You know why I can't buy into all this Rothschild conspiracy crap?

People, in general, USUALLY (Hitlers and Bin Ladens excluded) turn altruistic and philanthropic once they have attained enough money to use it on something other than their own family.

Think of Bill Gates and Warren B, even if they keep building Wealth, they give away a large percentage of it... And they are self-made billionaires, so they KNOW the value of the money they've got.

Meanwhile, a multi-century-old line of Trillionaires supposedly exist that never gave away a large percentage of their wealth? ALL of the very numerous family members involved all decided together to never give away a dime more than looks like a typical donation for a far poorer family???

With that kind of wealth they could have us living in Colonies on the Moon by now. Or even by the Civil freaking war! -But no, somehow they all stayed too greedy for centuries and never wanted to help out the world to become a better place...


Plus, they're Jewish. Tzedakah (Jewish Obliged Charity) should multiply this effect for them.

I'm calling Bullshit.

The Rothschild's are definitely real, the only conspiracy theory is surrounding how much power and wealth they have (and more importantly control such as their ties to 9/11 conspiracy theories, etc).

Mr. Websites and I have talked about this before. The Rothschild's in the early years were very much like the Rockefeller's with the exception that they understood the importance of a defined/planned family lineage in order to maintain control.

Like the royal family I'm sure the mind set and thought process of the family is incredibly different than ours. So the fact that they don't publicly give away millions (no one says they can't privately) doesn't really factor into things for me. Clearly they've never had a problem flaunting their wealth in terms of real estate.

I think it'd be a stretch to say that the Rothchild's planned the invasion on Libya... But it's not a stretch at all, in my opinion, to assume that the US and others invaded Libya for both humanitarian/economic reasons and the Rothchild's set up the central banking system to keep the central banking systems of the commonwealth and America safe.
Meanwhile, a multi-century-old line of Trillionaires supposedly exist that never gave away a large percentage of their wealth? ALL of the very numerous family members involved all decided together to never give away a dime more than looks like a typical donation for a far poorer family???

With that kind of wealth they could have us living in Colonies on the Moon by now. Or even by the Civil freaking war! -But no, somehow they all stayed too greedy for centuries and never wanted to help out the world to become a better place...

I'm calling Bullshit.

first off, i think they have given away more just anonymously (readmore).

second, colonies on the moon need more then funding; i think some more advanced math would be involved.
OK, then screw Altruism for a moment. When talking about numbers upwards of $500 Trillion (with a T) you've got to put things into perspective.

If you take all of the National Economies of the planet, and added up their GDP, we're only talking about 30 or so trillion US dollars worth annually.

So what this conspiracy is basically saying is that a family controls about 17 TIMES as much money as the rest of the world combined has, but no one has seen anything larger than a few mansions to their name.

Fuck Mansions. They can afford to build their own friggin' Dyson Sphere.

And why would they settle for the limitations of our slow-paced technology? Wouldn't they have funded technologies that truly change the world like the transporter or warp drive by now? (Which subsequently leak out in time if they were hoarding it.)

They may be the richest family in the world but if all they've bought is some houses, I haz a doubt or two about them controlling a trillion bucks, much less 500.
OK, then screw Altruism for a moment. When talking about numbers upwards of $500 Trillion (with a T) you've got to put things into perspective.

If you take all of the National Economies of the planet, and added up their GDP, we're only talking about 30 or so trillion US dollars worth annually.

So what this conspiracy is basically saying is that a family controls about 17 TIMES as much money as the rest of the world combined has, but no one has seen anything larger than a few mansions to their name.

Fuck Mansions. They can afford to build their own friggin' Dyson Sphere.

And why would they settle for the limitations of our slow-paced technology? Wouldn't they have funded technologies that truly change the world like the transporter or warp drive by now? (Which subsequently leak out in time if they were hoarding it.)

They may be the richest family in the world but if all they've bought is some houses, I haz a doubt or two about them controlling a trillion bucks, much less 500.
who said what they own was just paper dollars? they own countries and regimes. btw, how much are you thinking you are worth? maybe they own you too
Ahh the Rothchilds, JP Morgan was a lieutenant of theirs and only owned 15%-20% of his biz. The best biz is the fiat currency business.
OK, then screw Altruism for a moment. When talking about numbers upwards of $500 Trillion (with a T) you've got to put things into perspective.

If you take all of the National Economies of the planet, and added up their GDP, we're only talking about 30 or so trillion US dollars worth annually.

So what this conspiracy is basically saying is that a family controls about 17 TIMES as much money as the rest of the world combined has, but no one has seen anything larger than a few mansions to their name.

Fuck Mansions. They can afford to build their own friggin' Dyson Sphere.

And why would they settle for the limitations of our slow-paced technology? Wouldn't they have funded technologies that truly change the world like the transporter or warp drive by now? (Which subsequently leak out in time if they were hoarding it.)

They may be the richest family in the world but if all they've bought is some houses, I haz a doubt or two about them controlling a trillion bucks, much less 500.

I don't think you have looked into this issue enough. It is not mansions or currency where they derive their wealth, lol. IT'S COUNTRIES. IT'S LABOR. IT'S SLAVERY. They own a large interest in America. They own a large interest in the UK. They dominate countries through finance. They control the Fed. They control the IMF. They invented modern day central banking. They control the IRS. We pay a large part of our income tax to these pieces of shit. We straight up pay interest on our debt just because we're too stupid to know any better. They use our schools to dumb us down. The whole world is built in their favor. They essentially run/manipulate the world through a huge interlocking web of institutions and fraternal orders.

And of course they don't settle for our shitty technology. Our technology that we have is technology they had a long time ago. You do understand they control the black government that has technology way ahead of what we have. These guys DO go to the moon. They DO go to other planets. WE DON'T. WE DON'T GO. We're the assholes left holding the bag while we fund their space exploration. They could care less about us. If they control us secretly via the Fed do you really think they give two shits about helping us and developing new technology for the sheep? We work for them. They don't care about us. They use us to enrich their lives. It's called slavery, and that's how the Rothschilds operate. They don't have the Fed or IRS to make money. They got all they money they want. They print our money. It's about control. They control us through money. They keep us broke so we will turn to them for answers. It's called slavery. They enslave us through money. They don't want money. They want slaves. They want power. And they want control. That's the Rothschilds.

This topic goes much further than simply the Rothschilds and politics. It ties into religion. Religion is politics. These guys are heavily tied to the Vatican. You have these guys to thank for destroying Real Christianty and bringing in Nihilism. You have these guys to thank for supporting Adam Weishaupt to shape Communism. This topic isn't a 30 second surface sound byte like our dumbed down education would like us to believe. It is a lifelong study into the real power behind the world. It all has to do with old, old families and occult knowledge. These people aren't idiots. But since people don't know the first thing about astro-theology, occult orders and symbols they don't understand the Rothschilds. People don't even know why or that they changed their name from Bauer to Red Shield.

So it doesn't matter what their net worth is. Through their interlocking network of organizations they essentially transfer the world's labor to themselves. But what's new? This is how the world has operated for thousands of years. The sheep love it and can't get enough of it.
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I don't think you have looked into this issue enough. It is not mansions or currency where they derive their wealth, lol. IT'S COUNTRIES. IT'S LABOR. IT'S SLAVERY. They own a large interest in America. They own a large interest in the UK. They dominate countries through finance. They control the Fed. They control the IMF. They invented modern day central banking. They control the IRS. We pay a large part of our income tax to these pieces of shit. We straight up pay interest on our debt just because we're too stupid to know any better. They use our schools to dumb us down. The whole world is built in their favor. They essentially run/manipulate the world through a huge interlocking web of institutions and fraternal orders.

And of course they don't settle for our shitty technology. Our technology that we have is technology they had a long time ago. You do understand they control the black government that has technology way ahead of what we have. These guys DO go to the moon. They DO go to other planets. WE DON'T. WE DON'T GO. We're the assholes left holding the bag while we fund their space exploration. They could care less about us. If they control us secretly via the Fed do you really think they give two shits about helping us and developing new technology for the sheep? We work for them. They don't care about us. They use us to enrich their lives. It's called slavery, and that's how the Rothschilds operate. They don't have the Fed or IRS to make money. They got all they money they want. They print our money. It's about control. They control us through money. They keep us broke so we will turn to them for answers. It's called slavery. They enslave us through money. They don't want money. They want slaves. They want power. And they want control. That's the Rothschilds.

This topic goes much further than simply the Rothschilds and politics. It ties into religion. Religion is politics. These guys are heavily tied to the Vatican. You have these guys to thank for destroying Real Christianty and bringing in Nihilism. You have these guys to thank for supporting Adam Weishaupt to shape Communism. This topic isn't a 30 second surface sound byte like our dumbed down education would like us to believe. It is a lifelong study into the real power behind the world. It all has to do with old, old families and occult knowledge. These people aren't idiots. But since people don't know the first thing about astro-theology, occult orders and symbols they don't understand the Rothschilds. People don't even know why or that they changed their name from Bauer to Red Shield.

So it doesn't matter what their net worth is. Through their interlocking network of organizations they essentially transfer the world's labor to themselves. But what's new? This is how the world has operated for thousands of years. The sheep love it and can't get enough of it.

In all seriousness this sounds interesting drop some more knowledge please.
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We are all in the same boat, and its sinking fuking fast.

Yet theres a little life boat thats fucked off and theres a family and its minions in it....whats their names....ah yes!! ze Rothschilds of ze dominance of mighty world.

Jokes aside, what we see all around us is pure ilusion. Even when we THINK we see 'truth', it aint.

First the was the employee mindset.
Then came the employer mindset.
Following this, came the corporation mindset.
Eventually, came the 'power' mindset...

A nation is nothing more than a business at that.

We are gentlemen, fuking slaves.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪50-year-old CARTOON TRIED TO WARN US‬‏[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - ‪The American Dream Film-Full Length‬‏[/ame]

Question is, how deep is the rabbit hole? and what can we do in numbers?
They don't care about money, as with money they can enslave us, they stand way higher than money, Rothschilds and others(?) are the masters. Yet, they try to hide as much as possible, because as any Big Boss, their biggest fear is us, the people. That's why it is in their best interest to dumb us down as much as possible. Right wing, left wing, democrats, republicans, etc it doesn't matter, there is one puppet master at the end of day.

God says (When sees the Tower of Babel) in Genesis 11:6, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them." And then the God gave the people different languages, races and scattered them all around the world, so it would be impossible for them to unite and complete the Tower of Babel. A nice parallel with our modern political system don't you think?

I have read about Rothschilds, their history and other general stuff, but never really went into "deeper details". Can anyone provide some good reading material/books about modern "supah dupah secret/powerful societies/families" ?

Would be an interesting read.
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Can anyone provide some good reading material/books about modern "supah dupah secret/powerful societies/families" ?

Would be an interesting read.

here you are. pretty much covers what you asked for:
all mentioned here: Rotschild, DuPont, Astor....Modern history in a nutshell so to speak
lincolndsp, thank you very much mate. Gonna grab a coffee and couple of carrots while I'm reading that.


I suspect that you could provide some interesting reading material of modern secret societies as well. Want to share something good?