvantage.
Looking at what they're offering, I've realized what he's offering is something I personally already have.

I could easily have it backed in wheat, copper, silver, lead or anything else that's traded on comex. Schiff has lots of support from the RP types who don't do much investing on their own outside of what they're told to invest in (otherwise they'd already have an account backed by a metal).

Question - If i put a ebook together detailing how to get a credit/debit card backed by any range of commodities, would you guys have traffic for it?
For those that think the price of gold is too high, consider a few studies that show it is actually lower in price in terms of inflation adjusted/real value of money than it was 10 years ago.
gold prices are inflated right now due to insecurity in paper currency, limited supply and increasing demand.

I'm telling you right now. The value of gold will plummet soon.

The ones who are putting their hard earned money on gold right now are going to be in shock. They're gonna to curse at the gold merchants like they are cursing at the bankers right now.

Although the price of gold could drop, I don't really think its over valued.

You have to understand that our dollar is worth virtually nothing compared to what it used to be. The dollar is based on treasury notes which are printed just like the dollar is.

You can take a look at this graph and see its decline and rise Historical Value of U.S. Dollar (Estimated)