S.Q.U.I.R.T Tool Submission 5$

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Heeeeellz Yeah!

Credit where it's due, It was lerchmo's idea. I couldn't resist. He makes the best mascot ever!
Is squirt only a paid version of quit?

Or is quit dead? (sorry haven't tried it yet).
Why not go and try QUIT before asking this?

It makes me want one again. But the two I had turned to 10 way too fast, and one just gets too lonely. I may have to rethink that though....

mmm....bunny pie.
Is squirt only a paid version of quit?

Or is quit dead? (sorry haven't tried it yet).
Its just a souped up version of quit plus some extra stuff like tools and content databases. Quit is still alive and kicking, and will always remain free. If you go to the main website it has a fairly detailed description.

I think the problem with selling submissions through SQUIRT is that it's just too damn soon. People still aren't quite sure what they bought, they just know they want it and so far it looks good to them. If I was going to earn some extra cash by selling submissions I would realize that Rob and I are going to continually build up the value of the membership like its a damn Google stock on PCP. Then, in about a month or so, when the initial impressions start becoming detailed reviews it'll create a "i wish i was there" type of buzz. That'll be the moment to jump in and offer services as a person on the inside. It's all about the timing. Now is just not the right time.

Just my two cents.
LOL, nice Eli.

Personally I'm not selling, just fucking with the guy who decided to join for the sole purpose of selling submissions. I think it's a fucked up thing to do and dilutes the value of the tool (I think......... the fact it's clouded in mystery makes it hard to determine anything at this point).

I did learn in this post that I'm a complete moron and need to figure out some other tricks, lol.

I didnt join just to sell submissions. I joined because Eli's blog is the best out there and his QUIT tool has landed me in on the front page with several of my niche sites. I figured I would recoup my $100 a month my offering cheap sumissions to those that couldnt get in to register. Sure it is fairly untested but If 250 people are willing to spend 100 a month for it I really dont think its a bad deal to spend only $5 for a crack at the tool.

I figured if any forum would understand marketing it a bit..it would be WF.

PS ELI - will you have my man baby?
damn i gota hit my own post....anyone want SQUIRT submissions $5 dolla...and I promise I want bother you Eli with any complaints.
I subscribed to the SQUIRT service already so i guess my earlier interest in buying your service has poofed. :D
I subscribed to the SQUIRT service already so i guess my earlier interest in buying your service has poofed. :D

may I ask you how you bought the service when membership was halted at 250...it was supposed to be only 100 but oh well. Did you sign up on the waiting list? and if so why would someone already cancel their sub. after a few days???

BTW was you the guy wanting like 20 submissions for 5$...damn Im glad you did sign up so I dont have to fuck with you.
Eli.. I'm surprised you're allowing it too.. If you're going to allow someone to resell submissions, you may as well open up more slots and get $100 more from each person, instead of devaluing it at $5 a pop.
Reselling submissions is retarded. I won't use all of my submissions and if I know you from WF, you're a long time member, have good rep and add value to this community, PM me and I'll try to hook you up with a free submission if i get a few spare minutes.

To the people trying to resell these... why are you shlepping off submissions for a few bucks in profit. This is a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE - is that really only worth $5 bucks to you? I mean cmon, is nothing sacred anymore? Have some decency instead of whoring yourself out for a dollar.
Reselling submissions is retarded. I won't use all of my submissions and if I know you from WF, you're a long time member, have good rep and add value to this community, PM me and I'll try to hook you up with a free submission if i get a few spare minutes.

To the people trying to resell these... why are you shlepping off submissions for a few bucks in profit. This is a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE - is that really only worth $5 bucks to you? I mean cmon, is nothing sacred anymore? Have some decency instead of whoring yourself out for a dollar.

Shlepping??????? Capitalizam is what I call it. Eli made 25K..all I hope for is to pay for the subscription. Once paid I aint gona fuck with the trouble of having to push the shit on people. I need a few more $5 submissions and Ive paid my month and I dont have to worry bout it no more. Damn Im drunk so bear with me.

What I dont understand is everyone with their "ethics" bullshit. If the tool isnt worth $5 a submission then didnt I and the other 250 folks get really fucked with spending $100. I mean if your so worried bout me pushing a "unproven" $5 tool why the fuck dont you speak up against Eli and gang against his pushing of his subscribtion service of an unproven tool that made him $25k in 2 mins.

EDIT: GD..Are you jealous of Eli makin 25K in two mins or me having a subscribtion to this "unproven" tool and offering it for a measly $5
Eli.. I'm surprised you're allowing it too.. If you're going to allow someone to resell submissions, you may as well open up more slots and get $100 more from each person, instead of devaluing it at $5 a pop.

LOL...I have officially used JON's "linkbait" method to get JON himself to post in my thread. I am so proud. BTW Jon..you and Eli are my hero.

EDIT: Jon...Ive been thinking..If you and Eli had a baby would it be the antichrist..or the second coming..OMG so mind fucking.
Shlepping??????? Capitalizam is what I call it.

I'm not trying to talk down to you or question your morals or values... you're right, it is pure capitalism. I didn't mean to come off as a snooty prick although I may have. The same reason people stood in line for 24hrs to get the Wii so they could resell it for triple the price. I'm just pointing out that in my opinion, I'd rather spend my time building sites that allow this tool to do it's job, and help me make much more than $100 per month. I've made what I would call "friends" on WF who I would gladly give a few submissions to help them out. We've helped eachother in the past and we'll help eachother in the future. It's what networking is all about and to me that's worth much more than $5 a squirt. But to each their own and I shouldn't be one to judge or tell you what your priorities should be. Point well taken.

I do find it kind of funny/bizarre that Eli was able to sell a tool with zero proven results and bank $25k in 3 minutes. But let's be real, he wasn't JUST selling his tool. In fact I would go so far to say he was MAINLY selling his reputation. Most of us are squirting based on the "click and pray" method. But with his participation in this forum and his Grade A blog, Eli and BlueHatSEO has become a brand that people are willing to pay a premium for.

And Eli... while you already admitted you're willing to "look the other way" at selling SQUIRTs, I'm wondering if you thought this might happen beforehand? And I will NEVER be able to use the capacity your tool offers... so I'd like to know how you feel about splitting a membership with a buddy of mine. Either way I'm game.

Cheers and hope you bias are enjoying the weekend.
Just My Thoughts:
People keep talking about the 25k in 3mins like it was some grand marketing thing just like ppl talk about how awesome john chow is for milking his readers for 8.5k/month. Honestly, who gives a fuck. It's just another figure in the books, nothing more. I'm not capitalizing on my reputation or taking any money that isn't already out there.

Most of the die hards that got in on the tool quick were the same people who quit their day jobs this year because they worked their asses off and actually did the tips on the blog until they were able to bump their income enough to be able to make an investment on my tool. Many much more popular SEO bloggers have already attempted similar releases and didn't succeed. I didn't do anything special its just the typical What goes around comes around scenario. I wasn't squeezing blood from a bunch of turnips, I did everything I could for a year and a half, both through the posts/comments and emails, to make sure the readers made money and in return they made sure I got compensated for it during the release of the tool.

Now I'm in a very unique situation that I'm extremely proud of.
1. The blue hat readers per capita are the smartest and most successful in the industry. Now with the release of the tool they have the means to become even more so.

2. Every greedy guru in the industry now has to compete with me. It was all fine and dandy when there was no money in what I was talking about. Now that the demand has been proven the bar has been set and it ain't getting any lower.

3. Helping people comes back to you. Flashing earnings and waving your success in peoples faces just brings scrutiny, nothing more. I've never once talked about my own earnings nor up till now did anyone have foggiest clue about my money. My writings speak completely for themselves. Flashing a check or screenshot is no longer a viable option to gain a reputation in the industry. You have to back it up or get the fuck out.

4. I honestly get along great with all the blue hat readers. You wouldn't believe what a lot of big name bloggers actually think about their own readers. I've talked to a lot of them and the common consensus is, they have no respect for them. They think they're all a bunch of sheep. They really do see them as a lesser. I managed to actually attract an audience of people (and WF members) who really know their stuff and can not only hold their own but can challenge me with facts and experience when I got something wrong. So I get the chance to learn much more than I teach.

5. I got coders :) I can ask a question in a comment about whether or not its possible to script something and a reader will have it in my inbox within the hour. I don't care how much money shoemoney makes, lets see him pull something like that off. :)

6. Bragging rights. Whether or not the tool has had a chance to prove itself to you yet it eventually will. Who will have the best seo tool on the market then? :)

So the way i see it is, make some damn money! Even if that means selling submits, doing whatever. I don't care. Just make money, because I know eventually down the road some of it will come back to me. If you have to sell submits than that more than likely means you have some left over. What's stopping you from producing 10 new sites/day? There's almost 40 databases in the vault, get started with that and by the time you're done there'll proably be another 40 more. So get working. :)
Just My Thoughts:
People keep talking about the 25k in 3mins like it was some grand marketing thing just like ppl talk about how awesome john chow is for milking his readers for 8.5k/month. Honestly, who gives a fuck. It's just another figure in the books, nothing more. I'm not capitalizing on my reputation or taking any money that isn't already out there.

Hope you didn't take my post as a diss? Was simply saying that you've provided so much incredibly valuable information for FREE and built a relationship with your readers to the point where they have no problem shelling out money for a tool that you stand behind. They trust you (me included) and rightfully so.

BTW, nice to see there is still someone up with me at 4:30AM on a Saturday morning (haven't slept yet on Friday) putting in some work!
Eli.. I'm surprised you're allowing it too.. If you're going to allow someone to resell submissions, you may as well open up more slots and get $100 more from each person, instead of devaluing it at $5 a pop.

It's just like playing the stock market. Hype alone can't sustain value. I'm in it for the long run, so there has to be something of value backing it. The way Rob and I see it is, we have until July 11th (the first subscription renewal date) to make each and every member increase their monthly earnings by at least $100. That includes the people who aren't very serious about it and are just trying it out for shits and giggles. If we can pull that off, than we don't ever have to worry about what other people think or all the haters that will eventually come, we'll have lifelong members.

If that means a few ppl will have to make up their subscription money by selling submits the first month or two thats fine. As long as the subscription investment becomes a profit for them. I'd really like it if everyone made their money through actual use of the tool though, but for the time being I'll take what i can get. :rasta:
Hope you didn't take my post as a diss? Was simply saying that you've provided so much incredibly valuable information for FREE and built a relationship with your readers to the point where they have no problem shelling out money for a tool that you stand behind. They trust you (me included) and rightfully so.

BTW, nice to see there is still someone up with me at 4:30AM on a Saturday morning (haven't slept yet on Friday) putting in some work!

absolutely, no offense taken at all.

yeah I'm fuckin worn out from this week. :)
I accidentally fell asleep on the couch and luckily everyone took off to the bars without me. So i can have some time to recoup. Big party at my house tomorrow night though whoop whoop!
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