Romney supporters ignorant as sh*t

I like how the pseudo-intellectuals were on their high horse displaying their superior morals when they thought it was Romney. Then when they realized it was Obama actually doing it and not just talking about it their morals went right out the window. I especially like the pacifist who all of a sudden supported out right violence (drone strikes and hidden prisons).


This will be the first year I'm intentionally not voting. I've decided I don't want to be part of a system that goes against what I believe in. It's corrupt and goes against pretty much everything I feel is right.
Seem's 80% of them don't know what they're actually voting for...
I think you would be hard pressed to find any voter who is very well informed and has a philosophy of government.

I think the most honest folks are the ones who don't vote. They have the decency not to impose their ignorance on everyone else.

This will be the first year I'm intentionally not voting. I've decided I don't want to be part of a system that goes against what I believe in. It's corrupt and goes against pretty much everything I feel is right.

Be 2012 and you came to this conclusion.
