Review my funny website!


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Hey there,

I just finished my new site and would appreciate some feedback.

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haha its pretty simple, people can send me the first time sex story and I will post them. some of theme are pretty funny. I would really like it if you could help me out and submit your story :) Don't worry you will stay anonymous.

another thing I would really appreciate is if you could take a few minutes and suggest my facebook fan page to your friends.

here's how to do it in case you don't know:
1 - Log into Facebook
2 - Search for my fan page (Type in "The First Time I Had Sex")
3 - Under he logo click "Suggest to friends"
4 - send it to all your friends.

This would really help me a lot

Umm, why do you have a bunch of ads targeted to internet marketers and webmasters on there? I'm assuming you want the site to go viral and be visited by the general public, who aren't going to sign up for Market Leverage or Hostgator.

Just sayin'.
i didnt laugh at any story... so its not funny

but if you choose to keep this going... why not look at other sites similar to this that are actually popular and emulate them?
Total bullshit...

"It was his orgasm! I laughed so hard, I couldn’t finish" - Sorry bitch - if he's done so are you!

"He was trying to use his finger down there and accidentally stuck it in the wrong hole. It lasted all of two seconds, but I lost it. I died laughin" - No girl gets a finger up her ass the first time and "dies laughing" - I've tried it enough times