Religion Cures Brain Damage?

Why cant we just get along.
We do, Rusky! I cherish our time together. ;)

Why would a smart atheist turn to a dumb Christian.
...I'm guessing because that christian is good at what he does?

A better question is why do you assume we think because any given christian is stupid enough to be a christian that automatically makes him too stupid in our minds to perform other tasks?

Despite what you think of us, we're not all rolling our eyes thinking "oh boy, another stupid christian and his dumb opinion on X" every time you post. In fact if you aren't talking about religion we likely wouldn't consider your religion in any dealings with you. Seriously. There are just too damn many differing opinions about everything in the world to consider any of them until it's totally relevant.

Edit: Artwork; yeah, pretty good shit. So? Don't forget the artist was born in a time where everyone pretty much had to be religious or face death so we really don't know if he'd be religious today anyway.

76% of Doctors believe in God.

I was talking to this doctor at my families church a few months ago who recently gave my friends gay brother a prostate exam (lol) and wrote his dad some medicine for his erectile dysfunction issues.

I asked him if he believes that prayer can actually heal physical illnesses and disorders, and he said yes.

So then I asked him if he prays for his patients penises when they come into his office for ED meds, and he just gave me this confused offended look...
I was talking to this doctor at my families church a few months ago who recently gave my friends gay brother a prostate exam (lol) and wrote his dad some medicine for his erectile dysfunction issues.

I asked him if he believes that prayer can actually heal physical illnesses and disorders, and he said yes.

So then I asked him if he prays for his patients penises when they come into his office for ED meds, and he just gave me this confused offended look...

He probably realized how inferior you were.
Add these to the list:

If you're son's stubborn and rebellious, take him to the town elders, get them to stone him to death: Deuteronomy 21:18-21

If any of your family try to get you to convert to another religion, you need to stone them to death, casting the first stone yourself, then allowing the people in your town to: Deuteronomy 13:6-10

Forced to marry your rapist: Deuteronomy 22:29

If you can't prove you were a virgin to the elders when you're married, you get stoned to death: Deuteronomy 22:20

Can't enter church if you lose your penis, or get it crushed: Deuteronomy 23:1

If a man suspects his wife's cheating, he should take her to the priest, who'll put dust from the floor in a bowl with water, she should then drink it, if she gets ill from it, she's cheating and will be left to die from the disease: Numbers 5:27

Fasten the "laws" (I take to mean the bible) to your hands and foreheads: Deuteronomy 6:8

God will abandon you if you don't bury your crap when you shit outside: Deuteronomy 23:14

After six years, you have to let your slave go, keeping his wife and children. If he decides he wants to stay, you take him to your door, driving a chisel through his head, into the door. Exodus 21:21
^That last one is freaking me out... I'm cool with all of those other stern laws but the chisel through the head thing is making me really wonder if they thought anyone would be reading this book someday...
76% of Doctors believe in God.
Survey on physicians’ religious beliefs shows majority faithful

Survey: Most doctors believe in God, afterlife - Health - Health care -

I cant imagine how thats possible. I thought smart and religion doesn't mix.
I'll take a Religious Doctor over an Atheist Doctor any day of the week. Which one would you take.

Err.. those numbers don't even add up, UNLESS you count in that they answered what was expected (peer pressure in Christian America?)

Let's step through this

76 percent of doctors believe in God
59 percent believe in some sort of afterlife
90 percent of doctors in the United States attend religious services at least occasionally
81 percent of all adults.
55 percent of doctors say their religious beliefs influence how they practice medicine


76% believe in God, but only 56% in some afterlife - I guess that REALLY rules out most religions, a clear indicator of social expectancy - lying)

76% believe in God, 90% attend religious services at least occasionally
Simple peer pressure. The patients want to see the doctor in church, to curch he goes to be seen. Even more than the general populace.

55% Let themselves be influenced by religion in their medical practice

I'll go for one of the 45% uninfluenced doctors, who does not believe in the afterlife, but is smart enough to answer that he is a good Christian in an obviously biased research and can be seen at church for all the old ladies.


" I'll go for one of the 45% uninfluenced doctors, who does not believe in the afterlife, but is smart enough to answer that he is a good Christian in an obviously biased research and can be seen at church for all the old ladies. " emp

Dont just make shit up. You dont know whats behind those answers, dont just help yourself to the pie (not scientific like)
What does uninfluenced mean anyways. 76% believe in God (not all from a biblical prospective) I know a Doctor who believes in God, but never goes to church and has many girlfriends. He just see's something working with people on their death bed. Of course there's no religious influence in his case, he doesn't have any.
Plus do you really want a person that thinks you're no better then a dog to look after you. When body parts are in high demand. Lol.
Actually, I hate this "atheists think you are no better than a dog" attitude.

Why? because it is utter bullshit.

Human beings are amazing creatures, especially if you think about it in evolutionary terms.

And yes, I would love an atheist doctor as he does not believe that letting me die let's me slip into a cozy afterlife. His only goal is actually keeping me alive here and now because there is nothing on the other side.

Also, being called out as "unscientific" by you? Oh, the fucking irony.

Actually, I hate this "atheists think you are no better than a dog" attitude.

Why? because it is utter bullshit.

Human beings are amazing creatures, especially if you think about it in evolutionary terms.

And yes, I would love an atheist doctor as he does not believe that letting me die let's me slip into a cozy afterlife. His only goal is actually keeping me alive here and now because there is nothing on the other side.

Also, being called out as "unscientific" by you? Oh, the fucking irony.

^THIS x Infinity.

Rusky, please answer this one question:

Why do you think Atheists see non-atheists as "lesser" or "lower" than themselves? Please don't say because of Stalin or Pol Pot, or some other maniac... But why do you feel the common atheist, like this board is full of, feels that someone who believes in god is somehow "worse" than themselves?

I'm not trying to set you up for some fall here, I really want to know because I feel that I can understand the common arguments against atheism but I can't understand yours.
Why cant we just get along.
Atheist Christopher Hitchens turns to evangelical Christian doctor in his fight against cancer | Mail Online

Why would a smart atheist turn to a dumb Christian.
Dr Francis Collins - American physician-geneticist, noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes and his leadership of the Human Genome Project (HGP) and described by the Endocrine Society as "one of the most accomplished scientists of our time".

What does being a Christian has anything to do with the doctor's ability to begin with?

Most people were BORN into their religion anyway.

Bible says its ok to kill children:

Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Bible also says its ok to stone adulterers and rape victims to death:

Deuteronomy 22:23-24

Anyone who commits blasphemy should die!!!

Leviticus 24:16

People of other religions should be put to death:

Deuteronomy 13:5-10

Really? Do you REALLY need a Christian to explain this to you?

I am not a religious person, but this is one thing that the Christian bashers CONSTANTLY do that is either completely disingenuous or completely ignorant.

The whole point of Christianity is that God more or less came down to Earth as a man to right what was wrong. Jesus said "Thou Shall Not Kill" PERIOD. END OF STORY. He NEVER spoke about stoning your kids or your wife. EVER.

Bringing up the second book in the Bible which is thousands of years before CHRIST (yeah, thats where the word Christian comes from, Christ who came AFTER all your straw man arguments) is just total bullshit. It's so funny how these "rational thinkers" can't even follow simple chronology.
^If that's your logic, then please convince all of the CHRISTIAN clergy that they would be better off burning all of their old testament bibles... It only serves to confuse, mislead & corrupt would-be-good-hearted Christians being so irrationally opposite of the new testaments' message.
Yeah, 1,044 doctors is an exhaustive survey of the approximately 700,000 doctors in the US, from which you can conclude the majority believe in God :rolleyes:

As long as they are picked at random from the 700,000, then that would be plenty. Only 384 would need to be surveyed for a 95% confidence and 665 for 99% confidence.

76% believe in God, but only 56% in some afterlife -

A recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that more than 1 in 5 U.S. Christians believe in reincarnation

Many Christians believe in reincarnation, astrology, the "evil eye," poll says | Riverside | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

Most believers in reincarnation do however think that you can eventually make it to heaven, nirvana or whatever; so I wish the article said what the exact wording on the questions was.
The Bible is a big topic guys. It was written by tons of different people over many periods of history.

Christianity as a whole doesn't follow the Old Testament BS that is usually posted. That is barbaric stuff that may have been okay 2500 years ago but we have since outgrown. Most Christians follow the teachings of Jesus. You have to remember: it's Judaism and Islam who are big on the Old Testament. They love the militant BS aspect of religion -- not so much Christians.

The Bible obviously isn't the written word of God. It's written by men of their time period. And they probably were fairly smart men for their time. But now they sound like a bunch of morons and that's why most Christians don't talk about or pass over these verses. Yes, it's just straight illogical BS. It pisses me off too. But the book as a whole isn't completely bad. It has certain pieces that can be understood. And lots of the things people take literally are allegories. There is a lot more to the Bible than finding a few bad verses and making fun of it.

But again. The Old Testament is a lot different than the New Testament. Books like Deuteronomy are written totally different than books like Matthew. They have different authors and are from different time periods. Most of the people writing the Old Testament were not masters like Jesus. They were stupid men like you and me and they had their own biases. Even the people writing the New Testament were not Jesus. They were still stupid. They were doing the best they could. But there is still value in it. And most people who are into the Bible aren't into the BS Jewish, Levitical Laws anyway. That's what Jews were into 2500 years ago -- not Christians.

Most Christians are into Jesus and the teachings of love and growth. Attacking a few verses in the Bible when the overall message is pretty solid is kinda pointless. Should we remove some of the older books that have some crazy parts? Maybe. But does it really matter? The Old Testament is used more for history, not self discipline and moral guidance. That is why we have the New Testament. That is why we have Jesus. He is the NEW LAW. He got rid of the old law. That is why understanding the Bible is a little bit helpful when discussing Biblical matters. Otherwise it's an uninformed conversation.

Moreover, look at the stupid stuff we do today. We think socialism (law enforced crime) is okay, we think 3rd dimensional physicality is all that exists, we think that we suddenly evolved from monkeys and became intelligent without intervention. We are a stupid bunch of dumbshits too. If we were to write down our philosophy and people were to read it 2500 years from now they would be saying the same things we are today about the Old Testament. Things change and so do ethics and cultures. It's in the Bible, it's not perfect, it has value, let's move on.
we think that we suddenly evolved from monkeys and became intelligent without intervention

Umm, the theory is that it slowly took place over millions of years and that humans share a common ancestor with monkeys.

The anti-homosexual verses that many Christians like to quote are from the Old Testament...
Actually, I hate this "atheists think you are no better than a dog" attitude.

And yes, I would love an atheist doctor as he does not believe that letting me die let's me slip into a cozy afterlife. His only goal is actually keeping me alive here and now because there is nothing on the other side.

Also, being called out as "unscientific" by you? Oh, the fucking irony.


I come to that conclusion. After shit like Mass Murder Abortion and ideas like Eugenics. Atheists have a different look on life; not all life is precious.
I'm pretty sure death panels are next; that's me speculating.

Also, being called out as "unscientific" by you? Oh, the fucking irony.


FYI my mother was a Professor of chemistry back in mother land ( we invented chemical evolution after all ). I grew up this shit. Not trying to claim her achievements as my own. But I am well read on both sides dont worry.