Say Bye To Ringtones

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It's no different than the $5/min phone chat lines that people have been using for decades. I don't think ringtones are going anywhere.

DullSpace: So, out of interest, what marketing methods and/or products are ethical/inethical to you?
Seriously, I want to know. My curiosity is always piqued by people that have different moral standpoints from my own.

I take it that if you're against ringtones, then you're also against weight loss supplements (I am too actually, they're either placebo's or cheap speed) and phone contracts.
I think you confuse wickedfire with warriorforum. I really am.

Also, in europe, ringtones are 8 euro/month, that is 11.76$/month
That makes my 'scammiest of all offers' scammier by 1.77$ than yours, IF I WERE TO DO RINGTONES. Muhahahahhah...
Stupid moral sucker.

8 Euro? Germany is 12-16 Euro and the UK is 4-5 Pounds a week, so yeah.

And dullspace, you suck. But then again, you kind of implied that with you user name already, wise choice.
How do you go to sleep at night? Fucking scammer. You're destroying people's phone bills and credit ratings at the same time. This place has absolutely no ethics left.

Ringtones are dying? Well good fucking riddance.

Dude. Get off your high horse. Everyone is solely responsible for their own financial decisions (and pretty much every other decision, frankly). Glowleaf is right... people are going to do what they're going to do. So why not profit from it?

Kind of like when I used to sell cars and my mother called me a "sales weasel" (behind my back) because she felt it was unethical to sell new cars to people. Well shit... those people are going to buy them whether I sell it to them or someone else does. And, at the time, it was the best paying job I could get on short notice. So why not make some fucking money?

No one can be held responsible for the purchasing decisions of another person. No one should have to be. If someone decides to do something stupid with their money there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop them.

I mean, really... have you ever had a friend announce they were going to do something totally stupid with their money and tried to stop them? Fat chance in hell you're going to deter them from their chosen course of action. So what is some schmoe marketer on the internet going to do to stop people from doing stupid shit with their money?

What's that? ... They can't do anything to stop them, you say? Well no shit, asshole!

You might be thinking, "well, if everyone just stopped promoting ringtones, then no one could buy them and those innocent twerps would be saved, right?"

WRONG. They would still find a way to buy the ring tones... or some other stupid piece of crap waste of money.

For that matter... if you're so worked up about ring tones... what about cigarettes? They're pretty much guaranteed to kill your ass dead in gruesome fashion MANY LONG YEARS before you would have otherwise if you didn't smoke. But everyone and their mother sells cigarettes.

When you're not flaunting your lifetime pass to I-AM-A-FUCKING-MORON Land, are you picketing the sale of cigarettes at your local quickie mart?

Yeah, I didn't think so. So sit down and shut up. No one appointed you to the Wicked Fire Ethics Committee.
Morals and ethics in business just get in the way of making lots of money.. So to each their own.
you are no better than hordes of similar scammers that have infiltrated this once moral and ethical forum.

Jees I must have missed the days when this was a moral and ethical forum. I'm glad I did, or I probably would have never joined Wickedfire.
So why not make some fucking money?

Well you probably need to make some money a lot more than me, so i'll give you that. The problem is that making money at any cost can often be unethical and illegal, as is the case with the vast majority of the US ringtone industry.
Jees I must have missed the days when this was a moral and ethical forum. I'm glad I did, or I probably would have never joined Wickedfire.

Just because some random member thinks we were high in the ethics and morals dept, doesn't mean he's right. Back in June 2006 when I started WF, I used to advertise the fact that I had almost NO ethics or morals to begin with..

I'm not sure what made this retard think that things have changed. Hell, thats been one of our greatest defenses to stop other retards from joining, because they ARE ethically and morally "justified" and WickedFire was too "blackhat" for them.

Now stay on topic boys and girls. This is about Ringtones, not the forum.
Well you probably need to make some money a lot more than me, so i'll give you that. The problem is that making money at any cost can often be unethical and illegal, as is the case with the vast majority of the US ringtone industry.

Correction, its many many industry's. You know everywhere we look there is someone making a buck off someone. A fool and his money are easily parted, and if the worlds biggest issue is some broke mother fucker wanting a lil Snoop Dogg on his cell phone then damn - we are totally fucked.

Again we are talking about ring tones. Ring tones man. Get real. Ethics in marketing are for the dogs, and unless someone is holding a gun to the persons head there's no need to bitch.
You are causing so many people so much pain every night; people that are living paycheck to paycheck can't afford food because of you. How can you live with yourself?

It's called a "stupidity" tax. These people would still have to pay their government taxes, would they not? So if they fall in the "stupid" bracket, what makes you think they should be exempt from paying?

This has nothing to do with morals. It's just taxes man.
when people don't read the fine print it just speeds up the process of natural selection. promoting scammy offers facilitates evolution.
Azoolge still has several ringtone offers..flycell whet to shit but thumb play and dada mobile still have 13+ commissions. The flycell are carrier specific like ATT, TMobile, Verzion. But the Dada offer just says premium carriers. If your doing ringtones you might want to talk to them about offer terms.
Yeah, you guys should be more ETHICAL. All internet marketers should be honest, morally righteous and fine upstanding pillars of the community. Like bankers.

No, wait a sec...
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