Scenes from the recession

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are those newspaper machines really a sign of the recession? ... NOPE They are a sign of out with the old in with the new. FTW!!

Gteat pics though

+rep WickedIce

Hey guys! BO said the fundementals of the economy are strong!!!! Nothing to worry about here, move along.

Hey wait! didn't BO string Mccain up by his balls for the very exact statement?
I live in DE -- and of course our biggest "corporations" were banks. Bank of America, etc....

In my development I can SEE 6 foreclosed houses from mine just by standing out front. Out of the hundreds of folks I know locally only a few are laid off, but those that are were all white collar well paid workers that now can't even get a job at Mcdonalds.

Talking to the guys in radio shack the other day they had over 800 applications, we only have 5000 people in my town :)
My city & company are doing fairly well, although there are some big manufacturers here including auto, so it's only a matter of time I think. I have met plenty of people locally who have taken voluntary buyout offers, which was probably smart.

But talking to people back in NYC, in my parents' small blue-collar town, and former classmates and coworkers all over the country, it's definitely hitting. Layoffs or major paycuts across the spectrum: blue-collar (truckers in my family), middle-class white collar (also media in my family), people who launched startups shutting down, lots of people in finance got the axe, and I know of TON of low-margin small businesses that are barely staying above water.

I'm not feeling it at all personally in my day job or side ventures, but it's real folks, and it hurts to see it hit people you care about.

The one upside I guess is that I get an unending stream of quality job applicants.
The New Depression is building up steam. Just wait until all that "liquidity" starts hitting the streets... hoo-hah!

That being said, yeah, a lot of people are just gonna sit on their asses and piss & moan about the state of things, but not actually DO anything. That's what most people did during the Great Depression, and it absolutely dumbfounded the goobermint thinkers that were trying to "fix" things. There they were, braced for Revolution with a capital R. and folks just got so depressed they were numb and quiet. No real blood in the streets. FDR's administration could not figure it out at all. It took a real war to get Americans out of their psychological downward spiral.

Then there was a small percentage of the population, just a few mind you, that said "fuck that", looked for opportunity, and made massive fortunes. There is always money to be made, and they said to themselves "how do I get a piece of that?" Their mindset was radically different form the herd's. They questioned everything. There were no sacred cows to them.

For example, Proctor & Gamble. They were an old fuddy-duddy soap company just plodding along, but during the Depression, they got innovative and absolutely CRUSHED their competition, taking off from small soapmaker to massive corporate presence. While everyone else was shitting their pants over diminishing returns from traditional advertising mediums, they "thought outside the box" and embraced what was then a new medium, radio. They actually created their own proto social-media programming and "sponsored" their radio shows with a simple tagline, "brought to you by Oxydol (P&G product name)", while the characters in the programs used Oxydol in their daily lives.

Today, P&G is a multinational behemoth (that should be destroyed before they finish destroying the planet first but that's another rant), and we have a social consciousness legacy of their innovation, the "soap opera".

Now, P&G is just one example. There were tons of "little guys" who also thought outside the box, and neither sat around feeling sorry for themselves, or denied the reality of the economic catastrophe they lived in. They just changed their mindset and went for the gold nuggets.

Here's a great quote:

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas A. Edison

Think I'll put that in my sigline.
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Hey guys! BO said the fundementals of the economy are strong!!!! Nothing to worry about here, move along.

Hey wait! didn't BO string Mccain up by his balls for the very exact statement?

you must be in love with Barack Obama. 99% of your posts are about him and you've dedicated your signature to him twice.
Here in New Jersey things are mixed. The rich WASP area I live in is like "Recession, what recession?" Only thing I notice is that the high end restaurants my girlfriend and I like to go to are less busy. People doing more of the TGI Fridays type of eating out ( I despise those fplaces. Try to order a sirloin and I swear the damned thing is face meat - chewy pretense of a steak.) Doesn't bother us because we have more privacy to do disgusting cute couples stuff while drinking our favorite wines. Lately we're really into Austrian whites. We only got into these recently. I had no idea that Austria has these fabulous white wines like nothing else in the world. We're already planning a vacation over there. I just need to sock some more money aside to put in a nice, private Austrian bank account.
That was one depressing series of pictures. I do know a few people who have been affected and lost their jobs/homes recently. It's a shitty time right now for a lot of people.
Can't even imagine how much richer the rich are becoming.

its like they say, you make your money when you buy, you just get paid when you sell. the people who have money right now are going to absolutely kill it.
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