Romney supporters ignorant as sh*t

You can find stupid people anywhere. This is just propaganda that reddit upvotes.

You can make the same video for Obama supporters, in fact I'm sure they have.
All I know is, we gave Obama 4 years.. how is life better?

or how about, how is the economy better?

I don't have to know what Romney is going to do, knowing the details is futile as those details can change at a whim regardless what anyone says ( clinton, reagon, bush, obama, etc ).

All I need to know is we gave oblah blah 4 years and I see nothing better at all, and his policies coming out look weak.

Obama and Romney both will say whatever they can to get the vote, so the details don't matter much to me. We gave obama his chance and nothing has changed. Ohhh so he got Osama ( his brother ), thats not a reason to get elected.

Saving the banks and Detroit? That shit should have been handled differently I think. Thats all Obama has to go on, because the healthcare plan wasn't even wanted by the majority of the voters. Nothing he has done is worthy of an election and he had his chance.. time to bring in someone new.
They say only uneducated people will vote for Obama... Seems Romney's supports aren't that bright either...

[ame=""]Obama Supporters Actually Hate Obama's Policies - YouTube[/ame]

Seems like Obama supporters aren't that bright either...
Obama has already won, and you'd be ignorant to assume otherwise...

Will return once the results have been confirmed... Just to heckle you Romney supporters and pour salt in your wounds

One of those crazies was about to cry.

Although you should bear in mind that a large proportion of people are retards and ill informed, irrespective of politcal "opinion".

Btw a lot of these people don't have actual opinions they just say cliches and jumbled up platitudes. E.g. Saying "Bill Ayers"... as if just saying that name is an argument in itself.
I hope Obama wins just to see all of these stupid butthurt repuglicans pitch a bitch fit lmao
I hope Obama wins just to see all of these stupid butthurt repuglicans pitch a bitch fit lmao

I hope Romney wins just to see all of these stupid butthurt (insert not very clever alternate version of democrats) pitch a bitch fit lmao