SC Democrats Lol


Champion of Awesome
Sep 25, 2007
So apparently in south carolina democrats just vote for whoever is the first name on the ballot. This guy got elected to run as the democrat senate candidate even though he never had any rallys, no signs, no form of campaigning at all.


Who?s Alvin Greene? State Asks After Vote -

I dont doubt it, I just moved from there. I was there for a month and couldn't stand it there. The roads suck, the police are even worse, and the people are retarded, plus 99% of the girls are, well lets just say not worth my time. Glad to be back in Tampa, FL!
I dont doubt it, I just moved from there. I was there for a month and couldn't stand it there. The roads suck, the police are even worse, and the people are retarded, plus 99% of the girls are, well lets just say not worth my time. Glad to be back in Tampa, FL!

Where the hell in SC were you? I know plenty of hot girls in SC. The roads are area dependent, like anywhere, and where are cops NOT assholes? If you were in some podunk fuck ass town (or Columbia), then no shit you got a bad impression.

You're from *Florida*, the state that has no room to talk shit about any other. I lived in Tallahassee for 8 months and hated it. lol someone from Florida calling another state retarded, that's a good one. Why do you think Fark has a "Florida" tag?

Fuck man, if I was a cop I'd probably be an asshole too if I saw someone as smug as you driving down the road. I'm not even from SC, I just live here.
<---- Gets defensive when people talk shit about SC when they haven't lived either here long enough or in the right place, and I'm from Chicago originally.

The political scene here is all fucked up though, no denying that. I know the guy who claims he slept with Nikki Haley personally. SC is as bad as Illinois, just in a different way. IL is all about payola, unions, mob, etc. SC is just the good old boy network and mudslinging, making shit up about people being gay, etc.
While the Bay Area is the most tolerable in Florida, Charleston, SC trumps Tampa, (and every other city in) Florida any day of the week, month, year, decade.

And women? Pfffft. Anyone that's been to downtown Charleston or the surrounding beaches will take the scenery and sweet, southern girls there over the ego-, collagen-, and saline-inflated, gold-digging, wanna-be Kardashians that infest most of Florida any day of the week.

Politics are messed up all over. Is that what this thread is about? Oh, I'd rather talk about hot women. Who cares about some numbnuts that weaseled his way on the ballot?
While the Bay Area is the most tolerable in Florida, Charleston, SC trumps Tampa, (and every other city in) Florida any day of the week, month, year, decade.

And women? Pfffft. Anyone that's been to downtown Charleston or the surrounding beaches will take the scenery and sweet, southern girls there over the ego-, collagen-, and saline-inflated, gold-digging, wanna-be Kardashians that infest most of Florida any day of the week.

Politics are messed up all over. Is that what this thread is about? Oh, I'd rather talk about hot women. Who cares about some numbnuts that weaseled his way on the ballot?

Even if you are a USC fan, you can't deny Columbia sucks ass compared to Greenville, Charleston and Clemson (clemson town itself is pretty amazing, not talking college.)
Even if you are a USC fan, you can't deny Columbia sucks ass compared to Greenville, Charleston and Clemson (clemson town itself is pretty amazing, not talking college.)

Columbia was better back when I was in school at USC and worked in 5 Points. I think I'd rather lose an arm in a sawmill accident than live there as a professional adult, however. And sorry, but I can't stand Greenville, either. Charleston and just about the entire coastline is great, though.

And ohhhhhhh the stories I can tell you about parties at Clemson. :) All rivalry bullshit aside, there ain't no party like a Clemson house party. My God, I can almost assure you I'm single-handedly responsible for spikes in "Plan B" pill sales figures in that area after I partied there on weekends. Whew! Just...whew!

That's not to say there weren't (aren't) any hotties at USC, but I guess its something about being cooped up in that little town that makes Clemson girls go buck-wild on the weekends. Put it this way: if I have a daughter, she will NOT go to Clemson. Too many guys that are like I used to be roaming around up there.
Mark Sanford is the most normal politician in SC, right now. Between this guy, Nikki Haley, Jake Knotts (calling Haley & Obama "fucking ragheads", and then apologizing for using the word "fucking"), Demint's past claims that openly gay people and single mothers living with a boyfriend should not be able to teach in SC schools (and you can't forget, hi reasoning against gay marriage is "disease-based"). Everything in SC politics is fucked, but Alvin Greene is at least good entertainment til he loses!
Conspiracy theories aside, I think it's far funnier that this guy ran with zero effort and won against some clubhouse pol who made the rounds, shook hands, kissed babies, etc. To say nothing of whatever he promised to the folks that paid for his campaign.

People think Greene is expected to lose against the Republican in the final vote - these are the same geniuses who didn't see him coming.
it takes almost 10k to register as a candidate in SC. This guy is broke + has an obscenity charge pending. He is obviously a plant or a joke made by someone other than the SC Democratic Party.
it takes almost 10k to register as a candidate in SC. This guy is broke + has an obscenity charge pending. He is obviously a plant or a joke made by someone other than the SC Democratic Party.

Why did you make yourself look like a stoner on CNN? How did you get elected? You must tell us how you achieved the best practical joke ever.
I was born in SC, went back twice a year since then. Have a dysfunctional love for it because of that, but yeah, you couldn't pay me enough to live there. Maybe NC.
