Runner's Thread


Level 3
Dec 2, 2012
Who all here is a runner? What do you run? 5k, 10k, 13.1, 26.2? Further?

Been a runner ever since I slowly drifted away from soccer, and I'll probably never stop running.

A local paper here just had an article out about the high school down the road and the successes they've had, as well as the University. But I was astonished to find how fucking slow the times were. Up north, where I'm from, the winning times here would be nowhere near ample to make the team. Swear to you the female U18 runner beat the males. Insane.

I grew up running track and field just to stay in shape for soccer in the summer/fall months. First started in events like 400m, 800m, but graduated to longer distances. I eventually got burnt out on soccer and did cross country, too. I fell in love with running during the XC seasons, but my specialty was definitely in the 800m sprints still--I didn't learn how to pace myself until years later. But XC grew on me and I got super competitive running the 5k's.

Had a track scholarship offer, but turned it down because I wanted to go to school in the south. I ended walking on the track team and had some success before losing my NCAA eligibility. While I was still in college, a friend of mine joked about doing a marathon, and long story short, we were training the following week. I was the only one who followed through and trained all by myself the last few weeks.

Then the marathon was cancelled on event day due to weather. I was really pissed and haven't signed up for another since, because out of spite I don't want to do it here. I'm going to finish my first marathon outside of this city.

So where are you favorite cities to run? I would love to do the Flying Pig in Cincy, but I've heard there are a ton of New England 26.2's which are the best during the fall.

Just for bragging rights, list your PRs too.

I run on/off - not a serious runner. Mostly 5k and 10k.

My best 5k was 18:58 or something similar. Best 10k just over 45mins.
i like to run, primarily between 2 to 5 mile range.. ran a half marathon 3 years ago. I don't have fast times mainly because I like to lift too and I don't want to be one of those skinny runner freaks.

set a modest goal at the beginning of this year to run 365 miles before the year's over.. I'm about 10 miles ahead of schedule, I only run less than a 3rd of the days though.

Gary Simon Athlete Cortland, OH 44410, USA | RunKeeper
i like to run, primarily between 2 to 5 mile range.. ran a half marathon 3 years ago. I don't have fast times mainly because I like to lift too and I don't want to be one of those skinny runner freaks.

set a modest goal at the beginning of this year to run 365 miles before the year's over.. I'm about 10 miles ahead of schedule, I only run less than a 3rd of the days though.

Gary Simon Athlete Cortland, OH 44410, USA | RunKeeper

I actually never have run a 13.1 for time because I ended up going farther just to train for the marathon. I always felt like a half was an awkward mileage to try to PR because it's not a sprint like a 5k, but it's far from a marathon, too.

I like the mileage tracker though. Do you use a gps tracking watch or input your miles by hand?
It's an android/iphone app.

I just moved to a new office that is only 2 miles away, so I try to jog to work and back at least once a week.

Gotcha. As many miles as I've run, I've never used a gadget or app. I just throw up the iPod with some beat-specific music and go, but I've been considering the Garmin watch.

(link: Garmin | Forerunner 610)
Running was and still is my passion, in the last 15 years maybe missed about 3-4 days. Also I've have been involved into soccer almost 25 years! As I'm 200cm tall, I was a goalkeeper :)

You ever heard about the Raven?

[ame=""]Robert "Raven" Kraft Documentary Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
I started running back in April because it was free. Worked up to 5k and I have not yet entered any races. Running is a good way to start the morning.
4.5 Miles runner a day 7 days a week.

Question for people that use running apps... So you carry your phone with you while running? Just toss it in your pocket or do you have a special harness?
I run almost every day for about one mile (to and from the local stadium) to practice. I don't enjoy it although I do it often. I know it is good for me, but I like other condition exercises. Perhaps it is just because I don't have mp3 player with me that i find it somehow dull.

Sometimes I run 3-4 miles, but that happens only once monthly or so.
Question for people that use running apps... So you carry your phone with you while running? Just toss it in your pocket or do you have a special harness?

They make sleeves, just goes around your bicep like an iPod holder($10 a wallymart), or there's chest bands/waist bands you can harness it with. You can tuck it into a heart rate monitor band if you use one also.

EDIT: Here's a more expensive Nike version: you see it's got the holder for the unit, as well as a cord slide through so it doesn't come disconnected.
You have to run so you don't sink down into the sand, that is what does a number on your calves and achilles..and plantar fascia.
Lemme ask you.. I live by a beach, but I've done this a few times and had severe arche pain because the sand gives too much. Did you get the same pain?

Happens to me too unless I run on hard sand, then no problems. Depends on the beach but try running near the water where the sand is hardest.