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New member
Jul 7, 2006
North Carolina
Ok I have gotten some rep in the past few days, and it seems either i am confused or others cant read. lol..

I have rep with orange blocks and rep with little x looking images. So I also see some points listed on the right that tells me apparently my total rep points. Now the question is whats the points good for? I am guessing like other forums you can only give as much rep out as you have!

Now what about the people who give rep and say " thanks for the info/post really helped, then have the x beside it instead of the orange block? WTF,,, Yea this thread isnt a vent or rant but just a question of curiosity as I have posts with thanks with the x instead of

WTF Ever, guess rep is meaningless for someone of my caliber....lmao.:music07:

stanley said:
that doesn't make sense to me either, why are they different?

Ah now I see what he means. The blue x looking things are BAD REP! They lowers you rep.
They arent supposed to look like X though. look
Juicify said:
Ah now I see what he means. The blue x looking things are BAD REP! They lowers you rep.
They arent supposed to look like X though. look
are you sure? I have some bed reps but the comments incline that it was meant to be +rep
Juicify said:
The blue x looking things are BAD REP! They lowers you rep.
They arent supposed to look like X though. look
The blue squares aren't positive, or negative reps. They're "neutral" and don't affect your reputation. You get blue squares when the person giving you reputation doesn't meet the minimum posts for giving reputation.
I don't believe that, because I have gotten those
2 times (fuck squirrelinabox) and then my rep went lower, meaning, when I hold my mouse over the orange thing in a thread the title text was changed to something "worse"
That clears it up.

@Juicify: Naaaaaah.

There seems to be only like 2 texts and I got some of dem dar blue boxes as well... so...

so what the hell is it,,lol.. is the blue mark a neg rep? or is it a neutral rep from someone who doesnt meet the min.

I like some others have rep given with positive remarks beside them with the blue instead of orange.

And about the hug,, lmao,,, no thanks,,, just looking for a clarification.
I'm pretty sure Shan hit it on the head. I have reps with the blue squares with both negative and positive comments next to them. So none of them count because the user didn't have any rep to pass to me... wheather it be negative or positive.
Ok thats cool, just wanted to know what the deal :anon.sml:

kyleirwin said:
I'm pretty sure Shan hit it on the head. I have reps with the blue squares with both negative and positive comments next to them. So none of them count because the user didn't have any rep to pass to me... wheather it be negative or positive.
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