SAFE from Google - WhiteHat, Hand built, Hand written, Native English - HQ Mininets

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New member
Nov 4, 2010
Rating - 100%
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Check out this short video to see just how HIGH QUALITY our properties are:
[ame=]HQ Legit Mininet Example - YouTube[/ame]


I’ve already given a few respected forum members some review copies and have three left at 30% off for reviews. I can’t give out free copies due to the time and labour involved with each package. Please adhere to WickedFire’s rules when applying for review copies. You may PM me or post on this thread, the first three qualified will get them.


What if the properties get deleted or the site doesn’t stick?
100% Guarantee
Firstly, sites of this quality never get deleted except by accident. These sites actually contribute real value to the web 2.0 hosts and its readers.
In the rare case that they do get wiped for whatever reason (e.g. that webhost goes broke) I’ll replace them for free. I keep copies of all the work I do, so I can quickly rebuild and replace sites if the need arises.
I like to keep an eye on all the properties I build as well, just to see how much public interaction occurs. This also helps me make sure I’m using decent web 2.0 hosts. So at the end of each month I do an audit of all the properties to make sure they’re still live. If they’re dead, I’ll let you know and see where you want it replaced.

TAT – Turn Around Time

This service is designed to be built in a natural manner and over time. It is also designed to last and be future proof. You never know what new tricks Google or webmasters will pull in the future, so I play it safe and do like the Romans do – create accounts, decorate the themes and profile, put up first post, wait a few days, second post later on, comments a little later, etc. No real blogger creates their entire blog in one day.

What this means is that 15 properties will probably take about 2 weeks to create – making them look very natural. You’ll receive regular updates from me on your project’s progress.

Of course, if you prefer your sites to be built at a quicker pace and have a different strategy in mind, just let me know and I’ll have no trouble accommodating.

You will receive brief emails every 1-2 days showing you progress. Skype is available too and I’m more than happy to chat to clients. Get me at

Are your articles spun?
No. Nor are they outsourced. They’re not even rewritten. All articles are created by either Sarah or myself (Vin). We live in Australia and are both university graduates who prefer to work from home, instead of travelling to an office with the 9-5 grind. We put a lot of thought into our content and actually have fun taking on different characters for each blog.

What can I do with these blogs and properties?
Build some authority to it. Chuck some tier 2 links at it. Make it rank next to your site in the SERPs and squeeze out your competition. You get full control of the properties once I’m done and send you the excel file. Keep building them yourself (or use our repost service).

Isn’t this something I can do myself anyway?
Yes! You absolutely can and save money. Some people are able to sit down for a few days, conduct research, write 8000 words, then create web 2.0 accounts and post them over time and come back to comment on them, manage different IP addresses, etc. Frankly, most people can’t be bothered and would rather spend their time looking for new niches or promoting their business. I’m offering a solution with the assurance of quality, native English, and professionalism.

How is this white hat?
The properties that I build offer real value to the Internet community. I carefully research what I write and put myself in the shoes of potential readers, giving them useful content and relevant links. Google’s intention and whole purpose of using backlinks as a ranking factor in the first place, was based upon the idea of legitimate sites making referral links for a reason. With each update, Google is getting better and better at weeding out everything except for legitimate quality. With the way things are going, it’s essential that a solid portion of your link profile is made of good stuff – that’s where I can help.

Email me at for samples. I won’t give out samples from clients but I have a collection of properties made to demonstrate the kind of quality you can expect from me. Or you can just wait for the reviews to come in.

Are there any niches you won’t accept?
For obvious reasons – no adult, gambling, pharma, or indecent topics. Everything else should be fine. Occasionally I do come across a strange niche I may feel uncomfortable with. I discuss all orders with clients prior to payment – all it takes is a quick email to me! (

Open for review copies. Three copies going at 30% off.
PM or post here for them before they're gone!
Thanks mate! PM'd ya.

2 review copies left - anyone got new sites sitting around that they might to do some tests on?
Thanks guys!
All review copies are taken now and details PM'd to people above.
It'll take about 2 weeks to finish them (in a natural manner) so look out for the review reports on the next thread!

If anyone has questions about the service, let me know and I'll be happy to answer.

I have used Vinny for BMR posting in the past and his content and service was always superior to anyone else. So when BMR died I immediately wanted to give this a try. The properties he has given me are first class. These aren’t standard pages, these are high quality properties. This one is a jump up in cost but the difference in quality is obvious. These properties feature proper high quality content. And they also have the little extras completed like ‘about me’ and comments. So basically they look like they were made by a real person who is looking for the service on my site, rather than a generic article about 'keyword'.

TAT shouldn’t be a concern with something like this. They take a while to make as Vinny keeps going back to them to add bits. These are properties for the long term. I’ll get him to re-post to them now and again. This is about as white hat as you can get and these are the sort of properties you want to let age and nurture along the way with re-posting and decent tier 2 links.

Quality and communication is 10/10. High quality writing and regular updates.

Value is debatable depending on your website. This might not be worth doing on a little MFA site but a high quality site will reap the benefits long term. These are the sort of links you want showing near the top of your ahrefs links list.

Overall rating 10/10. If you can afford it this is as good as it gets.
Hi Charto911,

TAT at the moment is a long time - between 2-4 weeks. Your properties are established within 2 weeks but it takes me longer as I keep coming back to them to add comments, interlinks, etc.

All review copies have already been given out unfortunately.
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