Recommend me a book

If I'm going to invest time into reading, I better get something out of it. Aside from entertaining my elaborate imagination, reading fiction is oftentimes no better than wasting time watching a movie; it just costs 1-2 weeks vice 1-2 hours.

Entirely untrue. Reading books, fiction or not, stimulates much of your brain and can enhance your vocabulary, creativity, and problem solving.

1-2 weeks? What the fuck are you reading that could take you so long? If you can devote 2 hours to a movie you can devote 4-5 to reading a book.

Want to be come a reader and enjoy the mental benefits? Set a nook by your bed and when you crawl in read for 30 minutes or until you fall over. I do it every night with casual books.

For hard core read I spread out on the couch with a bottle of wine and some bread with dipping oil - before I know it, another book down. It takes practice to become a reader, ease in with nighttime reading and you'll be hooked.

That looks good. After a summer of no reading, I'm definitely back.

Just finished Getting Real by 37 Signals (see here for WF thread). I recommend this to anyone putting together a web-based app (not just a site, but more of an app).

Right now I'm reading [ame=""]The Introvert Advantage[/ame] (Introvert Advantage). GF is far more "innie" than I am (i'm dead in the middle of introverted/extroverted) and it's been helpful understanding WTF is going on in there.

After that I'll be looking for a book on branding. I started the first chapter of [ame=""]The Culting of Brands[/ame] (Culting of Brands) but it didn't draw me in. Will try to finish it again before quitting though.

Not at all interested in fiction. I agree on boatBurner's movie comment thing 100%.
Also Millionaire Mind by Thomas J Stanley. Does anyone know any decent books on mailing?
Entirely untrue. Reading books, fiction or not, stimulates much of your brain and can enhance your vocabulary, creativity, and problem solving.

1-2 weeks? What the fuck are you reading that could take you so long? If you can devote 2 hours to a movie you can devote 4-5 to reading a book.

Want to be come a reader and enjoy the mental benefits? Set a nook by your bed and when you crawl in read for 30 minutes or until you fall over. I do it every night with casual books.

For hard core read I spread out on the couch with a bottle of wine and some bread with dipping oil - before I know it, another book down. It takes practice to become a reader, ease in with nighttime reading and you'll be hooked.

damn, brah I was with you until i read this shit...
Heard this recommended a few times. What's it actually like?

It's about 207 pages of general pop-business psychology written specifically to convince you that you have just experienced a paradigm shift and that things will never be the same now that you know "the secret".

If you want to learn about business, read about economics, or read biographies of businessmen. The business psychology writers are the in-print equivalent of Frank Kern, yet for some reason everyone on this board loves to give them props. I don't get it.

I'll recommend a book to OP.

The Wealth Of Nations

You can read it here for free, but I suggest picking up a hard copy.

Don't say I never did anything for you.
Entirely untrue. Reading books, fiction or not, stimulates much of your brain and can enhance your vocabulary, creativity, and problem solving.

1-2 weeks? What the fuck are you reading that could take you so long? If you can devote 2 hours to a movie you can devote 4-5 to reading a book.

Want to be come a reader and enjoy the mental benefits? Set a nook by your bed and when you crawl in read for 30 minutes or until you fall over. I do it every night with casual books.

For hard core read I spread out on the couch with a bottle of wine and some bread with dipping oil - before I know it, another book down. It takes practice to become a reader, ease in with nighttime reading and you'll be hooked.
Do you insert a buttplug as well? Sound so sensual.
reading fiction is oftentimes no better than wasting time watching a movie

The last fiction book I read was the fourth book in the Song of Fire and Ice series, which is the story the television show The Game of Thrones is based on, and it's pretty good.

If you read popular fiction you may as well just watch a movie. Many contemporary writers write for television without even realizing it, and as a result they neglect the elements that set the printed word apart from other art forms.

Here's a nice essay on the relationship between television and fiction by David Foster Wallace. I think you'll get something out of it.

Also, I've spent many an enjoyable shit with Malcolm Gladwell on my knee. Sometimes it's nice to be able come out of the bathroom armed with a few pithy words about a topic like epidemic modeling.
I'd say Hemmingway is a good bet for something most people can enjoy and maybe get some inspiration out of. "The old man and the sea" is a good start and has some inspirational themes. I'd force this into grade school curriculum if I could. It's about determination, endurance, passing of knowledge from generation to generation and respect for life. It's a great book, maybe his best.

For pure entertainment, Michael Chriction is always a good bet, too bad he died.

Arthur C. Clarke is the worlds greatest sci-fi writer and has probably inspired the most astronauts and space-engineers in the world. Too bad he was a pedophile homosexual bastard. His books are amazing though.
Too many books to list. A few of my recent ones were

"The 33 strategies of War" by Robert Greene.
"Wise Guy" by Nicholas Pileggi
If you read popular fiction you may as well just watch a movie.

Aye! Most people put shakespeare and company on a pedestal while putting down contemporary music/literature. They don't realize shakespeare was the equivalent of jersey shore back in the day (used lower class english not used by educated, plenty of cussing and dirty jokes, etc. ). Sure it rhymed, but to any person who could read or was slightly educated he might as well have been soulja boy.
I'm guilty as fuck at this. For every book I read for enjoyment, I'll read fifteen for business. The last book I read for pure enjoyment was Huck Finn, enjoyed the hell out of it, but haven't looked into any of the other classics yet.

Huckleberry Finn. There is a damn good read, one of those I've read more than once, and should read again. That shit is right up there with The Mysterious Island (all time favorite which I've read too many times to count).
Huckleberry Finn. There is a damn good read, one of those I've read more than once, and should read again. That shit is right up there with The Mysterious Island (all time favorite which I've read too many times to count).

Yeah, I really enjoyed reading it. It's too bad schools are so politically correct nowadays, it's a great book if you can look past the controversy.

I read a ridiculous amount of fiction independently in middle school, then things changed pretty quick when business struck my interest. I was a huge fan of Hatchet and Brian's Winter and I'll normally reread them every couple of years, just haven't gotten around to it in a while. I think I'm going to check out The Mysterious Island, if it out trumps Huck Fin for you then it must be worth the read.
That's the third time I've seen that book mentioned in the last 2-3 weeks. Can you summarize it, or is it necessary to read it to get the entirety of the message?