rss scraping and 'auto blogging'

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New member
Jun 19, 2007
Is it really worth it to take the time to set up a bunch of sites for this? Does this technique still work?

I know it can depend on the niche, but how many sites would you recommend setting up for a starter's goal of $200/week?

Is it really worth it to take the time to set up a bunch of sites for this? Does this technique still work?

I know it can depend on the niche, but how many sites would you recommend setting up for a starter's goal of $200/week?

This will depend on a few factors for instance how much do you have to spend, if you want $200 a week then set up 30 sites each making you $1 per day through contextual advertising.

Then you have to figure out how much time/money you want to invest in link building and getting your site ranked so you can get traffic to that site, in order to make $1 per day you'll need about 150 to 200 unique each and every single day with proper ad placements, plus you will want longer feeds and you'll have to do research into beating Google's Smart Pricing.

P.S. A little tip is that duplicate content is a way to beat smart pricing but the content has to be related to your sites topic and it has to be a decent length so I stress full text feeds and not summaries.
With proper link building and search engine indexing, and judging by your own personal experience, about how long does it take to reach that $1/day mark per site?
With proper link building and search engine indexing, and judging by your own personal experience, about how long does it take to reach that $1/day mark per site?

Well honestly the sites don't have to be big, nor do they have to be unique but they do have to be targeted, the only real problem with a site with no real unique content is they are hard to get indexed.

Have a look at one of my sites Hannah Montana that site has no unique content, its been up for just over a month and is not indexed in Google but averages 100 unique per day just from type in traffic from video submissions to YouTube, the audince are girls who like to chat and my return visitor count increases each and every day.

This particular site only makes about .50 cents per day and takes less then 2 minutes to update each week so .50 cents per day for 2 minutes of work per week isn't bad, you scale that up and your making decent cash for sites not even indexed.

How long is a real tough question, if you have a strong link building campaign and you can get your sites indexed for longer tail terms (A couple of them) which will eventually add up your traffic to get to that $1 per day mark it can take anywhere from 1 month to 6 months (Assuming your only waiting to get indexed).

If your paying for your traffic then your basically doing the new age arbitrage model and traffic will come a lot faster but with this model requires constant monitoring, you can take traffic from the 2nd tier and 3rd tier search engines you'll get cheap traffic but if it converts you only need to break a profit, for instance if you pay 5 cents for a visitor lets hope that click is worth more then 5 cents but also remembering your not going to have a 100% CTR, to be safe average your CTR to around 30%.

Its all about the math per time when doing this, you can do your math 100% correct but if you don't take into account the time required to pull it off you'll get frustrated after 1 month and not hitting your goal and give up.

Tip: No matter what happens don't ever give up. Let me rephrase that to something more strict. DONT EVER FUCKING GIVE UP.

Ok this may be a bit confusing cause its coming out of my head and my thoughts get twisted most times so I'll try to clean some things up.

Lets say you have an initial budget of $500 and you want to earn $200 per week, what you can do is spend $300 to buy 30 domains (Don't jump the gun here), and use the other $200 for traffic and some link building.

Now when you reach your goal of $200 per week the $500 initial investment will be very small on your part and you can use any additional cash to scale from there.

The time factor with this type of thing is something most don't talk about but if your going to do it right you'll have to spend your pre-research, this means you have to research each niche for each of the 30 sites, for each niche you'll have to research longer tail terms with almost no competition but with the highest search volume, every once and awhile you'll find some Gem terms by doing your research before buying your domain names.

I'll stop there but to put it simply if you have a good model you can earn that inside of 3 months assuming your aim for traffic is on the search engines, paid traffic is a bit more tricky but you'll get much faster returns.

Its an art and in order to capture that art you have to take time. Everything above is assuming you can code, design, and SEO your own sites (I do it all on my own it took me a long time to learn everything but it also saves me tons of cash, plus the skills gained earn me cash).

If this seems like too much and you consider yourself to be confident and have half a brain try looking into membership subscription sites, something you can charge $30 per month for, think about user generated content, think Friend Finder, Think Dating Sites, Think FaceBook, Think MySpace, then think of a niche that people will pay money for, will you charge them this fee for a service or to provide them content.

This is what I do now I don't really do any of the scaling tons of sites anymore I focus on stable longer term goals which continue to earn me money each and every month. If you can build your own sites, SEO them, and Design them yourself and you can do your niche research then you can easily think up a working membership model type of website which is more of a stable income.

Scaling sites can be a stable income but there are lots of factors these days which inflluence there success or failure.

I'll stop there cause I might as well just write a book on the subject. Ask questions if you want I'll try to keep my responses shorter then this one.
That was an amazing post and more than answered any questions I had. Thanks so much :bowdown:

Do you have to put those videos in manually or do they come with the feeds? Is there a plug-in for the videos or will they work OK just being inserted into a post?


Do you have to put those videos in manually or do they come with the feeds? Is there a plug-in for the videos or will they work OK just being inserted into a post?


For the particular site I've used as an example that one was all done manually, the initial start up time took a little longer (A Full Day) to catch up on the content, videos, seasons, wallpaper, ect...

I'm using wordpress and i don't like using plugins to really host or add my videos unless they are my own plugins but the #1 rule when adding videos by hand and using wordpress is to disable the WYSIWYG editor, under My Profile or My Account link in the top right hand side of your admin account.

The reason for this is because the WYSIWYG editor in wordpress will mess with embed codes (I.E. Videos) all editors like that mess with your code, unfortunately wordpress fucks up the code and your videos won't play so disable that function, take the time to learn a bit of XHTML if you have to and then toss it up.

Basically when I do things manually I try to do as much as physically possible in the first day then after that I slow down and add content as needed (Mostly when the traffic takes a slight dive is when you should post new content). That way they come back for more.
you should re-title this to quit your job on 50 cents a day (sounds like the title of an ebook)
I have one blog setup which Scrapes Google Blog Search results for certain keywords, Google news, yahoo news and a few well known blog sites.
I put some Adsense in there and left it running (i ping it with Pingoat every few days)

At the minute i'm making about $6-$8 per day from it and its only been around for about 3 weeks.

In my noobish mind i'm doing pretty fucking good!

I'm going to set up around 3 - 5 more in the next few days and see how they perform.

Oh and i haven't SEO'd it or used any kind of Traffic buying / PPC!

I have one blog setup which Scrapes Google Blog Search results for certain keywords, Google news, yahoo news and a few well known blog sites.
I put some Adsense in there and left it running (i ping it with Pingoat every few days)

At the minute i'm making about $6-$8 per day from it and its only been around for about 3 weeks.

In my noobish mind i'm doing pretty fucking good!

I'm going to set up around 3 - 5 more in the next few days and see how they perform.

Oh and i haven't SEO'd it or used any kind of Traffic buying / PPC!


Excellent Work man, you have found a profitable niche now just try to scale that shit up to 10 sites and your making a steady $60 to $80 per day which works into $1800 To $2400 a month.

I'd say thats good for a noob.
For the particular site I've used as an example that one was all done manually, the initial start up time took a little longer (A Full Day) to catch up on the content, videos, seasons, wallpaper, ect...

I'm using wordpress and i don't like using plugins to really host or add my videos unless they are my own plugins but the #1 rule when adding videos by hand and using wordpress is to disable the WYSIWYG editor, under My Profile or My Account link in the top right hand side of your admin account.

The reason for this is because the WYSIWYG editor in wordpress will mess with embed codes (I.E. Videos) all editors like that mess with your code, unfortunately wordpress fucks up the code and your videos won't play so disable that function, take the time to learn a bit of XHTML if you have to and then toss it up.

Basically when I do things manually I try to do as much as physically possible in the first day then after that I slow down and add content as needed (Mostly when the traffic takes a slight dive is when you should post new content). That way they come back for more.

Thanks for the answer.

I have a plug in that enables posting videos to WP from several video hosting sites but, it's not automatic. Want a copy to see if you can make it post them via RSS? If you can, you can give a copy back, then sell it. :D

-------------(my fake sig)---------------
Originally Posted by productionhead
You're both a bunch of fucking idiots
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Excellent Work man, you have found a profitable niche now just try to scale that shit up to 10 sites and your making a steady $60 to $80 per day which works into $1800 To $2400 a month.

I'd say thats good for a noob.

Cheers dude.

Do you think i should stick with the same Niche or try something else and see how it works out?
Thanks for the answer.

I have a plug in that enables posting videos to WP from several video hosting sites but, it's not automatic. Want a copy to see if you can make it post them via RSS? If you can, you can give a copy back, then sell it. :D

-------------(my fake sig)---------------

haha send it over and I'll have a look at it.
Hey Aequitas, I would like to have a word with you via IM if possible. its about splogpress and also a few other video plugins/scripts which I have which I think could be put to better use by you. Have tried to add you via IM. Hope you get my invite. (Using Pidgin)
I'm finally going to break the $100 mark today, it's a big moment for me!

I would like to thank God, my mum, my dad, my friends.... *sobs*


Today is a good day.

I now have 7 RSS Scrape & Blog sites working, should start to see some better results soon!
bam bam, that's awesome, bud. Who'da thunk that scraping and autoposting would still work?

Well, maybe you guys did, but I thought that crap was DEAD.

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