Religion Cures Brain Damage?


Wicked Fire Elite Member
Mar 8, 2010
Psychologists in the US report that people who have suffered a serious blow to the head and who have "a sense of connection to a higher power" tend to report feelings of much greater life satisfaction.
The revelation comes in a study carried out by psychology PhD candidate Brigid Waldron-Perrine and her colleagues, supervised by trick-cycling professor Lisa J Rapport of Wayne State uni.

Having carried out a survey of 88 traumatic brain injury (TBI) sufferers and their significant others, Waldron-Perrine and her colleagues report:
The results indicate that religious well-being (a sense of connection to a higher power) was a unique predictor for life satisfaction, distress and functional ability whereas public religious practice and existential well-being were not.​
Or in other words – among people who have been hit hard on the head – religious types enjoy life much more.
Plainly, however, there's no need to be a regular churchgoing religious type to receive this handy benefit.

"[TBI sufferers] often must rely on others for scheduling and transportation to social events, so their public religious participation does not wholly reflect their true use of religious resources," speculates Waldron-Perrine. "Perhaps especially for those with limited means and few alternatives, religion can take on great power as a psychosocial resource," she adds.


Discuss :D

Yayyy! Another religious Debate thread... How many days has it been? Like 15 or something?!? Far too long.

Here's my stab at it:

Ignorance = Bliss.

If you're so dumb that you'd believe in god, you're happier overall anyway. Naturally the more stupid head-knock receivers would score more highly on their prozac test.

Plus, when you believe in a god and go through a near-death experience, you tend to feel special like god has plans for you personally... Meanwhile we Atheists don't feel special for surviving, we just feel lucky.
^^Ha, ha! I figured you'd wait til there was a little more fuel before posting, lol.

Lulz on the "head-knock receivers" comment.
Religion can be a good placebo to be honest. Your body can bend to your will. Or maybe that's just law of attraction nonsense.
yeah its definitely placebo... but who cares if you are trading delusion for truth right?
I don't see the relevance of this kind of Press Release.

I do not chose my believes based upon how well they would affect my recovery from brain damage. I base them upon evidence and reason.

However, by all means live and let live.
atheists are worse than believers most of the time...

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76% of Doctors believe in God...
I cant imagine how thats possible. I thought smart and religion doesn't mix.
I'll take a Religious Doctor over an Atheist Doctor any day of the week. Which one would you take.
LOL; you place too much stock in the intelligence of doctors!!!

Sure they have to be trained more than most people; but that doesn't mean they are smarter... If they were so smart, in fact, wtf are they doing in a Service industry?!?

My doc's an atheist, BTW. Just the way I like it.
If you're so dumb that you'd believe in god, you're happier overall anyway. Naturally the more stupid head-knock receivers would score more highly on their prozac test.

Exactly. How could you be sad or in distress when you never have to worry about anything at all, because God and Jesus are going to take care of everything for you?
As for religion, I'll have to agree with George Carlin. If the Earth is God's greatest creation, he's a complete psychopath, and isn't very good at his work.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.‬‏[/ame]

Start at about 2:20. LOL