Say Bye To Ringtones

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Lobster Fisherman
May 20, 2008
New Zealand!
This is just the start....


Effective today, and Shady Lizard campaigns will no longer accept Sprint, Nextel, or Boost Traffic. This means all references to or logos for Sprint, Nextel, or Boost must be removed from any pages associated with these campaigns. This includes Jump Pages. In addition, search campaigns referencing Sprint in the copy/PPC terms must be disabled.

Sprint's new regulations and requirements, which contradict guidelines of other regulatory bodies, make it impossible for our affiliate marketers and content providers to service Sprint Customers. We deeply regret Sprint's decision but we have no alternative except to stop offering products to Sprint users.

These changes need to be implemented immediately. As of Monday, October 13, 2008 at 8am Mountain Time, no leads for any carrier will be accepted if they are generated from pages or search campaigns that reference Sprint.

We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your prompt attention to make all necessary changes. If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate manager.

Thank you,
Your CPA Empire® Team"

This is just the start....


Effective today, and Shady Lizard campaigns will no longer accept Sprint, Nextel, or Boost Traffic. This means all references to or logos for Sprint, Nextel, or Boost must be removed from any pages associated with these campaigns. This includes Jump Pages. In addition, search campaigns referencing Sprint in the copy/PPC terms must be disabled.

Sprint's new regulations and requirements, which contradict guidelines of other regulatory bodies, make it impossible for our affiliate marketers and content providers to service Sprint Customers. We deeply regret Sprint's decision but we have no alternative except to stop offering products to Sprint users.

These changes need to be implemented immediately. As of Monday, October 13, 2008 at 8am Mountain Time, no leads for any carrier will be accepted if they are generated from pages or search campaigns that reference Sprint.

We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your prompt attention to make all necessary changes. If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate manager.

Thank you,
Your CPA Empire® Team"

I just read that. It looks like its well on its way.
They have been fighting back and forth for months.

The wording that needs closer examination in CPA Empire's email is as follows:

no leads for any carrier will be accepted if they are generated from pages or search campaigns that reference Sprint.

They are in effect saying they will withhold commissions if you choose to monetize Sprint/Nextel/Boost traffic another way. If you're currently promoting these campaigns with CPAE, I would ask for clarification and/or request the language that specifically states Sprint's position and policy, not CPA Empires.
They are in effect saying they will withhold commissions if you choose to monetize Sprint/Nextel/Boost traffic another way. If you're currently promoting these campaigns with CPAE, I would ask for clarification and/or request the language that specifically states Sprint's position and policy, not CPA Empires.

You could do that or just drop CPA Empire all together and run with Azoogle...

or Copeac...

or whomever...

I have no idea about the US mobile carriers, but in Greece, a clever affiliate is using CPA like collection means (like you guys do with emails) to trick people into putting in their phone number.


He has made mini flash with IQ quiz, another "Win a PS3", and some chick banners, of course. The banners have no "free" or any carrier words.


I studied his landing pages, they are perfectly dangling on the verge of legality. The flash scripts are shadowing but not blocking the normal landing page he used to have, the one that shows the charges and the legal stuff on the footer. Once the IQ test finishes, a message appears "Put your cell number to receive the IQ test results", and of course, the form submits the number to the landing page below via a post.


I really dont care about ringtones, but what I am trying to say is that you can go around all those limitations if you really are willing to.

If you dont take their credit cards, someone else will. Why is a 400$ levis cloth less scammy than a ringtone? Might as well be me, who does the taking.

How do you go to sleep at night? Fucking scammer. You're destroying people's phone bills and credit ratings at the same time. This place has absolutely no ethics left.

Ringtones are dying? Well good fucking riddance.
You're destroying people's phone bills and credit ratings at the same time.
If you read exactly 2 posts above, you will find me saying that I dont do ringtones.

But yes, you are right. I wouldnt hesitate a second to fire up a ppc ringtone campaign.

As for ethics, here are mine Anarchy Online | Glowleaf

And I sleep cuddling my girl.
If you read exactly 2 posts above, you will find me saying that I dont do ringtones.

But yes, you are right. I wouldnt hesitate a second to fire up a ppc ringtone campaign.

As for ethics, here are mine Anarchy Online | Glowleaf

And I sleep cuddling my girl.

You are a liar, a thief, and a scoundrel. It's because of people like you that this industry necessitates so much legal attention and overhead. If you had any real marketing talent you wouldn't need to be scamming innocent users out of $9.99/month for "Free" ringtones. I'm sorry that you need to make up for being a pathetic wanna-be no-talent-ass-clown of the industry with the scammiest of all offers.
Let me be clear so that you can understand. I DONT DO RINGTONES.


Silence is consent so let me be clear--you are no better than hordes of similar scammers that have infiltrated this once moral and ethical forum. Given your opinion on ringtone scammers, I would be willing to bet you are knee deep in green tea, acai, and crush calculator offers. You are causing so many people so much pain every night; people that are living paycheck to paycheck can't afford food because of you. How can you live with yourself?
this once moral and ethical forum
I think you confuse wickedfire with warriorforum. I really am.

Also, in europe, ringtones are 8 euro/month, that is 11.76$/month
That makes my 'scammiest of all offers' scammier by 1.77$ than yours, IF I WERE TO DO RINGTONES. Muhahahahhah...
Stupid moral sucker.
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