Renaming STS


Champion of Awesome
Sep 25, 2007
Looking over the threads today and the last few months I think it's time we rename STS to Racist Chat.

It's a shame really this place used to be endearingly antisocial to keep out retards but has not mutated into just trolling in an attempt to annoy to the highest degree. I suppose it's the natural path when trolling remains unchecked to the point that those with brain power stop posting.
my question is when did racism become funny or acceptable even? I appreciate the occasional joke-at-the-expense-of-others but straight up dropping N-bombs everywhere isn't really cool/funny/appropriate/mature
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my question is when did racism become funny or acceptable even?
this site isn't an exception. racism has exploded on the net lately. pretty strange. maybe a link to economic inequality/money printing?
Actually, i think this place has kind of toned down. I used to post here early in 2009 but it was totally intolerable how many racist/misogynistic threads there were back then so I basically back off.

Now it's mostly chicken-little conservative threads with a little "nig" sprinkled in for...color.
Trying to out-racist the most racist and out-troll the biggest troll was fun for a while. But honestly now it's just hurting my brain, and all these terrible wannabe trolls are thinking this is the launching point of their comedy career.

But there really are some damn smart people and kickass threads in here. It's a shame they're getting watered down by retarded posts.
does this mean I have to stop typing "nigga wut" now, because I do that shit to everyone on this forum and in no way shape or form meant it as racism.

i could always change it to "kite wut" or "cracka wut" if need be. maybe I could spin it up too in spintax to be an equal opportunity hater?

{pecker wood|wetback|nigga|kite|dot head|*not sure slang for asian, but that goes here too*|bitch better make me a sammich} wut.

i have many jewish and black friends too btw.
Trying to out-racist the most racist and out-troll the biggest troll was fun for a while. But honestly now it's just hurting my brain, and all these terrible wannabe trolls are thinking this is the launching point of their comedy career.

But there really are some damn smart people and kickass threads in here. It's a shame they're getting watered down by retarded posts.

yeah man i totally feel you. you know what else hurts my brain? a kick in the head.