Retarded flog award

Every page on the internet is a "landing page" fools. Just don't out money makers to copy/paste bottom feeders.

So as funny as it may be, why is it ok to out this landing page and not others?

It's just going to depend on the situation. I have a problem with people outting landing pages just to out competetion. At one time people were getting carried away with just posting links and saying look! and it was a really good landing page so their motive was obvious. But when there's something wacky or stupid about the lp and someone just wants to share the lolz, then I'm fine with that. (If something is retarded why would other people want to rip it?) Other mods may disagree and if they want they can do something about it.
It's just going to depend on the situation. I have a problem with people outting landing pages just to out competetion. At one time people were getting carried away with just posting links and saying look! and it was a really good landing page so their motive was obvious. But when there's something wacky or stupid about the lp and someone just wants to share the lolz, then I'm fine with that. (If something is retarded why would other people want to rip it?) Other mods may disagree and if they want they can do something about it.

Hmm..the only think pretty wacky about the LP is the video, so why not just link to the youtube video, if that's what this whole thread is about.

Judging if a landing page is allowed to be outing based on your discretion isn't really right.

Though I do agree, that when it comes to flogs/farticles, it doesn't really matter if they outed, since the majority of them are 95% similar. But if they are different, added a new marketing angle, then they shouldn't be posted.

Even though this guy might have made a pretty bad video, he still chose an interesting marketing tactic. And I'm sure that if someone decided to remake the same video he did, just a voice-over, with a pre-written script, then conversions will raise.
So as funny as it may be, why is it ok to out this landing page and not others?

This is an exact copy of every other bizop page + a lol video.

If it was something new, then it would not be ok. Pretty sure 99% of the viewers are not going to get any new idea from this.

Just my opinion.
So as funny as it may be, why is it ok to out this landing page and not others?

Who gives a shit. This guy is an fuckin tool and he is using the exact same landing page as every other idiot out there.

Fools like this is why the feds are clamping down on affiliate marketers. Might as well phish the customers CC number and go on a shopping spree..there really isn't any difference.
waiiiit waiiit

im starting to think its a joke, when he see's the picture, he's like "look at this handsome wifes not bad either..."

or not...

how does this guy have ANY cash in C2M after this awful awful page?
I say ban the OP, he still outed a landing page.

ORLY? Eat a Cock you fucking Ass Slurp. You are a mindless sister fucker if you think that is outing a landing page. Every person in this Forum has seen it already. But you wouldn't know that because raping your little sister has degenerated your mind to the point of retardation.
That landing page has also been used (scraped) by hundreds of lazy morons that bought the same system. Furthermore it is dead, the FTC/G has clearly made that point.

Ahh Wait, I see, your the retard that made the Video---lol----Your wife is hawt.
ORLY? Eat a Cock you fucking Ass Slurp. You are a mindless sister fucker if you think that is outing a landing page. Every person in this Forum has seen it already. But you wouldn't know that because raping your little sister has degenerated your mind to the point of retardation.
That landing page has also been used (scraped) by hundreds of lazy morons that bought the same system. Furthermore it is dead, the FTC/G has clearly made that point.

Ahh Wait, I see, your the retard that made the Video---lol----Your wife is hawt.

Oooh, internet tough guy. I still vote for +ban.
ORLY? Eat a Cock you fucking Ass Slurp. You are a mindless sister fucker if you think that is outing a landing page. Every person in this Forum has seen it already. But you wouldn't know that because raping your little sister has degenerated your mind to the point of retardation.
That landing page has also been used (scraped) by hundreds of lazy morons that bought the same system. Furthermore it is dead, the FTC/G has clearly made that point.

Ahh Wait, I see, your the retard that made the Video---lol----Your wife is hawt.
